Become Who You Are
What’s the meaning and purpose of my life? What is my true identity? Why were we created male and female? How do I find happiness, joy and peace? How do I find love that lasts, forever? These are the timeless questions of the human heart. Join Jack Rigert and his guests for lively insights, reading the signs of our times through the lens of Catholic Teaching and the insights of Saint John Paul ll to guide us.
Saint Catherine of Siena said "Become who you are and you would set the world on fire".
Become Who You Are
#600 Intelligence Agents and Their Polyamorous Chat Rooms: Moral Decay is the real threat to Democracy
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When over 100 CIA and intelligence agency employees are caught using classified communication channels to discuss their polyamorous lifestyles and sexual exploits, we must ask ourselves: who's protecting our national security?
This corruption in America extends far beyond government agencies. Our educational system has become a battleground where organizations like Planned Parenthood and SEICUS push comprehensive sexuality education on children.
Tom Hampson and Jack discuss this and a whole lot more.
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I'm with my good friend, crime investigator, crime journalist, thomas Hampson. Thomas, how are you Good? How about you? Good, good, good. You know it's an interesting time, tom. For sure We've got all the craziness going on.
Speaker 2:You had brought up to me again earlier about those 100 people that were from the CIA all our national intelligence agencies in a chat room talking about all of their perverse, hedonistic ways. They have sex and they want to have sex with each other, and these are the people in charge of going out and keeping us safe from all the evils of the world. When you and I go out and speak about stolen innocence, what they're doing to our kids, a lot of times people will say why? The question of why. Why is the exploitation of our children in our public school systems allowed? Why is the exploitation of our children in our public school systems allowed? And it's an interesting time. We're seeing our civilization unravel and people are feeling helpless about this and that's a demonic thing to feel helpless. You know to turn away from, and we see that the kids with their mental illness. It's a hopelessness that they feel Whenever evil is pushed on you. You know, and whenever you feel these perverse things, you're either going to accept it and become part of that. But for these young people that are coming around today and I really want to address young people and leave a lesson for them, tom, this Gen Z, that's these young men especially that are waking up to something's wrong. Something's wrong. They don't know quite what it is, and I think it's up to us, those of us that are, you know that, that are also seeking something more, all of us fallen creatures that are looking for something more to be guideposts for them, to open this thing up and say hey, you know, unless we stand up for what's true, good and beautiful, not only are we just heading to nothing ourselves in our personal lives, but the whole society and the whole culture comes down. Let me just start this thing out, tom, with Alexander Schultz and Nielsen, who had embraced Marxism, embraced this brokenness, this atheistic culture where you throw out God, all meaning and purpose, out of people's lives. He's in the gulags set up the Russian prison system, set up for anybody that the government didn't like. He's in there for eight years for some letter that he wrote that pushed back against Stalin got public, and so this is his short thing. This is how he summed this all up During his time in the archipelago. This is the gulags again.
Speaker 2:Solzhenitsyn had slowly but forcefully rejected the Marxism of his youth and embraced the Christian faith. This conversion was not achieved, however, without a great amount of personal suffering and even a greater amount of personal reflection. This is a battle, tom. This is why I got the Claymore sword back here for young people. You know, you got to pick up that sword. You got to know that we're in a battle.
Speaker 2:Marxism claims that some groups, he said, in classes of people, human beings are good and others bad. So, to perfect itself, marxism says humanity must isolate and eliminate the bad people. Okay, makes sense, right? Solzhenitsyn came to realize instead, the dividing line between good and evil lies within every single individual human heart. So that battle that we see out there, tom, that we're talking about, started in the individual human heart. That chat room with 100 people that we're in, with all these perverse, hedonistic ways to live, now go out into the world and bring that brokenness into the world. So the Marxism position thus argued that humanity would be perfected through the inevitable progress of world history. If the dividing line, though, is within all human hearts, however, then only limited improvements are possible in this life and degeneracy is always equally possible.
Speaker 2:The Marxist position, he said, is to be rejected, it seems, because it overlooks the reality of original sin. So it's amazing, tom. So I'll end my monologue here with this. People will ask us again why? Why are we doing this to our kids in the schools? And it's because of these people that have lost their hearts, have become atheistic, have thrown out any meaning and real meaning and purpose in their life, and they're grasping right hedonistically, pleasure-based, individualistic, I'm free to do anything I want, and we're pushing this down on our kids when the reality is it's original sin that we're really battling. And each of us have to stand up, tom, and take these virtues back on, don't we?
Speaker 1:yeah, yes, we do, and it's pretty obvious that we keep sinking lower and lower every day we are?
Speaker 2:we are because because what we're seeing, look at, let's pick on the european union because they're a little bit ahead of us in the United States. We were right on their tail and I really think, tom, that if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were in charge of the United States, we got out of this by. Just to me it was inches. I know, if you look at a map it's red, right, but it wasn't by that much really. But you saw people finally say something's wrong and they turned out across the board.
Speaker 2:We just skipped, going right down the abyss with everybody else, because the United States was not only accepted all of this fallen nature of human beings and pushing this down even to our kids, but we were pushing it all over the world, kids, but we were pushing it all over the world. And you see this in the amazing amount of evil that the United States and pornography, abortions, the LBGTQ stuff pushing it all around and you go. What is behind all of that? And it's all division. It's all breaking down marriage and the family. It's taking God, god, out. It's an atheistic thing. It all gets back to what schultz and neeson just said in that opening statement well, these are a lot of.
Speaker 1:This has happened as a result of the willful line on the part of the what's called the legacy media they are. They are intentionally lying about things, yeah, and they accuse other media outlets, like fox news and some of these others, of being, of being liars, when, in fact, much of what they say is a lie are really factual, really truthful, truthful information you know what's interesting, thomas?
Speaker 2:and just just to piggyback on what you just said with the mass media, we saw this in the polling, too, in the last few elections, where the pollsters were on the side of the mass media, ahead of the game, saying that Trump is losing Kamala's way ahead, biden's doing well, and they're all trying to swing and normalize this fall, aren't they? They're trying to normalize the fall, and when you see this happening with mass media, the power of that, this is why kids got to get off these phones, tom, at an early age, because they haven't been formed, their consciences haven't been formed. They're innocent, and this is a great time, as the left knows, as atheists know, and I don't go on to even, it's not a political thing when I say Republicans versus Democrat or Trump getting elected. Trump was very clear on this. This isn't just a Republican yeah, it is the Republican Party but it's a populist movement of individual human hearts who have decided that no, enough of this evil and we have to embrace true, meaning, purpose, what's true, good and beautiful again Stand up for the virtues.
Speaker 1:I'll give an example of the legacy media type response about this. Like the NSA and the CIA, these disgusting, perverted conversations. Here's what comes out of the-.
Speaker 2:Now, when you say perverted conversations, again crack that open for people that are just tuning in Tom and get back to what Tulsi Gabbard has found and was exposed there.
Speaker 1:Break that open for people. Okay, there's a chat capability called Intel Link that is available to all of the intelligence agencies CIA, nsa, dia, even the FBI counterintelligence. There's a number of these different agencies that have access to this Intel Link, which is a way for intelligence agencies to work together when there's a common kind of issue that they're looking at To share information right. Share information yeah share information, to exchange information, to increase your understanding of what's happening.
Speaker 2:Right. So for people to understand it, sometimes we're in these different silos. Like you know, as being an intelligence officer, you just brought it up before we came on that certain people are controlling the, you know, controlling the digital waves. What's going on there, somebody else is is developing like the cia. You know, human, a person, say, a spies or whatever, undercover and the defense intelligence agency focuses more on their.
Speaker 1:Their target is our, our, uh, military capabilities of other countries. So they have different areas of focus but there's also a lot of overlap. Like I was in Air Force intelligence but in reality I was part of the Air Force arm of the National Security Agency and so we monitored the electronic communications. I was overseas. We would tap phones, We'd go in and tap phones places. We would listen to the radio waves, We'd develop information using electronic communications and come up with an understanding of what's happening and then send our reports to headquarters Air Force and also headquarters to NSA.
Speaker 1:It would go to the joint chiefs of staff. So all of this is what we get down to this chat.
Speaker 2:These chat rooms are supposed to be used to bring this information together so that in my silo I can open myself up to what you're saying and then try to get even a better picture Right and then bring this to the president and to the people in charge and say, hey, this is what's going on, this is what we see, and now maybe we can do something about it.
Speaker 1:So instead of doing that, tell people what's going on in those chat rooms, tom. So you know, now, instead of using the chat rooms to say, hey, what do you got on this that I'm working on, these guys are talking about gangbanging and their sex change operations and being non-binary and organizing polycules and talking about the next time they can get together and wanting to hustle each other. So there's over 100 of them that have been identified, that have been involved in these Intelli link chats that have now been. They've they've been fired. But you know, the the christopher brufo, is the one that kind of that broke the story. He had an source inside. He's a courageous guy by the way and he had a source one.
Speaker 1:Somebody in there got so fed up with it. They fed him the information kind of a whistleblower, which is good. I'm glad that. I'm glad that they blew the whistle on this, because—.
Speaker 2:You know, Tom, again, if Biden and Kamala Harris were in office right now, that would have been silenced, nothing would have happened. Rufo would have been taken out. I mean, he was being attacked already. The powers of the federal government would have start to come after him for exposing this.
Speaker 1:For sure they would have gone after him to find out who the whistleblower is and they would have locked him up if he didn't give them any information. So this is the kind of thing that these but it isn't just the hundreds that were in this chat room that were on there. The whistleblower also talked about how there have been many hundreds of these gender activists that have infiltrated all of our intelligence agencies. Now here's this response from somebody who's Noor Al-Sibai or whatever his name is. He's with not sure what outlet he writes for, but he's more of a, he's more of a mainstream journalist. This is his response to Christopher Rufo, saying the message is published today from an NSA messaging platform, allegedly involving a CIA official, are unacceptable and have no place in the agency. Have no place in the agency.
Speaker 1:Liz Lyons, the newly appointed public affairs director for the CIA, said in a statement the CIA will be taking immediate action on this matter, which only further proves the need for serious reform.
Speaker 1:And then he says beyond that confirmation, however, the unfolding story is awfully murky, including that it originated with a conservative muckraker behind the debunked claim that Haitian immigrants were eating cats in Ohio. So, in other words, he just immediately says this is all a bunch of BS and has been blown out of proportion. It's no big deal and this is the kind of disinformation that's coming out and minimization that's coming out about these kind of things that are going on in all areas of our government. This is an outright lie that's being spread by these people. You have to realize that the secrets and the activities of these agencies, the people in these agencies, are extraordinarily important. They're not supposed to be out there and they aren't out there playing games. This is real life and death situations that are dealing with every single day. And to have people that have this unserious attitude toward the work that they're doing, so unserious that they're using the top secret channels to talk about gangbanging and polycules.
Speaker 2:You know, and, tom, it goes deeper than that, because everybody knows, or should know, that sex and blackmailing people have been going on forever, and this is one of the main ways that you can silence people and get them to do what you want them to do. We see this in our congressmen, our senators. If we knew how many of those people were blackmailed it's the Epstein Island thing, right, that's been silenced by the most powerful people in in the in the world, because they've been blackmailed. And if that blackmail ever got out, that's why they took epstein out. Finally and and now you know they, they, they don't. You know they have those videos someplace, right, but they're not going to expose them. I doubt we'll ever see them, but anyways, my point being that all of these people in intelligence can be blackmailed. Now they can all. If they're still there, I can bring these things up and they're going to do whatever I want them to do.
Speaker 2:So there's two sides of this. We have the actual hedonistic people that are just into all of this sex stuff, right, but then you also have the money, the power, the, you know the orchestra leaders up here, under the direct rule of Satan, I think and now they can use those people any way they want, and so they let this go on, tom. And then this spilled over into our education system. Our kids are getting the same indoctrination now, and in a way, you know the whole country is is falling for this thing, and then we push this again all over the world. So so we're in a weird spot. You know where this is a battle between good and evil.
Speaker 1:Well, this is the thing that we talked about before, about virtue being a requirement for a civilized culture, for a free culture, for our nation was founded, as John Adams said, for a moral and religious people, virtuous people. If we don't have people that are committed and honorable, committed to the point where they would die for their own country, then we're not going to have a country anymore. Now, how virtuous do you think these hundreds of agents were that are talking about all these different perverted sexual activities that they engage in or want to engage in? Yeah, are these people virtuous?
Speaker 2:yeah, and this is the exact thing that's getting down all the way down to our civilization. Just to show how, how wide this is, this is being pushed down into our government schools. You know, I I was just reading something by SECAS, which is basically the education arm of Planned Parenthood that is in charge of sex education for our kids. I mean, you can't make this stuff up. And so the president and CEO, christine it's So-Yong, her name is S-O-Y-O-N-G she comes out and just says that sex education is a powerful vehicle for social change. And so when you talk about all these things, she said, you know, sex education that's being pushed on our kids, she says, starts in kindergarten and continues through 12th grade. And you know, we're here to change the culture and we start talking about safer sex. And but it's also, she says, the dismantling the systems of power, oppression and misinformation that that allow, that allow today's biggest sexual and reproductive health and rights injustice to to exist in the first place. So let's, we have to dismantle.
Speaker 1:Right, these are the only. These are the same people that say that the only thing that's important when, when it comes to sexuality, is consent. Yeah, no matter what age you are, you, the only thing that's important is consent to get consent. So if you're five years old and you give consent, and you're free game.
Speaker 2:So now the, the, you know we have all of this, we. We think we're helpless, that there's nothing we can do about it, that that it's just a corrupt system. And so we, so the people that should be standing up, feel hopeless. And the kids are feeling hopeless. We see this time and their mental illness, their mental illness, is screaming up and we allow this thing to go on. Finally, some parents, thank goodness, are waking up to the fact that their kids are not okay and are starting to push back on this. And so what can we do? We have to take it.
Speaker 2:Our responsibility first is to become people of virtue. To know that we have to have a foundation. I have to know who I am and what the meaning and purpose of my life is. And if I'm not willing to our founding fathers brought this out if I'm not willing to sacrifice myself and fight for liberty, fight for freedom, then we will lose the freedom you know it says, you know our founding fathers while not perfect, the freedom, you know it says, you know our founding fathers, while not perfect, understood, as you said, our Constitution, our Republic, john Adams said, was only made for religious and moral people. It's wholly inadequate to the government of any other, and you know, the atheists know this very well you want to take down the United.
Speaker 2:The united states was this beacon of light for the whole world at one time, pushing good things into the cult, into the world, and now we've done the opposite, tom. We're actually we've flipped ourselves and now we're pushing all the evil into the world. It's really something when you think about. When I was a kid, you know we thought, man, this is the greatest country in the world and in many ways it still is. If we, if we come back and stand up again, you know it still is the greatest country.
Speaker 1:We just, we just. But now we're discovering that there have been people in there undermining everything. You know funding transgender operas in Peru, and you know DEI initiatives in Burma. I mean, what the heck this is? This is not what we were intended to be, and now we find out that our entire intelligence apparatus has been infiltrated by people whose primary focus is on their next perverted sexual encounter.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. So again, what do we do, tom? What are we doing about this? We really have to get back.
Speaker 1:I think there's. The very first thing that people need to do is to decide to run for office. Good people need to start running for office, and if you can't do it if you're old like me and you're not able to, don't have the stamina to do it, then support good people who are running for office. Don't have the stamina to do it, then support good people who are running for office. Encourage them in what they're doing, keep, hold them accountable, become better informed. Most people are just not even in any way informed on anything of substance, only only just the most superficial levels, and so it's very important for people to get informed.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and when you say, run for office and keep it local guys in the beginning, run for school boards, library boards or support people that are good people there, we have to bring back our morality into our education system. There's just no way around it. And I'm not saying I don't think, especially here in Illinois, that we're going to rush to bring biblical principles back in, but there are states around the world that are around the country. I should say that are districts, school districts that are actually doing this, states that are actually doing this. You realize that we really are founded on Judeo-Christian principles and people. We became the most homogenous country in the whole world. So what we stood for, this true, good and beautiful. Everybody wanted to come here, it didn't matter. We are made up of every single race, every single religion, every single country in the world is represented here. Well, what united us were those Judeo-Christian principles. And when you take those out and you undermine this, the whole reason that our relatives, my relatives, came here was for that and they understood that, no matter where they came from, I have to live by the rules of the United States, based on the Ten Commandments, based on justice, based on all of those things that we've been talking about.
Speaker 2:And if we're afraid to say that, tom, and if we're afraid to say nope, doesn't matter, we become nothing. We become nothing, tom, and we lower the bar. And I'll give you just this one example the bar. And I'll give you just this one example. It was at a school board meeting and somebody was pushing back exposing the pornography behind the LBGTQ literature that's in a children's library, a children's library, middle school and elementary libraries and somebody said well, my kid is a trans child, my child, if you take those books out of the library, then my child, if you take those books out of the library, then my child will no longer feel comfortable, will no longer feel accepted. And if he's not allowed he who is now a she is not allowed to go into the girl's washroom, then you're prejudiced, you're a hater and reality.
Speaker 2:What that means, tom, is that you know as what's the common good, what do we represent? There's a reason that we separate the girls from the boys because girls can be used and abused, and we've seen this over and over. We're protecting especially these young girls from this right and from being over-sexualized. So instead, what do we do? We allow one person. So instead, what do we do? We allow one person right that decides, as an individual, that they're being picked on, so we lower the whole culture to their level, instead of saying, no, I'm sorry. We have a standard. We have what's called a common good, the good for the whole society. And no matter how confused you are, you, you can stay in your brokenness if you want to, but you can't drag the rest of us down. Or you can allow the rest of us to lift you up and become part of who we are, but then you have to accept reality, tom. I have to accept the truth, and if I don't accept the truth of my own body, there's not going to be much chance for anything else.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, the other thing is that people need to get their own churches more involved in this, in this battle as well, because they they pretty much most churches have stepped back from from the actual cultural battle. They don't want to make any waves. It's kind of like what was original richard j daly, his, his motto don't make no waves, don't back no losers. That seems to be the adoption, what's being adopted by our churches don't make no waves, don't back no losers. And so these fights can be hard, so you can't just sit back and watch and stay neutral on them. And one of the examples I had I was looking up.
Speaker 1:Google Books is one of the places you can look up all kinds of, you know, look up about books and where they're available. And so I looked up all boys aren't blue in Google Books. And one of the searches came back that showed oh, they're at Eisenhower. This book is at Eisenhower Junior High, Schaumburg High School, Schaumburg Township Library, St Hubert School, which kind of shocked me. Here it is. This is a Catholic school. What in the world? These kind of books don't belong in school libraries.
Speaker 2:Now, if somebody wanted to a little off tangent here, but not much, if just to stop you for a while, you know, if somebody wanted to look that up, tom, so what did you go under? Google books, google books. And then did you go to any geographical region you go to.
Speaker 1:Google books and you find out about the books and then you can. Then there's another link on there that shows local libraries or all libraries and I think one of the searches it was over 30 000 libraries in the united states that has that book which is a disgusting, really a disgusting book right.
Speaker 2:There's no place in in our educational system, certainly nothing.
Speaker 1:Yes, it really is. It's really just a pervert biography. It's pornography, you know it's a it's no different than than these, than any, then then straight pornography, it's just it is. It is gay pornography for lgbt people guess I don't know and so they should know.
Speaker 2:I'm not talking about book banning here. You can go and bring that home to your kids if you want to. You can bring them every perverse idea imaginable. But again, you're not lifting those kids up, right. You're not saying to them you know, when a kid that has nothing, that has no formation at all even a kid that does and then they read pornographic books, right, and these, you know, the so-called romance novels, right, that are very explicit, when they do that, again, you obliterate their moral imaginations, you take all the virtue out of their hearts. You know, you reverse it.
Speaker 1:I'm kind of I'm opposed to even parents allowing their kids to read stuff like that Of course yes. The Supreme Court didn't say the Supreme Court. Actually there's a ruling that they made that said that obscenity for a child is different than obscenity for an adult. You can place greater restrictions on what's available to children than what you can on adults.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, my point, tom, was that let's not lower the whole again, this whole civilization, let's not lower our whole education system to meet some perverse ideas of someone. What I'm saying, though, is they'll say well, you're trying to ban books. And my point was no, I'm not banning a book. You can buy this perverse stuff if you want to, if you insist on your kid reading it. Then my point was hey, if you got a you know, a deranged parent, allow them. Look, I'm not going to try to stop them, but let's not put it in the public square, was my point.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, yeah, I mean, why are the libraries buying books like this? It's still not banning books. They can still go out and buy it on Amazon or whatever.
Speaker 2:But why should I, as a taxpayer?
Speaker 1:pay for that book for you, your perverted, you know to satisfy your perverted desires, and we know why?
Speaker 2:because the ALA is a neo-Marxist institution now. The ALA is a neo-Marxist institution now, and so they're trying to break apart marriage and the family again, taking God out, et cetera. They call it querying querying the library indexes and really what the word querying means when you got LBGTQ is. Querying means really taking everything that we know is normal in our culture, everything that we're talking about that builds up the common good, and undermining all of that, and that's what we're seeing today.
Speaker 2:And you know Tom no matter what you say, the civilization, if it allows to go like this, is coming down. It's unraveling.
Speaker 1:I like to follow the money here too, now, as I's, it's unraveling, it's it's. You know, I I like to follow the money here too. Now, as I mentioned, it's like 30,000 libraries in the U S has got to have got this book. You know that's at least $5 a copy that goes to the author of that $150,000 that the guys, the guy, is guaranteed to make out of. Just how, how, what are these people that put out this perverse kind of material? They can just keep churning it out. Well, here's what happens.
Speaker 2:What's happening to children's authors now is children's authors because of what you just said. Children's authors Now they need to put some of these things in, because otherwise they're not going to be accepted by the libraries and and and the book publishers then will not publish their books because they know, exactly what you just said.
Speaker 2:Here we have all these libraries, we're we're guaranteed them all to buy a copy of this book and push this out. And if I get rid of that audience then the money won't be there, and you're exactly right. So I know children's authors that will not be. They know they won't be there, and you're exactly right. So I know children's authors that will not be. They know they won't be published because they're writing old fashioned literature that's instilling virtues and stories there that we knew as kids. And so that's why, when I'm talking about education in schools, we have to get back to great literature, great books. We have to get rid of those tablets and we have to get rid of those phones in the schools and we have to really get back to paper and writing.
Speaker 2:Because when you slow down, tom, when you're talking about virtues and stories and books, the teacher brings that out in class. The kids start to think about this and it starts to become part of who you are. You see the courage, you see the things, know, you see the things and you know the examples in this book and you go I want to be like that. And you start to dream and imagine you know you, you, you bring that courageous person that's standing up against evil, but we're trying to take that away from kids well, see, like the, every, every kid with a, with a smartphone or a tablet or whatever can can get access to the digital library.
Speaker 1:The digital library has all these books on it and there's no. All they need is a local library card and they can get whatever they want. There's no restriction on the material that's on there that kids can download, so they get access to things that are, under the Supreme Court ruling, are obscene, and yet nothing is being done to stop that.
Speaker 2:And that's. I think that gets back to our premise that we all have to stand up. We all have to grab that sword, and it starts in the individual human heart. You have to decide who you are as a person, if you're going to bring goodness and beauty into this world or you're going to bring this perverse garbage in the world.
Speaker 2:And if you don't stand up, you know, sunday, yesterday, as we're recording this, the reading at Mass was from Romans 10. And it said that you have to accept Jesus Christ in your heart and then you'll be justified. And then you have to confess him with your mouth to be saved. In other words, the power of the word and the power of what we do in our actions has a real effect in the world. You know, to Schultz and Neeson's point, we're fallen people and unless we lift our you know, to Schultz and Neeson's point, we're fallen people. And unless we lift our, you know we allow Christ to lift us up. God is the only power that's going to lift us up out of this mess, but it starts in the individual human heart.
Speaker 2:And then I have to confess him. And what does that mean, tom? I have to confess goodness in the world. I have to bring truth into the world. I have to tell that poor, confused trans child you know calls himself trans that I'm there, I'm empathetic, I'm compassionate, but we don't lower the bar and leave him in that hopelessness and that confusion. We say, hey, there is a better way and you're free to choose it. But we're afraid, tom, to even put that dream, that imagination in that child's mind that maybe I'm not in the wrong body, that maybe there's something I can aspire to instead of staying in this garbage of twisting and distortion of my own body. Even and unfortunately, it's usually parents and people around them that are pushing this on little kids. Little kids don't and I'm talking about little kids here, tom right, they don't make this stuff up that somebody has been pushing this down on them.
Speaker 1:Well, you know that one of the one of the videos we got in in our presentation is stolen. Innocence is that preschool teacher that is indoctrinating these little kids with the idea that you can be non-binary, yeah, yeah, and you know about the whole sexuality when they're four years old. Yeah, and here's what happens.
Speaker 2:That's criminal to me, it is criminal. And what happens is you have priests you know I'm Catholic. You have priests that do exactly what you said. You know they're trying earlier that priests need to and pastors and churches need to step up, right? Well, here's what happens, tom. They've fallen for the lie too. They've been sitting in that proverbial pot with that frog slowly cooking to death. And so they see a young person. Right, this happens all the time. I see it all the time. They see a young person. Right, this happens all the time.
Speaker 2:I see it all the time when I'm giving talks in churches, where a pastor will, or a priest, you know, pastor of his parish, will push back and say, jack, I know these young people, they really have same-sex attractions, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I say, yes, of course they. You know, I understand that I meet them all the time. But to be pastoral, you can have empathy and compassion and walk with them, and you should, we all should, but at the end of the day, as Jesus said, but then go and sin no more, right that? Yeah, the attractions are real, for whatever reason. Right, there's all kinds of reasons that they have these attractions, but we're all fallen all kinds of reasons that they have these attractions, but we're all fallen. One guy is addicted to sex, one guy's addicted to gambling. I mean, it's a million things right.
Speaker 1:We all have desires that we're not supposed to indulge.
Speaker 2:That's right. So here's what happens. So this pastor now, because he feels this way and that your attractions are same-sex attractions, are real, he never challenges them, that, at the end of the day, this is not just about this little temporal space. We are working out our eternal salvation here, and Jesus is the perfect example of this. You know, jesus came into the world and he took on a body and a soul to unite us to divinity. When we walk away from this story, tom, this is the founding of our country again Judeo-Christian principles, and if we take away our story in the United States, we will unravel as we're doing now, and there's no way to stop this. If you want to feel hopeless and helpless, it's because we no longer believe in the power of God to change our hearts, to give us a new life, to overcome sin and death in the world and in our own lives, and we don't believe that, tom, it's coming down. But the beauty of it is this last election.
Speaker 2:Every single person I know that was fighting for Trump wasn't fighting just for the person of Donald Trump. It was to restore common sense again, restore this common good again, and they were all Christians. I didn't meet any. Look, I'm sure there probably are some atheists or agnostics or other religions out there, but everybody that I met that was in that movement. We call it MAGA movement or whatever you want to call it. Make America Great Again. It starts with Christianity and prayer, and I don't know anybody that isn't praying for Trump, praying for these cabinet members. We're all fallen people, man, and we need prayer and we need to be able to push up, and I think that's really what this all comes down to.
Speaker 1:Well, I definitely keep praying for them. I'm concerned that somebody is going to try to kill them again, and same thing with many of the cabinet members that there's just so much hatred that's been built up.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And they're definitely shaking things up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they are.
Speaker 1:But we do have a very brief opportunity to actually try to turn things around in our culture, and if people don't start taking advantage of that, it's going to fall right back to where it was in the next administration.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, here's the hope, tom. The hope isn't Jesus Christ, let's just call a spade a spade, and uh, and the reality is we've seen this all throughout this is the first time in history, in human history, that we've thrown out a higher power. You know it's. You know whatever, whatever that that you know, the indian tribes on, you know, you know, here in the united States, they all worship something and even if it was the sun or whatever it was nature, they worship something. It's in a person's heart, in a human being's heart, that we want to transcend our brokenness.
Speaker 2:But nobody had the power to actually do that until Christianity came in, and you really see the power of transcendence. I mean, we built up all of the civilization through this power of Jesus Christ coming back into the world, and there was no power like this ever that could change a whole civilization in the whole world. And look, we know the second coming. And and look at it, it's, it's, we know the second coming is coming. You know, at some point, tom, and I don't know if the antichrist seems pretty close to me yeah, we might be getting close, huh.
Speaker 1:So there's our hope.
Speaker 2:You know, and and you know, the most beautiful thing to leave this hope podcast today on on a sense of hope is that we're seeing this for the first time, maybe in many people's lives, as the evil's being exposed more and more and more COVID had a lot to do with this where people have to stand back because the evil's gotten so ramped up that people are starting to say, ooh, something's got to change, and so, in a way, this is a great time to be alive, because never before have I ever felt like, wow, yeah, if I don't choose him, then this thing's coming down. And I never had this. I knew it in my heart, tom, but you never had this conviction because it was never this clear. You know this battle, like you, you said, with these hundred people, their, their main occupation is how they're going to have sex with one another, and and you know, sex is a beautiful thing, but you know it comes back to marriage and the family and the nuclear family.
Speaker 2:There is never in the history, in history and and and all through history, there's no power like marriage and the family. It's the greatest form of governance that ever existed. Every civilization is always built on marriage and the family, and when you break that down and you take God out and it breaks down, and then you see everything on top of it collapse, and that's what you're seeing today top of it collapse, and that's what you're seeing today. Until we build that back up again, understand that a child needs a mom and a dad, and a mom and a dad that has been united in some way with this transcended higher power not to bring brokenness into home, and that's the only way you're going to build this thing back up again. So that's the reality. Any last words there, thomas?
Speaker 1:No, I think people just need to get up and and do something. Yeah, one part of the things about repentance is it's a turning. It's it's turning away from what you did before, but also it's moving toward what the right thing is to do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so that's what people need to start um doing yeah, doing, yes, yeah yeah, and, and just to my earlier point, go read Romans 10, and what you have in your heart now is not enough. You have to confess him with your mouth, because we're creatures and as being creatures, through our bodies, through the language of our body and the language of our words, we bring that power into this created space Right. And if we don't bring it into the created space, a void happens and that void is filled with evil. The principalities and the powers of the world will fill it up.
Speaker 1:So that's what's happened. Dietrich Bonhoeffer talked about the cheap grace. That grace without works, I think, or faith without works, is dead, and that doesn't mean that we earn our way into heaven. But you have to do something, not just revel in the grace. Without doing something, you're really not living out what God intended for you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and look, this isn't brain surgery. This is the two great commandments to be filled with the grace. And then go out and be that grace and love your neighbor. I mean, this is the basic premise of a human being, right?
Speaker 1:But I think we get stuck in the modern church. We've gotten stuck on the whole grace side without doing anything. Yeah Right, but I think we get stuck in the modern church. We've gotten stuck on the whole grace side without doing anything.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and we leave it up to the state, right.
Speaker 1:This is what socialism does.
Speaker 2:You know we're going to go along too long here, but I have a brother-in-law that told my wife. He said you know I'm a socialist because then the state will help all of these people. And you just got to laugh. He's abdicated his own responsibility to the state. And the state is made up of all of those people we're talking about that are fighting good and evil in their heart, that have given over too many of them to evil. And what happens to that dollar? That dollar many of them to evil. And what happens to that dollar? That dollar maybe a nickel or a dime reaches the actual poor people and the rest of it gets siphoned off. And you and I have talked about this many times hey, you go out, you give a dollar to a poor guy, you volunteer on the soup kitchens. You do it Because if you don't do it, tom, you're not working out your own salvation and at the end of the day, god will ask you for that and say, okay, what did you do? Oh, I abdicated this to the corrupt deep state.
Speaker 1:I paid my taxes. Yeah, I paid my taxes.
Speaker 2:God says oh my gosh, you should have never been paying all those taxes. You weak thing, you know.
Speaker 1:Tom, there's a meme that I there's actually a meme that I put up there. It says if your non-governmental organization goes out of business because it gets this government money cut, it's not a non-governmental organization.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's true, that's true. Hey, god bless you. Hey, thanks, tom, thank you.