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#603 Cassidy's Trans Insanity, When Politics Attack Children; We the People and President Trump at War with the Deep State

Jack Episode 603

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Thomas Hampson, private investigator who works undercover to expose child trafficking and exploitation, joins us for a powerful exploration of dangerous ideologies threatening children's wellbeing. The conversation begins with an examination of Representative Kelly Cassidy's vocal opposition to bills protecting minors from permanent medical procedures, revealing the troubling disconnect between progressive rhetoric and the actual harm being inflicted on vulnerable young people.

Read Tom's article on Substack

Hampson lays bare the disturbing origins of transgender ideology, tracing it to Dr. John Money's thoroughly debunked experiments with the Reimer twins - a tragic case that ended with both subjects taking their own lives after being victims of a flawed social theory. 

Then on to broader governmental concerns, exposing the shocking scale of wasteful spending and corruption being uncovered at various levels of government...taxpayer dollars fund an ever-expanding bureaucratic system that fails to deliver on its promises while enriching politically-connected individuals.

For parents, people of faith, and anyone concerned about protecting children and restoring governmental accountability, this conversation provides both sobering insights and a roadmap for meaningful action.

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Speaker 1:

I'm with my good friend Thomas Hampson. Tom's a private investigator. He investigates some of the most awful things you know undercover for child porn, child sex trafficking, so many other things. Tom, it's good to be with you. I want to ask you something about a recent article you wrote. What did you call it? It really is a bill from, I think, representative Kelly Cassidy from Illinois, but what did you call that article?

Speaker 2:

Tom Cassidy's Trans Insanity Okay. Cassidy's Trans Insanity Okay.

Speaker 1:

Cassidy's Trans Insanity and I'll make sure I put your sub stack address so people can go find this article. But you can't make this kind of stuff up, you know. Explain that a little bit to people and then I want to make some comments on this insanity that's going on. And the other thing, tom, that's just bugging me I might as well just throw it right out at you so you could be thinking of it while you're talking is the amount of money that Doge and other people are coming up with to waste in this government.

Speaker 2:

It's enough to make you sick.

Speaker 1:

And finally, I'll just say this you know, the real war that we're fighting is the war among the deep state. It's amazing, amazing, amazing it's. It's it's cold war 2.0 and I think it's is probably more dangerous than anything else we've we've faced, you know well, I wrote. I wrote that article on cassidy because she had last week go back and explain who she is to people too, but um it's's Kelly Cassidy, and she's a state representative.

Speaker 2:

She's actually For. What state For Illinois.

Speaker 1:

All right, because this goes all over the country, Thomas.

Speaker 2:

That's right, I forget. Illinois isn't the world, no, it's the belly of the beast, my friend, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

In fact, here I saw a sign that somebody had put up and it was a, you know, like a, like a meme sign, right, and it said you know what you know. Basically, you know what you know, what happened to your life. It says welcome to illinois, right, so you're driving into illinois. And it said what happened? What bad choices did you make in your life that are bringing you into this state you know?

Speaker 1:

and that's the way I feel right, we're fighting every single thing in here the most corrupt talk about corruption and the most you know we can't wait to to abort babies here. Right, we're bringing them in from all over the place, twisting and distorting our education system with all this stuff.

Speaker 2:

But hey, let's get back to this well, we have a terribly corrupt governor too, I mean the guy the whole thing. You know they got their, they got their money with the partnering with the mob. So it figures anyway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah let's talk about this.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about this cassidy is a democrat state representative for illinois and she's from Chicago. She's a lesbian who's married to Newt Gingrich's half-sister, candace Gingrich, and so she's a very progressive legislator. It gave a six minute tirade against Republican legislators who had introduced about 20 trans, 20 bills involving the trans issue, and she said she was going to it'd be over her dead body that any of those bills ever passed. So that's what prompted me to write the letter, because she's and there's a or write the article and she's. There's a link to article and she's. There's a link to her tirade on the floor in there too. So yeah.

Speaker 1:

So basically those bills were trying to protect children from puberty blockers, from cross-sex hormones, from actual body mutilation. And I it always gets back to me from a faith-based standpoint is that we're always trying to attack the human person and if we can't destroy those children before they get out of the womb Tom, we're going to render them sterile. We're going to basically put them on a path to self-destruction. In so many ways it's really sad and when I say this it's coming back from the detransitioners that are looking back at their bodies, young people with their breasts removed and, even worse than that, when you look at how they're trying to reshape penises and women's parts, it's really disgusting stuff.

Speaker 2:

She's all in favor of these procedures, she's totally in favor of them. And yet one of the things I point out in the article is that the way she railed against the Republicans who are trying to outlaw a lot of these procedures, indicates to me that she would be in favor of gentle genital mutilation. For you know that the Muslim ban there was a ban on Muslims doing these. What do you call them? It's like female circumcision, female circumcision is what it was called, but it's really Very painful for women, you know.

Speaker 1:

And and why anybody? Why a man? Even you know they. They say it so that you know your wife doesn't fool around, I guess, on you.

Speaker 2:

Well, the theological reason for it is so that they won't be tempted to engage in sin. That's the reason for it. Yeah, because it's painful, right.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's painful to, but I mean as a husband you know you would think okay. So now I'm going to approach my wife right To to to to, to come into the most intimate thing you can do with another person right, which is the marital embrace, and this is going to hurt her physically.

Speaker 2:

Well, it doesn't necessarily. It doesn't necessarily hurt her while she's engaging in it. She doesn't receive any pleasure from it because the pleasure center, the clitoris, is removed or scarred so badly that they don't get any pleasure from it.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, I mean what. And again, you know. So this is a man, you know. This gets back to you know John Paul II's work. He would say the opposite of love is not hate, it's lust, it's selfishness. Right, and this is the epitome of that, that a man will damage his own wife so that she doesn't get pleasure, she doesn't get involved, but yet he is going to use her as an object. Basically, you know Right, and you know for his own. You know, I mean, you know. We become so depraved, tom, in this thing.

Speaker 2:

But the reality is, though, that this is the thing that is so tragic about transgender surgeries is basically the same thing happens to both the men that have the surgery and the women that have the surgery as well.

Speaker 2:

They, they're fashioning their body to appear to have these, like a woman to have a male appendage, or a man to have a, a vagina. It appears that way, although not very well. It also damages the ability for them to experience pleasure in the act of sex, and so this is the thing, so it basically has the same outcome in it as this female circumcision, with the addition that they also are sterile. Now, the women who are circumcised are not sterile. They can still have babies, they can still breastfeed, but not so with these transgender surgeries. So the thing that I brought out in the article is does that mean that she's going to rescind the law for female genital mutilation? I mean, it seems like her position, if she's in favor of these trans surgeries, these trans you know, the idea of somebody can be trans that she would be opposed to the Banning the earlier bill.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but now she didn't really state that though, right, no?

Speaker 2:

she didn't. But I'm just saying logically. But most of these progressives don't think logically anyway yeah, so how? Can you think logically when you believe that you can turn a man into a woman or vice versa?

Speaker 1:

right, so. So this is the again in the epitome of insanity. This is something that's impossible, right? A man cannot become a woman. So I think you know the reason I'm kind of berating this point is this is the point we've reached, you know, with this insanity, and that we actually can take a child, a child, an innocent, most vulnerable child, and actually direct them on this path. And I think the reason I want this is for our listeners, for people, to wake up.

Speaker 1:

You and I do a presentation called Stolen Innocence, where we show not only what they do with these trans movements like this, but what they're doing in the school with pornography and et cetera, et cetera. It's really to take away the purity, the innocence of these children and put them again on a path where they actually robbed them of their innocence. They obliterate their moral imaginations and, at the end of the day, we see this happening in our culture, where so many of these young people and we meet them with the John Paul II Renewal Center. So this is not just some side issue for me.

Speaker 1:

I get so mad, tom, because when I'm meeting these young people, they are very confused and you know anxiety, depression, you know suicidal thoughts come up, and so and this is on purpose, this is what, really, when a woman like this, kelly Cassidy, stands up and pushes, you know, for these types of issues and against any laws protecting children, what do you think about that, tom? I mean, there's something, really something's really gone wrong with that person's heart, with their moral compass. What kind of people do this Really? I don't know this lady. Are they naive, Tom? Are they just ideologues? Are they there?

Speaker 2:

for money or what I think. I think I think they're ideologues because I, you know, I had, I had known this guy who was a very progressive. This is years ago, Cause progressivism didn't just start a few years ago. But when I was with the state, I had a state rep tell me I testified and he objected to my testimony and I said, well, well, sir, all I'm testifying to are the facts. And he says there are facts and there are principles. I believe in principles, and if the facts contradict with the principles, then you ignore the facts. And so I think that's an ingrained way of thinking that infects the entire progressive movement, that they don't care about the facts, there's a principle and they're going to move in that direction, that the principle guides them, regardless of what the facts say, Because the facts that don't align with the principle, they must be wrong.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, you know, what I find over and over again is that, you know, this really does come down to God. If you don't have a faith, if you don't really believe that you're a child of God and many, many people don't and you just see, you think, okay, well, it doesn't make any difference. Pope Benedict XVI said that at first, when you take God out of your life and out of a country, everything seems like it goes along like it did before. You don't notice anything. 16th said that at first, when you take God out of your life and out of a country, everything seems like it goes along like it did before. You don't notice anything, and then it doesn't, and then it doesn't. It takes a little while. So when we first took God out of the public square and out of our schools and out of our own hearts, in so many instances we think, well, everything's going okay, right, but it didn't take all that long if you really think about it. And here we are today, transing. You know kids, you know putting kids again on this path.

Speaker 1:

And it gets down to this, this core thing, right from Genesis, chapter 1. You know, god said let's make man in our image, in the divine image, he said, and he created them, male and female. God blessed them, saying be fertile, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. So again, the image of God in this created world is man and woman. Created what so? That the two become one, become three, right with a child. So, fertility.

Speaker 1:

The first commandment, tom, is what? Be fertile and multiply. Have sexual intercourse with your wife right, get married, have kids. And this is the first commandment. And then, you know, go and till and keep the garden right. You know this earth is given to you, you know all of this is given to you. So what happens? This comes down to the very basic from Genesis, chapter one. We go in and we try to destroy the union of a man and woman right, redefine marriage, and the second thing is to kill the child that comes out of this thing and render them sterile. This is the baseline, tom. I think it's come all the way down to this point where we're attacking the very base of who we are as human beings. What are your thoughts on that?

Speaker 2:

Well, what I see and what Cassidy's doing, it follows right along with that. The other thing I wrote in the article is that the person primarily responsible for promoting this whole trans ideology was John money, and he promoted it using primarily an experiment that he was doing with the, with the Reimer twins, and he and he presented this experiment as being just extraordinarily successful. And the idea was that his idea was that you're internal self, determined your sexuality, and so that if you raised a boy as a girl, he would be a girl in reality in every way possible and, including if they did surgery on him, he would think and act and perform just like any other woman. He might not be able to give birth, but you still provide them with the same type of female experience that any biological woman would have. Well, he presented this as being the reality that you could be whatever you thought you were, and that idea caught on during the time of Money's experiments.

Speaker 2:

Well, it turned out that the whole tale of his successful experiment was absolutely a fraud, that it was a false, that the experiment was another disaster. Both of the boys were dead, died, one of them committed suicide, the other one died of an overdose, and I think it probably was an overdose by suicide. So it was an an overdose by suicide, so it was an utter disaster. The whole thing was an utter disaster and he knew it. But by the time it was discovered that this was a fraud and a disaster, all these progressives have said wow, look, we can. If we think it, we can be it, you know so this gets back to your earlier.

Speaker 1:

This has been infected the entire culture and it was all based on a lie. This gets back to what you're in, when you were in the courtroom, where principle you know it, you know takes a step above facts right yes, you know, and this is exactly what you were talking about. So so here we are. The facts are the opposite, but this, you know, ideologue, and this ideology is is pushed.

Speaker 2:

So again, instead of going along with what God created.

Speaker 1:

Tom. This gets back to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, right, and the first deadly sin is pride. John, money is working for John, johns Hopkins, right, right, he, he, he's, he's heading up this, this gender insanity, and at the end of the day he sits back. This is a well-educated man, sits back and says, culturally, this is all cultural. Male and female is cultural. We can change it if we want to. If we raise a kid, we put dresses on him, we start to give a little kid dolls, a little boy dolls. He will become a girl and then we can shape his body into it. This is again I'm using this word epitome of it, because this is what's stuck in my brain right now. The epitome of pride I can be like God is Genesis 3, right I can be like God.

Speaker 1:

He is God, I am God, and this is exactly what this Cassidy reminds me of. We can be like God. We can trans these kids, we can do that. So again, if you think about it, I mean anybody with any common sense. This is before we get off the air. Today I want to talk about Trump and common sense because, thank goodness it's coming back, but the, you know, anybody with common sense would sit back and go. That's nonsense, no-transcript.

Speaker 1:

I mean go watch William Wallace and Braveheart, for Pete's sakes. It doesn't make William Wallace. In fact, I got his sword right behind me here. It made him a warrior. So here's the point, before we move on, tom, is that when you take God out, your reason becomes very unreasonable. Your conscience that should be looking right and your free will should be like a motor to the good. I'm going to choose the good. It becomes very darkened and we no longer. Jesus says this over and over again you don't see the light and you stay in darkness. And those are just words on a page sometimes to some people, until you start to investigate what's going on here today, tom, and there's nothing that says insanity to me like trying to tell me that a boy can become a girl and we're going to cut off their private parts and mutilate their very bodies. As little kids, as little kids. You know how many times I would have been confused as a little kid. Hey, jack, you know you can be Superman.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm a Superman, operate on me Right, and you know I'm a little kid the parent. What does the parent say? Okay, jack, come to dinner now. You know, put away the cape, and and and and get off the roof.

Speaker 2:

You know you're not jumping off the roof again. You know I did jump off the roof did you break anything?

Speaker 2:

no, I realized I couldn't fly even though I had the cape no, you know the other, the other thing that that that's important about cassidy's tirade on the on the house was she. She, in part, was reacting to trump's executive order about there's only male and female and if anybody teaches anything different, they're going to lose their federal money. Basically, well, she's she. She was reacting in some part to that. So just because he made that executive order doesn't mean the fight is over oh no, not even close, it's only the beginning, because this is just the.

Speaker 2:

The pushback against that order is started in extreme earnest because, like I said, she said in her in her uh talk on the floor that it would be over her dead body that any of these anti-trans bills would ever pass in illinois no, they.

Speaker 1:

They want to destroy children and destroy you. Look at, she's on the side of evil and, whether she knows it or not, that's why I said in the beginning is she's just naive to this stuff. But you know, here's another well-educated woman. You know she's in a state representative. I mean, these people aren't dummies, right? No, so they really believe this stuff somehow and it't make it up.

Speaker 1:

So let me, let me show you something as we're getting out of here. You know some good news here. You know I, whatever you think of donald trump, you know his old tweets and stuff. I like his new tweets and and and you know, and it's, it's, it's amazing.

Speaker 1:

So he, he writes, he sends this out on Truth Social.

Speaker 1:

I think it was the pardons that sleepy Joe Biden gave to the unselect committee of political thugs and many others are hereby declared void, vacant and of no further force or effect, because these are all the pardons that he gave 1,500 or something or more, tom Because of the fact they were done by auto-pin.

Speaker 1:

In other words, joe Biden, he says, did not sign. The point of this being, he said it was signed by auto pin and Joe Biden probably didn't know anything about him and probably the people who actually were on the unselect committee who destroyed and deleted all evidence obtained during their two-year witch hunt of me, he says, and many other innocent people should fully and here's the point should fully understand that they're subject to investigation at the highest level. The fact is, they were probably responsible for the documents that were signed on behalf, on their own behalf, without the knowledge or consent of the worst president in the history of our country, without the knowledge or consent of the worst president in the history of our country, crooked Joe Biden. And you know, you got to love this. You got to love this, tom. Now you made the point right before we came on the air that this is probably not legal for him to do this.

Speaker 2:

It has to go through the court system.

Speaker 1:

I don't think one president can withdraw the pardons of another, draw the pardons of another, but but? But what they say in here? The investigations are the key phrase in here, buried in the middle, which is joe biden's pardons are subject to investigation at the highest level right, yeah, anybody, they can still.

Speaker 2:

They can still be brought in for investigation, and because they've been pardoned, they can't take the fifth amendment. And so they. You know the. Of course they can always forget, like like uh Comey did and everybody else, oh, I, I forgot 180 times. Amazing, but you know, it's just so pathetic.

Speaker 2:

But the the issue with the the Biden pardons is that these pardons were, uh, signed by Autopen, and so is that a real pardon? Some of the actions that he took that were signed by Autopen were done while he was on vacation in the Virgin Islands, and yet they were signed in Washington DC by Autopen. And there's a question as to whether or not he even knows it. I mean, I wonder whether or not he even knows where he is half the time, Based on his performance. We've seen him just kind of wandering around the stage. In his performance and his debate last summer when they said, hey, you got to go and replace him with Kamala, I think the people that were part of his administration that failed to remove him by the 25th Amendment were derelict in their duty, because he clearly was not in any sound mind to be able to run the country.

Speaker 1:

Right. And here's where we were right. We almost hit Kamala Harris there. The other thing yeah so you know, let's look at, we got to applaud him. He's getting into what we're kind of thinking is you know phase's? Look at, we got to applaud him, he, he's, he's getting into what we're kind of thinking. Is you know, phase 2.0 on here. So Doge goes in.

Speaker 1:

They start to uncover all of the fraud and waste which should make the average, the average person is sick to their stomach when you think about how hard everybody works to to pay their taxes. Right, and it's amazing how many people that I know that if they didn't have to pay so much in taxes real estate taxes, state taxes, retail taxes, fed taxes if they didn't have to pay all these taxes, a mom and a dad wouldn't have to both go to work. Tom, people tell me all the time two of us have to work today because, blah, blah, I said it's because of your taxes. It's amazing, right. Well, at one point you know everybody just did it, put their head down and did it. But now you start to realize the amount of waste going on. Randy weingarten, who's the? Who's the? The head of the union?

Speaker 2:

You know what she makes Tom, any idea, I imagine at least $750,000 a year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, over $600,000, around $600,000. But that's without her perks and her benefits and all the other stuff, right? And so of course, they don't want this Department of Education eliminated, which is a total waste Talk about a total waste of money, right? Right, so he's going after that. He's going after the universities. The universities are amazing amount of money, you know. I, we just know that. You know he's holding back 400 million dollars from columbia university and you go, wait, 400 million dollars to one university.

Speaker 2:

You know but their, their endowment, they probably got 20 billion dollars. They have plenty of money, so why are we paying right?

Speaker 1:

This shows you, tom. We are paying all of this money in and they have a huge endowment, as does Harvard and all these other colleges, and so here we are doing this, we're even going after, and, tom, we know this is the hoax, this climate hoax that's been going on for so long with john kerry and all of these, you know the bill gates of the world.

Speaker 1:

And again, it's just another scam to extort money 27 billion dollars to three different agencies to to uh, research climate change, to try to get our, our co2 levels and stuff down. 27 billion dollars. And and what tell me about the, the, uh, the, the one that went to stacy abrams?

Speaker 2:

well, she got that's two billion dollars and and this is but this is just a drop in the bucket and she started off with the, the power forward communities or whatever it is. She started that with $100. It didn't have anything more than $100 in its account for months before they got this $2 billion grant from the government to basically give away free energy efficient refrigerators to who I don't know. I don't know what the requirements were for somebody to be able to get a free $3,000.

Speaker 1:

Is that real? I mean, is that what she was supposed to do? Hand out a free refrigerator?

Speaker 2:

I guess she did. I guess she has been handing out these refrigerators to people, but by what on what?

Speaker 1:

$3 billion or $2 billion worth of refrigerators Can you imagine?

Speaker 2:

look, just think of what you and I could do with $2 billion just to advance this issue of protecting children. These, these groups, these nonprofit organizations, are nothing but slush funds to pay, pay the salary of, of those who are in favor with the current people in power. I mean she, she, I don't know how much money she made, but all these political cronies that they get, they get these big salaries. And it's happening in the churches too. I wrote that article about missing kids that most of the money was going to religious organizations to move these kids from the interior or from the, from the border, into the interior, and, and, and three quarters of them are missing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know I, I'm Catholic and you know I, I rallied with uh, you know I, I'm on an advisory committee and I, you know, I rallied against last year, over a year ago, against Catholic relief services getting any more money from any of us. You know, it's amazing. So they're moving these kids through you and I covered this in the past but moving these kids through and not even knowing where they are today. You know, and this is Catholic Church, this is just, you know, people just getting money, like you said, to enrich themselves.

Speaker 2:

Well, whose refrigerators are they? You know what political crony is it that is producing the refrigerators that are that may be worth a thousand dollars, that they're selling for three thousand dollars to the government?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I mean this is just this is just so much. The corruption is unbelievable. I I knew and I've always known, because the more money government gets, the more corruption there'll be. I've always known that as a principle. I've always seen it. I've investigated government corruption. I knew that there was a massive amount of corruption in the federal government. But what Doge has uncovered is beyond anything I ever imagined.

Speaker 1:

It's at every level.

Speaker 2:

At every level, in every organization, there are networks on networks, on networks of these corrupt nonprofit organizations. I saw a meme the other day that said if your NGO has trouble surviving when it loses its government money, you're not an NGO.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no that's so true it's world, it's Tom, that's not. You know, we've got state government, we've got the county government, we've got the local governments and everybody is taking their peace. You know, right. And if they say anything about it, you know they're ostracized, right.

Speaker 2:

Well, and they'll lose the money if they say anything, if they don't do exactly what they want. You know they'll lose their money. So you figure here. I looked at World Relief the other day and it's got 80% World Relief. Looked at World Relief the other day and it's got 80% World Relief. It's an organization created by the National Association of Evangelicals. Okay, so it's a religious organization. 80% of their money, their operating money, comes from the federal government, 80%. Well, they're not a religious organization, they're an organization of evangelicals. They are a government agency.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, anyways, you know, when you look at this whole thing, it gets back down to our founding fathers again, and I think this is an important conversation because I'm meeting more and more young men. I've mentioned this to you before these generations, you know generations. You know kind of the middle of the pack. They're from an age group. They go from, you know, 14, 15, up to, say, 27, 28, but the middle 19, 20, 21, 22, those that can vote have came out for trump tom. They saw this is going on. They, they were never taught. You know civics in. They're learning on their own that a small government is exactly what we founded in the beginning, this behemoth that we have today.

Speaker 1:

Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves right now and you know when it comes down to this, and this is where we're at right now and this is what Trump is doing. Let me just read this is from the US Declaration of Independence, july 4th, 1776, right, we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. They're endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. Because they knew, if you take God out, tom, whether you believe in God or not, but the concept of God, there's nothing. Here we get back to our principles and facts type of a conversation, right, you decide whatever you want at the end, but anyways, endowed by their creator with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the government. From us they have totally extorted. You go talk to the IRS about how they're extorting your money, tom, and you'll see very quickly that they're not governing for you. Well it's ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

What about? Just think about Davy Crockett out in the you know?

Speaker 1:

I'm going to find a cabin in the wild frontier.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, can you imagine him? Is there a?

Speaker 1:

place. I can go like that.

Speaker 2:

I can't imagine the, the regulations in the, in the government, everything we do is micromanaged by the, by some government agency.

Speaker 1:

You can't do anything without it and Tom tom, think about covid that we just got out of. Covid was exactly this about micromanaging every move you make, when you can come out of the house, how you wear a mask, how far you can distance yourself, what you can eat, etc. Etc. Etc.

Speaker 2:

Right we were almost there, the state police patrolling lake michigan to make sure nobody had more than four people in the boat.

Speaker 1:

Out on the water. Out on the water, they were arresting people in Hawaii for surfing, for surfing.

Speaker 2:

It is just insane. I can't. I can't even understand how people would put up with it.

Speaker 1:

My church wouldn't let anybody go to church no, no, no, our pope, our, our pope, closed down mass for the first time in history of, of of the world, you know. So here, let me, let me, let me, and let me kind of end with this time and get your last comment on this. So here's where we're at, and so we have to make this thing smaller. And it says this from right, from where I just got done, finished reading that we get powers from the governed right. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it's the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and institute a new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. And so here it is, you know, read your.

Speaker 2:

That's what I think president trump is trying to do exactly right.

Speaker 1:

So when people push back tom, I'm gonna, I I'm gonna just tell him go read the first couple paragraphs.

Speaker 2:

This is the very first couple paragraphs of the declaration of independence I mean he's even come out, said he wants to get rid of the income tax right, well, we didn't have an income tax. I know he wants to get rid of it and people are saying, oh, this is shocking, that he wants to get rid of the income tax. What do you?

Speaker 1:

people are like, they become cattle they happen not, and and you know, everybody has got their hands out, everybody's got a piece of this thing. It's so big you don't get I. You know we're talking about the national education, national department of education, right, it's a totally worthless. You know we're talking about the National Department of Education. It's a totally worthless institution, tom. It started by Carter to reward the unions, right, the teachers' unions and et cetera et cetera.

Speaker 1:

I think don't quote me on this but I think 80%, 70% or 80% of the money that goes in there, you know, are paying the overhead costs and stuff.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't be surprised. Well, look, they were supposed to help improve education in the public schools and it's done nothing but get worse they have. It is an agency that has completely failed in its mission. Completely failed in its mission.

Speaker 1:

So here you have Randy Weingarten again complaining. Now she you know about these cuts coming down, talking about how students are going to be affected. Now, this isn't a time. This isn't a time she's making six hundred plus thousand dollars. This isn't a time where the costs are skyrocketing for education almost doubled in the last what 10 years? The, the uh, mental illness of our students is skyrocketing anxiety, depression, suicide, etc. And falling like a rock. Is what tom the?

Speaker 1:

great reading right any anything to do with grades and I would be embarrassed. Talk about shame. You think you'd be too ashamed to?

Speaker 2:

administrators have gone up like this. The number of teachers has gone up like this. The number of teachers has gone up like this. The number of students has gone like this because people are getting out.

Speaker 1:

In chicago, anybody that could get out of the public school system has got out of the public school system. I mean, you know, and those poor kids that are left in there right are getting their faces trying to regulate homeschools.

Speaker 1:

They're going after homeschools so I I'm going to reach out to some homeschool people that have some organizations here in Chicago and get them on the show, tom and I'll let you know. Jump on with me. I just reached out to somebody this morning hey brother, good to be with you. You know again, I think, the moral of this. We got to take down the size of this government. It was never supposed to be this big. And for all the socialists and neo-Marxists out there, you know you're on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of your own eternal life. You know, honest to goodness, you know, taking away all the freedoms that we work for, all those extorting money from all of these hardworking people, you know it's it's it's it riles me up. Maybe it's good to get riled up, huh.

Speaker 1:

That's right, all right, brother. Hey, thank you so much. Thanks everyone. Thanks for joining us. Talk to you again soon. Bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye.