Become Who You Are
What’s the meaning and purpose of my life? What is my true identity? Why were we created male and female? How do I find happiness, joy and peace? How do I find love that lasts, forever? These are the timeless questions of the human heart. Join Jack Rigert and his guests for lively insights, reading the signs of our times through the lens of Catholic Teaching and the insights of Saint John Paul ll to guide us.
Saint Catherine of Siena said "Become who you are and you would set the world on fire".
Become Who You Are
#596 The Populist Counter-Revolution: Trump's Speech and the Spiritual Battle With Thomas Hampson
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President Trump and the notable reactions from Democrats reveals deeper truths about America's evolving landscape.
This is not about a 2-party system: It is about the Right of the People to take back their Government from the Tyrants and Ideologues who no longer listen or care about them.
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I'm with my good friend, crime investigator, crime journalist, tom Hampson. Tom, how are you?
Speaker 1:I'm doing good how about you?
Speaker 2:good, good, good. So so I I asked you to come on last minute because I want to do an interim update on what went on last night with Trump. You know what were your first impressions, tom, on the speech before Congress.
Speaker 1:Still not tired of winning.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, I mean, you know.
Speaker 1:I think the thing that the thing that struck me the most was I thought I'm not sure exactly what the Democrats have in mind by being, I mean, didn't even stand up when he entered the room. You know, I showed him no respect. I didn't stand for anything that he said, even though most of what he said should be nonpartisan. It should be a nonpartisan wins and nonpartisan things for that are good for the country. I just don't understand why they were so reticent to show any any enthusiasm for really the good things that are happening in the country right now. One of the things was like even on the border. You can't argue with the fact that for years the Biden administration said they couldn't do anything about the border until there was a massive restructuring of the laws, and Trump's line was well, we didn't need a new law. We didn't need new laws, we just needed a different president.
Speaker 2:Well, and the obvious answer to that was this is done purposely, and everybody knows that. It's not only that they didn't stand up for President Trump, they didn't stand up for anybody. Yeah, that's what I meant.
Speaker 1:It was not just him stand up for president Trump. They didn't stand up for anybody, you know, they didn't, right? Yeah, that's what. That's what I meant. It was not just him, it was. It was to, you know, the, the mothers that lost kids, the victims of this trans ideology that were injured. They didn't, they didn't honor any of them and even that, even that little boy that was dying of cancer, they just were like stone-faced about the whole thing. I just don't understand it.
Speaker 2:These are heartless people, tom. They're really heartless people. What I really, for people that have seen it and I'm going to assume that a lot of people saw it that are even listening to us what I really saw is that the populist movement. You know I don't even call it Democrat versus Republican. You know, I call it the. You know the Donald Trump got elected by a populist movement, a movement of human beings that have decided that no, they see what's going on.
Speaker 2:Most of the people of the movement that you know, I I'm assuming that there probably are some exceptions but most of them are christians. Most of the people I meet have a faith life. Most of them see really what the through a lens of it. You could see it very, very clearly there. What I saw was the Trump and the populist movement on one side and the demonic party who have rejected God, who rejected the logos, then right Wisdom, and we're just sitting there with no common sense, no reason.
Speaker 2:Why couldn't you stand up for a young guy Like you said, they had 13 operations for brain cancer who was there because his dream was to serve the country as a police officer? He said in an interview, this little guy, he said that he was very proud of his dad, you know, for all the help that he's got, and and he said, my dad's proud of me too. But he said and I also want to thank president trump, because without him I wouldn't be here receiving, you know, and he received the secret service initiation, etc how touching was that with uh, here's this little boy, he.
Speaker 1:He wanted to be a police officer and he was that. He was given credentials for a secret service agent and he hugged the head of the Secret Service, coran. I mean, I don't know how you could not be moved by that, and I think most people were really. Most of these topics, most of these issues that President Trump spoke about, are 80-20 issues the border 80-20. Transgender issue 80-20. These things are all issues that 80% of the people that's far more than the MAGA movement these are people who are liberals that support this too. So what has happened to the Democrat party, where they're not even on the side of people who identify as Democrat?
Speaker 2:Well, you know, you saw the poll. The polls afterwards probably 70. Cbs poll said 76 percent of the people were favorable with that speech last night 76 percent to your point Right with that speech last night.
Speaker 2:76% to your point, right? You know, I had a text this morning from somebody that voted for Biden and I had sent him a book on these trans ideologies and some other things. He had listened to a couple podcasts we had done on what's going on in the schools and stuff and he heard Trump's speech and he said I had no idea what was going on in America. You know, basically I don no idea what was going on in America. Basically, I don't know where my head was at. He's waking up to the fact that this is a spiritual warfare. When I began to study Marxism and communism, Tom, and you and I have talked about this. This is the same thing when I look out at these people. This is that they get caught up in this. This is that queering you and I talked about that with the gender ideology, the queering which is just a neo-marxist term for a, you know, a revolution that takes down everything that's normal, everything that's true, good and beautiful. And as I sat looking at these people, tom, I just look at they're just like empty shells that their spirits have been, you know, if anything, taken over by honest to goodness, by the demonic. But the reason I bring this up is Solzhenitsyn that you know.
Speaker 2:When he was put into gulags for eight years he was born in 1918, right after the Bolshevik revolution His mom, his dad, died right before he was born. His mom owned some family property. The Bolsheviks, the communists, took it all away right, Took away the private property. She went into a different town to try to find some work. They grew up in poverty. He ends up during World War II, joining the army, becoming a captain in the army, Said something about Stalin in a letter to somebody, Got out, he gets sent to the gulags for eight years and then he writes the gulag acapellico. But anyways, what he said was let me see if I could find this quote. It was very, very interesting the way he said this. But he said when World War II broke out, Schultz and Eason left the university to serve as a military officer. He was arrested in 1945 for comments made in a private letter that seemed critical to Stalin.
Speaker 2:During his time in the camps he rejected the Marxism of his youth that he was indoctrinated into and embraced the Christian faith. Marxism, he says, claims that some people and classes of human beings are good and others bad. So to perfect itself, humanity must isolate and eliminate the bad people. Schultz and Nietzsche came to realize and said that the dividing line between good and evil lies within each and every human heart. The Marxist position thus argued that humanity would be perfected through the inevitable progress of world history. But if the dividing line is within all human hearts, however, then only limited improvement is possible in this life, and degeneracy is always equally possible.
Speaker 2:The Marxist position is to be rejected, it seems, because it overlooks the reality of original sin. And so, Tom, looking at this, I see just the spiritual battle being played out in the individual human hearts. I see just the spiritual battle being played out in the individual human hearts. Otherwise, you can't make sense of why they wouldn't stand up to your earlier point on all the good things that are happening. Why wouldn't they? But I don't think they can, Tom, I don't think they're capable of it.
Speaker 1:I think they're completely misguided in what they're doing, Even from a strategic standpoint.
Speaker 2:even the devil is more clever than what they exhibit, yeah, but what do they do? Satan himself is obviously smarter than the rest of us, but here we have. We have prayer on our side. I think it's more important than we think. We have prayer on our side. I think it's more important than we think. You know, donald Trump said it in his speech. I think I was saved by God to make America great again, and I think the rest of us were praying right that our country would come back to its senses. I had the. Here it is. I had the US Declaration of Independence out, tom, you know. It opens up and then, soon after that, it says we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they're all endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And the government is so instituted, it says, among men driving their just powers from the consent of the governed. This is what we're talking about here. This is this populist movement.
Speaker 1:And I mean there's 80 percent are on the side of what Trump has been doing, and so I don't know, I don't just don't understand why the, why there's this foot dragging in this, this negative attitude on the part of the on the dems.
Speaker 2:I just don't get it it has to be what I said, tom it you know, these, these spiritual battles have been going on for a long time, you know, you know. And totalitarian totalitarianism, these grasping for money, for power, but never have we seen it like it is now. It's a hydra into everything. And here's this populist movement and it says it right in the Declaration, right after what I just read. It says it's the right of the people to alter or abolish and institute a new government. If these things are taken away from us, if the powers of the consent of the governed are then taken away from us, that the powers of the consent of the governed are then taken away from us, it's up to us, the people, to establish a new one, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as, to them, shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.
Speaker 2:Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.
Speaker 2:And, according, all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when, finally, a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing inevitably the same object. Basically, it says this Tom, it says look, it's not just light stuff to throw off right this power against us, and most men would rather suffer than actually do that right. It seems almost like you can't do it, but this is exactly what we finally did, tom, and it was trump that had the guts, isn't it, you know? When trump said, hey, you know they're after you, but I'm just here standing in between them, and basically what that said is that finally, then it's up to men and women, obviously, to stand up and throw the shackles off and form a new government. It's not easy and it's not something men take lightly is basically what I read. It, kind of dancing around there as I was reading it, just to make it plain.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know, I wanted. Just one negative thing, I guess, about the talk my wife brought up to me was that she thought when President Trump said we're going to be the greatest, most dominant country in the history of the planet, she thought that was a little bit too, you know, too grandiose too arrogant. And I can see that, that we do have to have some humility. She said, after all, and we should have humility because, after all, there's no there.
Speaker 1:There appears to be no reference to the united states in revelation yes, and so no no, I agree, and so I think that that's one of the things we have to. We can't I. I do think that we need to be dominant in the world, because otherwise we get eaten alive by all these evil countries out there yeah, but dominant means, you know, look at, he had the right idea I don't mean dominant in a negative sense. I think he means dominant in a positive. That's what I mean we're like leaders of the world. We're gonna we're gonna protect the, the weaker people.
Speaker 2:You know if it wasn't even.
Speaker 1:I think Europe even recognizes that without us they'd be picked off one by one. They don't have a chance.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and look, you can take. You know what they'll do is they'll take that out and say see, this guy wants to be the dictator of the world. And again, I don't think he means it that way. In fact, you know he he's the first one to push back against starting new wars invading other countries. When we're taking down this deep state, we're actually taking down the powers in the cia and etc. To overthrow other governments and this is what's happening and to spread these false ideologies. Don't forget, we're already doing this. We're spreading these false ideologies, these trans ideologies. You know, pornography all over the world, including wars and taking down governments. So when you think about what we were doing, everything that we're doing to dismantle this deep state, this, this demonic system really run by demonic people, and really I think what happens is Schultz and Eason clearly defines it it's people who have lost their hearts, right?
Speaker 1:So when, I say deep state.
Speaker 2:Yes, it is demonic, right, it's evil, but it doesn't become evil overnight. It becomes evil as, as people reject god, reject reason, and then everybody selfishly takes what they can and then you have this hydra just amazing breath of of I I know this from from being a business and stuff these businesses. The government got bigger and bigger and bigger until it suffocates small businesses, and that's what it does with regulations and everything.
Speaker 1:There's 2.8 million people in the federal government. In order to stay busy, they got to figure out see now, what more can I control, what, how more? What more can I grab in my area? So they got all these different federal, you know bureaucrats trying to figure out how they can impose their will on on as many people as possible. We don't need that.
Speaker 2:No, and it's just layers and layers of them, but but but that's at the federal level. This, this continues down at the state level and it continues down to the county level. It continues down to the city level. When I, when, we had businesses, they, they weren't big businesses, we employed you know a few hundred people and and they were in you know these restaurants and and real estate. Things were in different areas, you know, but so we had to. We had to come up against a lot of city governments and county people and man, there's just layer after and a lot of people got their hands out even at those levels. I mean, I lost a contract I had over 10 years with one of the counties I better not name it all right now, but anyways, because people had their hands out and I wouldn't bribe them all, or at least bribe them to the. You know, they all just wanted cash and I just said that's not the way I do business you know they all just wanted cash and I just, that's not the way I do business.
Speaker 1:You know Well the way it is if you don't have, if you don't have somebody in Chicago, they call it the Chinaman. You know, if you don't have a Chinaman in Chicago, you're not going to be able to get anything done, because you need somebody to be your advocate to the city government or you're done.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. No, you're usually paying somebody and a lot of times it's an attorney that has it in and the attorney gets paid.
Speaker 1:then he takes some of that pay and pays somebody else, and pays somebody else and that's yeah well, you go these cocktail parties and you know it's like, ah geez, this is just insane, you have to. If I had to start a business today, I wouldn't even I wouldn't even look at it, because at the state, local, federal level, there's just a total mess of regulations you have to deal with. In Illinois, I am a licensed private investigator, but the only reason why they have a license in Illinois to be a private investigator is a barrier to entry. It is difficult to become a licensed PI because you have certain requirements you have to fulfill and you also have to take a test, which is a stupid test. It has nothing to do with being able to do an investigation and it's just. It's just ridiculous. Plus, you got to pay, of course. You got to pay $500 to get the license.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, here's the bottom line. Right Is when we're determining what's going on here with our government, with Trump, and the Democrats we know are going to come out with negative comments on it. I think you have to really realize this is the individual heart, and this is the point I want to make. This is a spiritual warfare going on as we're standing up for what's true, good and beautiful in our country anti-abortion, anti-trans being with the people that are vulnerable, the most vulnerable among us. Everything that the demonic party is for is human destruction.
Speaker 2:If you think of everything that Trump brought up last night, you know, from war to the gender ideologies in the schools, you know to one thing after another it's an attack on the human person. You know these abortion issues. You know all of this stuff is an attack on human life, but this comes down to Tom. You can be pro-Trump, or you know these abortion issues. You know all of this stuff is an attack on human life, but this comes down to Tom. You can be pro-Trump or you know pro-demonic, but at the end of the day, you're working out your eternal salvation, as St Paul would say.
Speaker 2:So while we're deciding all these things, while we're deciding, I'm this or I'm that, or Trump had a bad talk on this, or he gave a good talk on that. Just remember this comes down, like Schultz and Neitzan said, to the individual human heart. We have to decide, and so the answer to this is for every single person, every mom and dad, to start standing up at these school board meetings. See what's going on in the schools. Get the hell off the pornography, the pornography yourself. Stand up against abortion, these trans ideologies. This isn't trump's fight, you know.
Speaker 1:I mean, he's there and, like he said, I'm standing here because they're after you and I'm just standing here in between you and he's right and yeah, it was just like the either was it the day before he gave his speech I think it was monday or tuesday that the senate rejected the bill to make it illegal for men to play in women's sports in high school, and in high school and college, and so every single democrat in the Senate voted against that, which means that they couldn't overcome the filibuster, that they needed at least 60 votes. The Republicans didn't get it, and the Senate Democrats are happy that that bill has so far been defeated. Well, what are they trying to do there? Are they really in favor of boys playing in girls sports? 80% of people don't want that, so why are they working against the majority into the surgeries for surgeries and gender-affirming care for children?
Speaker 1:The Dems are in favor of that too, and yet several years previously, the Dems were 100% behind outlawing what they call female circumcision for kids. So that female circumcision is out. Female circumcision for kids, so that female circumcision is out. Now, what's the difference?
Speaker 2:between female circumcision and gender affirming care. Yeah, again, it gets back to my premise, tom. None of this will make any sense, you know. First of all, it's impossible, right, it's impossible, for a young, a little boy to become a girl. It's impossible.
Speaker 2:So first of all, it's an illusion. We're talking about some illusion. That's not even possible. So for them to stand up against or for what we call child affirming care, if a child is not feeling comfortable in their own body I may be a boy, I may be a girl we have to affirm that.
Speaker 2:Well, you know, this is a mental health issue and it's becoming more and more because these poor kids are growing up without stable families. They're growing up, too many of them, without a mom and a dad. Too many of them are growing up with autism. Tom, they're on the spectrum, you know, as Trump brought up and Kennedy's brought up. Before, when we were kids, it was 1 in 10,000 kids was autistic. Now it's 1 in 33. So you have a lot more kids going through the school systems now that are on some level of that autism spectrum, and they're the ones getting pulled into these gender ideologies more than anybody else.
Speaker 2:So what are we doing? We're going after the most vulnerable among us, who are already suffering on some level right from some issues, and so then what do we do? We further push them down this abyss, and so, again, it's a spiritual warfare. It you know, if you don't really see that attack and the reason why do they want to do this? Why would they want to keep this up? It makes no sense, tom, from a political standpoint, and I'll tell you what. The people that vote for these, these, these demonic people, they, they got to wake up, tom, because we're working out our I'm working out my own eternal salvation for this and that's what the MAGA movement gets right. They get the spiritual warfare. And if they don't stand up right and stand up for what's true, good and beautiful, and especially the most vulnerable, these kids, like you said, they wouldn't stand up to applaud these kids that are suffering that, that that the trump administration is now protecting and trying to help, right, well, that's one of the things.
Speaker 1:I think it's a big difference between what where the republicans are now and the democrats is that the republicans are firmly on the side of truth and discovering the truth and because look at with RFK Now he's RFKJ, he's not a Republican really.
Speaker 2:That's what I said. He's not a Republican movement.
Speaker 1:And he's been a Democrat his whole life and he's been criticized because he wants to do more studies to determine what's causing these, what's causing the obesity epidemic, the autism epidemic, what's causing a lot of these health problems, whether it's the medication or the, or chemicals in our food or chemicals in the environment? He wants to do more study. He wants to find the truth, and people have have fought against him. The Democrats didn't even vote for him to be the Health and Human Services Secretary and yet he's been a lifelong Democrat because they think well, he's against vaccines. He's never said that he wants to find the truth about the, about the vaccines and about you these things?
Speaker 2:yeah, use, I mean, you know, employ the good vaccines and get rid of the ones that are damaging us. You know especially the numbers that we're using right now. Look at here's another against the truth.
Speaker 1:That's the thing it's. How can you come out against the truth?
Speaker 2:because if you tom, god is truth, tom, who did they have in there before? Kennedy who who was in there?
Speaker 1:talk about the sarah, it was sarah, and then and then and rachel levine, yeah yeah.
Speaker 2:So here's, here's, you know, both of them are evil, you know. But sarah is a was a catholic too. He was, he was pro all of this stuff, I mean. And his assistant secretary was Richard Levine, who pretended he's a woman and was pushing this trans-affirming cure all the way from the top fed level all the way down to our schools. So again, we don't want Kennedy in there because he's searching for the truth. We'll put an illusion of a person up there that's pretending he's not even who he is. So this is what I'm saying, tom. If you don't see the lens of the spiritual warfare, I think you and I, sometimes we, you know, we talk about these issues so much that you can lose sight of the foundational piece. Again is a spiritual warfare. And you know, when you throw god out, the difference is, you know, we have reason, intellect and free will. When you throw god out, tom, you throw out the logos, the wisdom and the and the intellect. You've thrown it out.
Speaker 1:But my, my whole career has been investigating bad guys, okay, and one of the things that I've always done was try to get inside the head. I lost you, jack.
Speaker 2:No, you're okay, Okay.
Speaker 1:I tried to get inside the head, try to get inside the head of the bad guys, and so you got to look at things and try to see things the way they see them, and I've always tried to do that. See other people's perspective, and there are some people that I've just never been able to see things from their perspective. You just can't like how. I don't, I can't twist my mind enough to get them to see that. Usually that applies when you're investigating somebody who's a psychopath, you know, because you just don't think like them. And but I feel the same way about a lot of these Democrats that I don't see what they're seeing. I can't, I can't see it. I, no matter how much I try to understand, I just can't see it.
Speaker 2:It goes right back to what I said, tom. You know, our reason has become unreasonable. When you reject the logos, our intellect becomes very dark. You know they're not seeing the world the same way we are. Obviously Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, you know. They cut to them a little bit their faces, and Pelosi too. They cut to them a little bit on their faces and and, and Pelosi too. They're, they're, they're just, they're just evil. They, you know you could see, like Bernie Sanders is just red in the face and he just wants to spew out. He can hardly sit there without spewing out some evil, or you know.
Speaker 1:Well, at least when he called out Pocahontas, she smiled and clapped yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's amazing, right, she's, she's. Well, she was already clapping for something. I forget what it was, but it was some. Oh, I think it's the ukrainian war, you know here. Here's another thing. You know, they, they just love that war, they love the idea of war. But that gets back down to human destruction again. You know, as long as we can take out human life, it doesn't matter if it's an abortion or war or a trans ideology, tom, it's going to be human destruction.
Speaker 1:That whole thing with Ukraine has been neglected by the news media, even by the conservative news media, and trying to understand what's going on in Ukraine. I personally think that a lot of pushback against settling the case in Ukraine is on the part of the Dems is they are trying to use that to make President Trump look bad. They want these things to keep. They don't want a peace deal because that would make President Trump look bad. They want these things to keep. They don't want a peace deal because that would make President Trump look good. I also think that the Ukrainians some of the Ukrainians don't want it to go through, because they don't like the idea of giving up their mental rights to a US company or a bunch of US companies. They want to keep the money for themselves. They also want that US dollars to keep coming to them, because I think I thinka significant portion of it is winding up in swiss bank accounts of. Well, we know that. You know of some of these people that are in charge over there.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, no the money's got to get cut off. You know you can't just keep throwing this money. Let europe take care of it. Now. Europe is standing. They say they want to stand up for this thing. If they want to. Europe is falling, Tom. You could see it so clearly in the UK. I had so much respect for the United Kingdom and the people there, but they just let it go and it's in a rapid decline.
Speaker 1:They don't even have free speech over there anymore.
Speaker 2:So here's the point again we were at that abyss, tom. We were there, we were at the abyss. We have just and look at, it's not done yet no, we're in a long way from being done we're in a counter-revolution now, in that counter-revolution, I just read it.
Speaker 2:It comes right from the us declaration of independence. It's, and it gives our rights in the constitution, etc. Etc. And just read that little book. All you got to do is read just the first page of the declaration of independence, july 4th 1776. It's all in there. And what it is? This is a counter-revolution. It's not republican or democrat, it's it's populist movement, which is a human life movement, a human freedom movement, saying no, we're going to throw off the shackles of tyranny. We're going to throw off the shackles of injustice. We're going to throw off the shackles of all those that want to just suck everything. They want to extort every penny we have, tom, and enrich themselves and have power and take away your property, just like the Marxists did. You know.
Speaker 1:Well, stop and look at what. What, even after, in the early stages, early days of of America, when the United States, when we were first founded, how much control did government have over your personal life? Now you look around and government at all levels has. Where is it? Doesn't it have control? This is the thing 87,000 IRS agents.
Speaker 2:Armed IRS agents were being deployed across the United States. To do what? Just to keep track of us. And you can't make this stuff up, you know, but it's happening in countries like China already.
Speaker 1:Well, they have social. They have social credit scores, where you know they monitor what you do on Facebook and whatever.
Speaker 2:Don't forget, that's what BlackRock was pushing right.
Speaker 1:That's right.
Speaker 2:The ESG scores.
Speaker 1:Yes, they were doing that this is a global movement.
Speaker 2:Yes, right, this is not just the United States, tom. When we're pushing back on this right now, this is pivotal, again in two ways. First, it's pivotal for freedom, for the nation, but it's also again what do you do, what do I do, to stand up for justice? We have to take a role in this, tom. This is what we forgot.
Speaker 1:It's actually farcical what they're saying. They had this meeting after Zelensky went over there on Saturday and they had the meeting in the EU and they all gathered around him and say, oh, you're really great, and we're going to back you, and we're there, right there with you and we're going to increase defense spending, and we're going to back you, and we're there, right there with you and we're going to increase defense spending and we're going to. You know, we're going to, we're going to support you, but but then, of course, we can't do it without the us behind us too. And and he said that they're going to they're going to increase their defense spending by 800 billion dollars. Well, that's what we spend. We spend more than that every year. It's like what the heck?
Speaker 2:And don't forget this. And again, you know there's good people and look, your heart has to go out for the families destroyed in Ukraine, but that was always one of the top four corrupted countries in the world, always ranked in the top four, and so this is one of the most corrupt governments, and you know, and don't forget, that there was a populist movement there that was, and that government a freely elected president was taken out by our cia in 2014, and so all of the stuff started. You know, we we had no business going in there and disrupting a duly elected president, and the reason why we did it, in essence, is because he was slanted towards the Soviet Union, and that was their business. That was their business. The corruption, though, was already there ahead of time, and he had a big battle too.
Speaker 2:So we take him out, we take him out.
Speaker 1:Look what's happened since then. Yeah, in the last year, zelensky. Last couple of years, zelensky has banned opposing political parties, canceled the election, shut down media sources and basically become a dictator himself. So, tom, think about what you're saying Think about what you're saying.
Speaker 2:Trump is a threat to democracy. We keep hearing from the demonic party, right yeah, yet they're backing up an actual dictator that actually took away their democracy there. His term is over, tom.
Speaker 1:His term. It was over last year. It was over last year. It was over last year. He canceled the election and nobody's saying anything, right?
Speaker 2:oh well it's.
Speaker 1:They're in the middle of a war. They couldn't do anything else. Well, wait a minute. That's news to us, because we we did it in world war ii, we did it in the civil war we've.
Speaker 2:This is ridiculous if, if you say to any, any dictator, anybody that wants to be a dictator, that if there's war he can't be taken out, then every single one of them is going to start a war. I mean, can you imagine that If I'm president and my term is up and I want to be a dictator, I will start a war so that what? So I can keep power forever? No, it's an illusion.
Speaker 1:I will start a war, so that what? So I can keep power forever, right, so it's it's, it's, it's an illusion.
Speaker 1:So there's there's a lot more that's going on, and that guy, alexander Veneman, who was the who was the perpetrator of the of the impeachment hoax Trump's first impeachment hoax he supposedly has been in contact with the people over there in Ukraine with Zelensky, him and Susan Rice and some of these other people that don't like President Trump and they've been advising him reportedly Now, if they're the ones that are advising him and he met with Chris Murphy before the Zelensky visit on Friday, last Friday morning, and Chris Murphy advised him to. He even admitted that he advised him to push back on Trump and demand more security from Trump, which is exactly what Zelensky did, and it blew up the whole meeting because of it. So I can't help but think that this isn't something that's going to be to the advantage of Ukraine. I think they're trying to blow up the deal simply to win a victory against Trump, so that Trump can't stop the war and take credit for it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but don't forget, and that could be very true, but on the other hand, when Biden was president, they had no thought of stopping that war. There was never a thought of stopping that war because we were laundering so much money in there.
Speaker 1:Tom, so don't anybody sue me, but I would sure like to see where that money went, because I am convinced that a lot of the money that we sent over there for the war came back into the democrat campaign funds or into the pockets of some of these big time well we have we?
Speaker 2:you know we have who's the mcconnell. I didn't see mcconnell there by by, you know. I wonder if McConnell was sleeping someplace. Did you see him there last night?
Speaker 1:I didn't see him, but anyway, he might've been on, but I didn't. I didn't watch the entire.
Speaker 2:I'm pretty sure it was his clip, tom, that said you know that that money that's going over there, it's not just being spent there, don't forget that. It's being spent on weapons that are, you know, made here, and it's it's benefiting the, the, our, our, citizens. Well, yes, it's not. It's. It wasn't helping the MAGA movement, that's for sure so what citizens were?
Speaker 2:well, because we all work and you know the people that work for the arms dealers and the people that make money and the lobbyists that make money, that's. But he, you know they, they say these things out loud. So, to your point, I don't think you're going to get sued because he said it out loud. You know they, they, they say these things out loud. You just have to watch how they.
Speaker 1:I, just I, it just seems so. The whole thing seems so corrupt. It's like the. You know, the Chinese have corrupted our entire political system too.
Speaker 2:They they own half our politicians. Yeah, yeah, and it doesn't cost them they seem to own all of our universities.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and look at the Soros money that went into these DAs, you know so it's. The injustice was all around. We all felt that. You know what. What they're doing with Doge and cutting down on the on the federal level. You have to do that.
Speaker 2:I know people are going to get hurt because I know people that have contacted me and said, hey, I work for such and such government agency or whatever and I may lose my job, you know, and at the end of the end of the day, I feel for them, but I've lost my jobs lots of times. You got to go out and get another job. You know what I mean. I think they get so cushy in their roles but at the end of the day, if we stop, every time we hear somebody that might get hurt or lose their job, when I say, you know, just go find another job, you know I mean I I I'm oversimplifying, obviously, and I've been on the job hunting my past too and it's you know it's hard but it's something we do. You know I never had anybody handed me a big pension. I never had anybody guarantee me a job for life.
Speaker 1:One of those government workers, every one of those federal government workers, was offered a buyout. They had months that they could got paid for Left. Now got paid for months.
Speaker 2:So I don't feel sorry for them.
Speaker 1:That's a heck of a lot more than a lot of people have had. It's a lot more than what the pipeline workers had, a lot more than what many people had as a result of the upheaval when the Biden administration came in. So I don't feel that sorry for them. They should have taken the buyout and many of them still can. But as far as the NGOs that are losing, people are losing jobs at NGOs because the government money has been cut off. If you're going to lose your job because government money has been cut off, you never worked for an NGO. That is not an NGO. That is basically a government agency that is known by another name.
Speaker 2:Well, you saw, you probably saw in San Antonio, there's a company down there that was getting $18 million a month and when they investigated it down there, so Doge found it they investigated it down there and they had empty storefronts with beds in it but nobody in there, Right, and they said because we can gear up really fast, so we're taking that money, because we're always ready if something happens, we can gear up and we have all these beds ready. We were spending 18 million dollars a month.
Speaker 1:This is one small group. And then, what's the woman that ran for governor that you know? Her stupid organization that was created, you know, three days ago got two billion dollars. Who was the woman that was? She was? What's her name?
Speaker 2:I can't think of her name well, I think that's, that's the, that's the the, the da from new york wasn't?
Speaker 1:it. No, no, it was. It was a woman that ran for governor from for georgia, right, yeah, yeah yeah, she had this non-profit, that's right stacy, iron middle, yeah stacy abrams. She had a non-profit that was that wound up getting two billion dollars, and before they got the two billion dollars, the most they got was a hundred dollars. You know, like I, had a hundred dollars in their bank account. All of a sudden they get dumped two billion dollars because stacy abrams in this is just a total scam.
Speaker 2:Well, tom, think about this Of that $2 billion, now I'm going to go back and pay those people that got me that $2 billion too. Everybody's making money. And guess who's getting screwed? Right, you and I and everybody that works hard for themselves. Right, they took out the independents, small business people, medium businesses. They do that on purpose, because these are independently minded people. But in the meantime, you know, just like, just like Margaret Thatcher said, tom and this is what was happening in the United States socialism, these neo-Marxist ideas, work great until you run out of other people's money, and that's what they were doing.
Speaker 2:We were running out of our other people's money, our money right.
Speaker 1:It's like in Chicago, the CTA. Years ago they hired an armored car company to move money from the CTA stations to the central counting facility and they decided that they were going to give it to this company called Digby Armored Express. Well, the problem was that Digby Armored Express didn't have any armored cars. They had to give them the front money to go out and buy an armored car so they could use them to move the money around. And the only experience that Digby Armored Express has was that the owner did then run Catfish Digby's, which was a great restaurant on the south side on South Michigan Avenue. But so then he decided that because of his political connections he's able to get this big contract with the CTA. He had no experience. Now this is just corrupt.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:You think but it's, it's not illegal. The thing is, it's not that's that's not illegal, that's there's something wrong with that.
Speaker 2:No, and look at, you know I work out right outside of Chicago. You know Chicago is quickly coming in on itself for the. You know these unfunded pensions and it's collapsing right, and so the civilization or the society in Chicago. Right, Our civilization is already collapsed there. You know in the school systems that we have over 30 schools in Chicago, that not one, not one student is proficient in math or reading in the whole school.
Speaker 1:There's like 30 schools or something like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and the other ones that are that have a few. There's not many, right? Everybody that could be out of those schools is out.
Speaker 1:The average in all the schools is like 10%.
Speaker 2:proficiency grade level proficiency and the reason we're not closing those schools is because and actually we're hiring as the student population is dropping. The fact is, the amount of teachers is ramping up. The administration of those schools is outrageous. The costs have almost doubled in the last 10 years, while the student enrollment has gone down. And the reason is because they're all employed and they're all parts of the unions and they all vote for this, mayor Johnson and everybody else, and so they stay in power and everybody's getting screwed in the meantime. And but, tom, this will go on until enough people stand up and say no more. And this is the movement we're seeing right now.
Speaker 1:Right, Well, the people. There's still too many people that aren't standing up and saying no more. I mean, there's still way too many. They're just uninformed about what's going on, and even if they are informed, they don't necessarily believe it. And if they do believe it, they're not doing anything about it, they're just saying well, somebody else, I got my own work and that's why I really thought that we were running off the abyss before the election.
Speaker 2:I really thought and we still may, but I really thought that Trump would not get in. I just thought there'd be too much stealing going on that Trump would not get in. I just thought there'd be too much stealing going on. I thought that there were too many people that, like you said, you know they. They judge this by somebody's tweet. You just got to listen to me. I told you it was going to win, yeah, but you know, figure out now, you know, you know what we're going to do with the rest of these people that you just mentioned. Right? Because now, here's the good news. Now that I think about this, here's the good news. You know, the young people are really starting to look at politics now and starting to realize that who we elect to these roles matters.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the Gen Z is getting very engaged. They're even marrying more.
Speaker 2:Is that?
Speaker 1:right, yeah, geez, they're getting married and they're having kids that's a fact yeah, yeah, well, I hope so.
Speaker 2:I hope it keeps up, because you know we were we. You know all we talked about are all I've read about in the last couple years were all the people young people not getting married and and not having children and so gen z is.
Speaker 1:Gen z is reversing.
Speaker 2:It looks like yeah, yeah, yeah, giving up on all those people ahead of them, right, all those generations that came down. So all right, thomas. Hey, listen, man. Good to be with you, good to be with everyone. Thanks for joining us. Talk to you again soon. Bye-bye.