Become Who You Are
What’s the meaning and purpose of my life? What is my true identity? Why were we created male and female? How do I find happiness, joy and peace? How do I find love that lasts, forever? These are the timeless questions of the human heart. Join Jack Rigert and his guests for lively insights, reading the signs of our times through the lens of Catholic Teaching and the insights of Saint John Paul ll to guide us.
Saint Catherine of Siena said "Become who you are and you would set the world on fire".
Become Who You Are
#585 Safeguarding Our Children: Education, Moral Values, and Cultural Challenges, With Crime Investigator Tom Hampson
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Are today's education systems breeding anxiety and depression in our children? Join us as we tackle this pressing issue with Tom, a seasoned crime investigator, who sheds light on the alarming rise of these mental health challenges among the youth. We question the influence of school indoctrination, dissect the shift away from traditional values, and underscore the pivotal role of parents as the primary educators and protectors of their children. From the controversial topics of child sex trafficking to safeguarding innocence, our conversation aims to spark a change in how society approaches education and parental involvement.
Read Tom's Blog at Illinois Family Institute
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I'm with my good friend, crime investigator, really a police officer, for for most of his life crime when we talk about crime spent a lot of time on child sex trafficking, child porn crime. Spent a lot of time on child sex trafficking, child porn, investigating all this stuff. Tom, when you and I first met a long time ago now, I was really worried about the anxiety, the depression when we were meeting kids with the John Paul II Renewal Center. Speaking to a lot of kids, they had so many questions and we saw how anxious they were. They wanted to talk about their anxiety. Well, how come so many of our peers are talking about suicide? They actually asked us that.
Speaker 2:When I sat down with you, I said you know what's going on in the culture? What can we do to help these kids? You started to relate stories about all the things you had seen in your police work and you said, jack, it's too big, we cannot arrest our way out of this. The best thing we can do is educate parents that if parents don't stand up and realize that they're the primary educators of their children, if they go along with this government that says that these kids are ours and no longer yours, even though you got to pay the bills, you got to feed them, you got to be up when they got the flu all night long. But once they get into the schools, they get indoctrinated into what you've told me on a number of occasions, with people educating them that hate America, they hate their traditional family, they hate God and at the end of the day we're left with chaos.
Speaker 2:Tom, and my last points will be they're not educating our kids. It's abysmal across the nation what you're seeing as far as the proficiency standards coming out of our kids. Most kids are leaving school right now. High school they were kids. Most kids are leaving school right now. High school it. They can't read anywhere near at an eighth grade education. You know an eighth grade reading level. It's. It's amazing what's going on, tom isn't it right.
Speaker 1:well, the other thing about about this is that it's the the father is the primary, primary protector of the entire family and you can't depend on the police to do that. If you're a father of a family and you're expecting the police to protect you, you've got to hold out for at least five minutes, because it's going to take them at least that long to get to your help. So it's not just, it's in the whole thing, the whole family is the primary protector of their kids and if you try to lay that off on some unnamed bureaucrat, it's going to fail.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. And especially when these bureaucrats have been compromised. I mean, when I say compromised, they're ideologues, right? How many of them? You know it's in academia they're teaching the teachers to fall in these ideologies. They're really Marxist ideologies whenever you look at them. And you know when we say Marxist. My dad is a World War II vet. He's still alive today. You know, we know very well what they did, what Mao did, what Stalin did. They indoctrinated the kids. They all indoctrinated.
Speaker 1:Hitler indoctrinated the kids Hitler used.
Speaker 2:If they know they have to get to that younger generation if they're going to rebuild their society, their utopia, the way they want which again is to knock out the traditional family, take God out of the equation want, which again is to knock out the traditional family, take God out of the equation and again even hate our country and what it stands for. All we're left, tom, is chaos, and that's really where we're at right now. We're on the precipice of falling right behind Europe, which is really going down the tank really fast. We're not going to have much to save here if parents don't wake up. We did get a little breathing space, though, tom. On the good news. Now let's talk about the good news. The good news is we have a different president here who's going so fast that these ideologues, these leftists, the Democrats you can put the whole democratic party in there right they're pro-abortion, they're pro these lbgtq ideologies, and you know, at the end of the day, they can't keep up with it. This is how fast these things are working. So, at least from the federal level, at least from the federal level, I wake up up now, and you know, before he was elected, I really didn't think this was going to happen. First of all, I thought Kamala would be in with this crazy Tim Walz. They're both crazy empty from a, from a moral standpoint. They're just empty shells of people, in my opinion. I told you they would lose, by the way. Yeah, you did say that and and and. You were right, but I really thought I thought he would win, but I thought it would be stolen again. I thought that they or they would shoot him. You know, I mean, I was having nightmares about this. I was worried about that Because right now, when we go out and we do this presentation called Stolen Innocence, where we really show them and we'll talk about that a little bit today what we show people, trying to wake them up to what's going on in the school systems, what they're doing to our kids and how they're actually doing this, I didn't think we're going to be able to speak about it anymore, because we're already getting banned from libraries. Tom, we were already getting thrown out of places by people saying that we were. It was hate speech, because we wanted to protect the innocence of children and when we're speaking about this stuff, we got to keep in mind when you and I talk about stolen innocence, we're talking about kids here, aren't we, tom? We're talking about young children, who nobody should be sexualizing and indoctrinating into hating each other because of race, being told, because you have a certain color of skin, that you're either the oppressed or the oppressor.
Speaker 2:Getting back to these ideologies that I started with with Marxism, this was not long ago, and what happened in the United States, just to make it easy is that the Marxists couldn't get control here in the beginning in the United States because the middle class didn't want to go against the oppressed or oppressed. Look, we knew that capitalism could run amok and there were greedy business owners that would put you down, and so there were reasons to stand up. Right, laborers should stand up for their rights. But at the end of the day, we had a dream that we might be the business owner one day in the United States. So we weren't ready to give all these businesses to the government, because at the end of the day, once the government gets control over the powers of production and we become total socialists, slash Marxists, then we really have a problem.
Speaker 2:And talk about somebody that will use and abuse the worker. It's the Marxists, but anyways, they couldn't do it here because of that. The other reason is we did believe in marriage, traditional marriage, and we also had a faith in God. But they have come in through academia, through the law, fear, getting into all these different positions and powers and then pushing all this down on us and really wrecking, doing big damage to the children, who no longer are told that there is a right or a wrong. They're told that there is no right, there is no wrong.
Speaker 1:And it's a confusing time. The other thing is that they're going against the law in the things that they're teaching kids. They're going against the law in the things that they're teaching kids. One of the key points that they make in sex education in these schools now is that the most important factor in the kids becoming sexual is consent. Well, the law says until you reach a certain age, you cannot give consent, says until you reach a certain age, you cannot give consent. And yet they're teaching children about consent, starting when they're 10 years old. This is just wrong and they're doing it in violation of what the law actually says. So they're not teaching the children that you cannot give consent. They're teaching the children that you can and encouraging them to experiment. Now, what does this do to a child, when you're encouraging young children, prepubescent children, to experiment sexually, when you tell them you don't really know whether you're a boy or a girl until later, when you become more sexually active, then you'll learn whether you're a boy or a girl. This is just insane.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and again the Marxists, the neo-Marxists that are in charge of these teachers' colleges and things. They state very clearly that it's really not academic proficiency that they're after.
Speaker 1:They're doing a good job of that.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So that's what I want to talk about, because for people that are confused about what they're teaching kids and this sexualization in school, all you got to do is look at the results. I'm looking right here at a new report from Wirepoints in Illinois. So we're in Illinois, illinois. Only about a third of Illinois children are proficient in reading or math. A third of children proficient in reading or math.
Speaker 2:It's worse for a lot of the minorities. It's worse especially for black children, and when they rate them as black and you already listed it, you already said the key to that because they don't have fathers in their home. Tom, when we look at the inner city of Chicago, 79% to 80% of young black children are growing up without fathers in their home, and so you don't have anybody to protect them. You don't have anybody that's going to say hey, jack, tom, did you do your homework tonight? Or sit there and help you with your lesson plans. It's really been a breakdown of the family. So they've already accomplished that in these inner cities and you know people keep throwing more and more money at it. We have, you know, it's, almost $30,000 a student now in Chicago. It's just preposterous how much money we're spending on that and it's not working is it?
Speaker 1:No, and it's not just the black families. The families in every ethnic group are becoming fatherless homes, and the thing that hurt families in this country the most was the great society providing welfare to people if they didn't have fathers in the home.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and so here's the key to what Trump is doing. Our government has grown so big and so unwieldy that we're like a pyramid scheme right now, just printing money. It's going to come down. We see it in inflation. Elon Musk made the point numerous times, but this is just economics 101. When government spends herself in the debt, the only way that they can pay that back is through inflation, and so you have inflation. And when a government borrows $1,000 and 10 years from now that $1,000 is only worth $500, what happens? Your taxes have been going up, and now they're taking that money and they're paying these debts. But it's a pyramid scheme. In Chicago, we're sitting on billions and billions and billions of pensions that are not funded, and so your taxes are going up at the same time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so at the same time when we say this from a practical standpoint. Guys, your kids are not learning anything in school. They're being indoctrinated. Their hearts and minds have been twisted and distorted. It's really something that's going on. At the same time, you're paying more and more and more for this. Finally, people are starting to wake up. We've been talking about this for years, tom. Are they going to finally? Are parents going to finally start to take a stand on here? Or do not enough children have a mom and a dad in the home and, because they're paying such high taxes, they're in a box right now that they've abdicated responsibility for their kids to the schools, which have become terrible babysitters but basically daycare centers to be indoctrinated. And again, they hate the country. They're going to teach your kids that traditional families are just one way to live this out and probably not even the best way, and that you know, god is some oppressor that's oppressing humanity and we have to be free from all of that. And this is actually being taught in schools.
Speaker 1:The key to our future is the children, and so how they're raised not just how they're raised, but how they are educated is extremely important to the future of the country. And yet and local school elections for school board members are the least popular kinds of elections About 10% of the people actually go out and vote for the local school boards. And yet those school board members are the ones able to exercise their control over how their children are being raised, how their children are being educated. And the Supreme Court has said on multiple occasions parents get to direct the education of their children. They're not doing it because they're not voting for the right people for school board. They're voting in leftists who want to indoctrinate children into these leftist ideas. They want them in an environment where God is not even talked about, not even as an academic subject. It is irrelevant God. Is irrelevant in the schools today the way they're teaching it. And so they've replaced the morality of the traditional Judeo-Christian morality in schools with this made up morality of the left, which is the DEI CRT national standards.
Speaker 2:Social emotional learning. Thomas is in every school district now in the United States.
Speaker 1:Part of that social emotional learning is. That includes the idea that sex is a continuum, that you go from male to female and everything in between, and every child has a right to engage in sexual activity and you have to discover what your sex is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so that's really what the National Sex Ed Standards or Comprehensive Sex Ed Standards are teaching. I think SEL comes in because everything becomes an emotion. It becomes an empathy, or a false empathy, a false compassion, and these children are told in lesson plans that here I can see if I can bring this up, Tom, but let me just talk through it right now. So to give you an example, Illinois Elementary School this is District 65, this is Skokie and Evanston. There's a sexuality club, Confidential for fifth graders, and let me just give you a little idea of what's going on here. So the outrageous news emerging from an elementary school in Illinois provides yet another reason for Illinoisans to work tenaciously for school choice. This is by Laura Higgins. She posted this on Breakthrough.
Speaker 2:Public schools are ruled tyrannically by leftists who have no interest in intellectual diversity and no respect for parents. Maury Gittley is a third grade teacher with a butch haircut who refers to herself incorrectly by the plural pronouns they them and is offering an LGBTQ plus affinity group for fifth grade students at Lincoln Elementary School in 65 who may be questioning their gender or sexual identity. And so here's a safe place, she says, anonymous place, where we're not going to tell your parents or anything, and we're going to be able to talk in the safe space about gender, sexual identity, et cetera, et cetera. So our point when this happens? These are 10-year-old kids, right? 9 and 10-year-old kids.
Speaker 2:Nobody should be talking to our children about sexuality, especially behind closed doors. This is just a chance to groom them and desensitize them to what the reality of, about love and marriage and the family are all about, and to confuse them about sexual identity. Parents have to put their foot down, Tom, and say no, schools are no place for this type of thing. No matter who you are, no matter where you stand on this left-right spectrum, this is no longer that. This is about really stealing and robbing the innocence of children, twisting and distorting their moral imaginations. And, at the end of the day, for what purpose, Tom? What are they doing this for?
Speaker 1:And, at the end of the day, for what purpose, tom? What are they doing this for? Well, they're doing it to groom children into a same-sex relationship. They're grooming them to become victims of some older predator. That's what they're doing In reality. If science means anything, you have to understand that these alphabet, mafia, people, lgbtq, whatever has absolutely no meaning for somebody who's prepubescent Puberty is when people can become sexually active. But for a child, they shouldn't even be introduced to this kind of stuff. There's no purpose to it other than to steer them in a direction that the teacher wants them to go. If you start telling kids that they're part unicorn, when they're three years old, they're going to begin to believe it.
Speaker 2:yeah, and they and they are right. They are, you know, and, and, and it's amazing when you look at the amount of young people today. When you look at the generation z, say, 10 year old, 50 they were. They were born in 2010,. Up to 2010. 1997, I think it was to 2010. So they're 2010, to let me think here. They're about 15 years old right now that might be easier way to say it to about 27, 28.
Speaker 2:Of that cohort, generation Z, up to 39% to 40% of them consider themselves LBGTQ. They don't even know what that means. When you ask them, tom, when you ask them, what does that mean Really? What you get is really no answer. It's just a confusion. It's about an emotion.
Speaker 2:Again, this is where SEL comes in. It's just an emotion. It's how you feel inside and it's exactly what you just said. It's a break from reality, a break from truth, a break from any type of objective morality. When you see this, you're not doing young people any good. We meet them all the time.
Speaker 2:The young people that we talk to have been all exposed to pornography. When they look at each other, when they start to communicate with each other, it's all about having sex and it's meaningless. How many kids in college. Now up to 50% of them are coming out with some type of an STD. There are emotional basket cases. A lot of these women, the men that we talk to, are addicted to pornography and they want to get out now. They feel an emptiness, a lack of purpose and meaning in their life. When you do this, you're setting yourself up for a whole culture. That's really what we would call a culture of death. Right A baby? If a baby happens to come, abortion is right there. Marriage is meaningless anymore. The culture can't stand it. The society won't stand Tom, and we're starting to see this crumbling all around us.
Speaker 2:Not only our money is being extorted from us. You know why do people have to work today? People say because the bills are higher, we got to buy more stuff. No, it's your taxes. It's a total extortion right now for somebody to take In today's society. If you add up all the taxes the Fed, the state, the licensing fees, your real estate taxes it's almost 50% of every dollar a family brings in. When you add up all the fees, all the taxes is going to the government and the government is wasting, totally wasting the money. $50 million Doge right. $50 million. They just stopped going to Gaza to buy condoms in Gaza. $39 million to Senegal to help with their reading, because their reading standards and try to help improve them While we're failing here. 39, and you know what they looked at Senegal and their proficiency standards were way higher than ours in our nation, so we sent 30.
Speaker 2:I just saw right now that Democratic states are wards of Washington. The Wall Street Journal wrote you know when Trump put that, he said that hey, no money is going to be going out right until we get a little handle on where all this money is going. 22 states with Democratic attorneys general, plus the District of Columbia, detail the litany of programs funded by Uncle Sam. They said that if you don't fund us right away. Washington State said that it just last year it received $121 million for allergy and infectious disease research. Who's going to fund that, tom, if we don't send $121 million there? Illinois claimed that the federal Medicaid funds makes up 60% of its 2023 budget on critical care. You can't make this up. One more point Government social assistance and health care. Government social assistance and health care. Government social assistance and health care account for nearly all new jobs added in Democratic-run states California, new York, minnesota and Illinois. Almost all the jobs are government and social assistance jobs.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, that's because the 20 million people that have come in in the last four years are all getting public aid. They're getting Medicare, medicaid, they're getting all kinds of public support. They're going to schools? No, they're not paying any taxes, and somebody else is paying for those kids in Chicago at a rate of $29,000 per child. Now, this is insane. Why are we paying public aid to people who are here illegally? That just doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Speaker 2:And throwing more money at education, like in Chicago. Pritzker's asking for more money, johnson's asking more money for education because the kids are failing. I'm going to see if I could bring up a chart here and I'm going to show you where that money is going. Let's see if I can bring up a chart here, um, and I'm going to show you where that money is going, right, let's, let's see if I can bring this up. You let me know if it comes up on on your screen it.
Speaker 1:Well, it was there for. Yeah, there, it is okay, let me. You made it small, you get. You went back to that whiteboard thing again yeah, let me.
Speaker 2:I'm going to open this up for you though. Okay, can you see that? Yep, okay. So growth and administrative staff, principals, teachers and students in public schools so thirty thousand dollars a student right in chicago, and they want more money. They want more money. Well, where does that money go? We, we have here here's in in green down at the bottom, if you can see the green that's the amount of teachers. Since 2000 to today, we have a 10% rise in money going to teachers. We have 5% more students and that's dipping now. And where did the money go? Principals and assistants up 39%. Administrative staff up 95%. So where's the administrative staff? It's all in those fields again Healthcare, social workers, more student counselors, more student nurses.
Speaker 2:Because why, tom? Because they have more mental health issues, more mental health problems, and in order to indoctrinate your kids with SEL and DEI CRT, they had to lay layers of staff on top of that because they're no longer teaching. Instead they're pushing all these ideologies. I know the mental health. I sit in the school, I go to school board meetings out by me and they're talking about adding more nurses because they said there's just so many mental health problems in the schools. At the end of the day, we create the mental health problems and then we solve them with more money.
Speaker 2:So this is really the predicament we're in and again, trump can only do so much.
Speaker 2:Tom, parents are going to have to wake up to this and decide once and for all that you know, go to the golf course and going on your next vacation is nice, but if you're not standing up and seeing what's going on with kids, with schools, with what they're doing, with these indoctrinations, how they're taking the whole society down, then we're not going to have much of a country to fight for Our kids. You know, it's really sad to think that we're not going to have much of a country to fight for Our kids. You know, it's really sad to think that we're giving up and burning our children with all of this debt, with lack of education, with a socialist, neo-marxist country and that's what we were five seconds away from in this last election from totally falling. But all we've done now, tom, is we've stepped back a little bit from the persecution from the federal government. But if we don't take this back from the states, from the cities, from the schools, it's not going to do much good, is it?
Speaker 2:Four years later we're going to be back with some other, some moron in in the in office and and it was an ideologue again well did.
Speaker 1:Did you know? One of the things that trump stopped was this book ban coordinator, the book ban operation that they had out of the office of civil rights and in the in the department of education. Were we? Were you aware that the federal government was fighting schools that took books they considered to be inappropriate out of their libraries? Were you aware that there was this effort to stop that? I had no idea there was.
Speaker 1:I thought it was the library associations and some of these other organizations, but it started down in Forsyth, georgia, when the school board down there removed several books that were inappropriate and All Boys Aren't Blue. There's a couple others that are like that, that are really disgusting, perverted books. They removed them from the library disgusting, perverted books. They removed them from the library. Somebody complained and and the U S department of education got involved in it and forced the school board to put them back in the in the in the school. Well, the real problem was that the school board, rather than fighting them in court, capitulated to this demand of the office of civil rights because they didn't want to spend. You know what I didn't want to spend. You know what?
Speaker 2:I. I didn't realize that the federal government had that power to do that. So if that was your earlier question, I didn't realize that how long is this?
Speaker 1:well, this started in 2022 under the under the biden administration, where they really recently right and and so in.
Speaker 1:In 2023, biden appointed this guy, matt Nosinchuk, to be basically the czar of book.
Speaker 1:Bans for the Department of Education local school boards from removing books from the schools because, on the basis that they were created a hostile environment for LGBTQ kids and so basically it was forcing them to keep obscene books in the school libraries which, by any normal standard, people would consider to be any normal standard people would consider to be inappropriate for children of that age.
Speaker 1:They might not be obscene from the standpoint of an adult, but the Supreme Court has ruled in 1968 that the standard of obscenity for a child or being inappropriate for a child is different than for an adult, and they've also ruled that parents have a right to decide what their children should be educated, how they should be educated. So when a local school board decides on the basis, on behalf of the parents, that a book is inappropriate, they should be able to win in court. If they would take it to court, the people in Georgia should have been able to win that case, but they just didn't want to spend the money because they had a school board that was more interested in accommodating the federal government than they were executing the will of the parents.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it shows that the overreach that was happening at the federal level. You know Biden did more to ruin this country in four years. It was amazing. It's not like he started this whole thing right. We know what Obama was there.
Speaker 1:A lot of this stuff started. A lot of it actually started under obama.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean obama was is was a look at. His dad was, and I believe his mom too was just a full-fledged marxist. You know obama. When he was then he did so much damage, but now biden, whether he knew it or not, was just adding and adding to this. So we have this deep state that Trump is trying to take apart, and the National Department of Education, which should never be around. It's huge now, and what does it do? All it does is take away again the rights of parents and teachers in these local districts, and this is what it has to get back down to. This is the problem when you get into socialism and neo-Marxism. This is what happens when the citizens no longer care who they put into office, what morality that they have. This is a cancer, and Trump will not be able to do this on his own, tom.
Speaker 1:No, not at all.
Speaker 2:We all have to stand up or give up our country to our kids, but don't forget the most. Here's one good thing we have going for us. Most of the leftists don't have kids. They don't want kids. They want nothing to do with them. All they want to do is indoctrinate them and do this weird power thing. The children are always had by people with hope, with faith, that respect the traditional family, that have a love for God and respect for God. So it will come back again if they don't totally annihilate our country.
Speaker 1:But right now, for this Generation Z coming up, right now. They're going to be in bad, bad shape if we don't get a handle on this and start to help them. Well, they might not have kids themselves, but they're indoctrinating our kids.
Speaker 2:Well, that's what I'm saying, because we're not paying any attention.
Speaker 1:That's right. It's really infuriating that basically local school boards in almost every place are being elected by teachers and most of the teachers that are doing the electing are the left-wing teachers.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they're funded by the teachers unions and the big teachers unions are Marxists.
Speaker 2:Yes, they're Marxists. The American Library Association the past president, was self-termed. She self-described herself as a lesbian Marxist, Right, and you know whatever, however, why you have to throw in lesbian. I mean, you know, it's amazing that you know. If I come to you, Tom, and I'm looking for some title, and I said, you know, I'm a cisgender guy looking for a job, I mean, who says that kind of stuff? Right, but you could tell it's an ideology and I can't even stand those terms, yeah. Let me see if I can. You don't introduce yourself.
Speaker 1:Hey, you know, I'm, I'm Tom, I'm straight.
Speaker 2:I want to see if I could share something with you, tom. Let's see if this works or not. Did this come up? Yep, nation's Report Card. All right, so Nation's Report Card. Just 9% of black eighth grade students are proficient in math.
Speaker 2:20% of Hispanic fourth graders, 37% of white fourth graders this is across the country right now is across the the the country right now when you start to talk about the results, or yet another indicator that the state's education system is failing. Here in illinois, we we spent 44 billion dollars in 2024, versus 35 billion dollars in 2019. He had all the evidence points that the money is being wasted. Fewer illinois students can read proficiently. I can't read either. I don't have my glasses I'm going to put them on today than they could five years ago. Yet Teachers Union is demanding a 9% yearly salary increase A 9%, tom, we're up to.
Speaker 1:Well, that's because inflation they have to stay ahead of inflation.
Speaker 2:Right. So Illinois spends $2,000 to spends two to eight thousand dollars is the last paragraph here more per student than all the other midwestern states. Yet its fourth grade reading results aren't any better than theirs and etc. Etc. So it's amazing. What's going on, right? We're failing those kids. One other document, if I could, if I could get this up well, see, they say, it's not the teacher's fault, it's the parents fault. Yeah, everybody's got to blame somebody here, right?
Speaker 1:okay this.
Speaker 2:Did that come up? Lesson plan for k through second so this is the national sex ed standards. And in district 65, this is that elementary school we were talking about, where they started that club for kids here. Here's here's what happened. So this is an actual lesson plan and I'm not going to go through the whole lesson plan, but I I wanted to show you here they're going to read this story, the story of harvey milk and the rainbow flag.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh that guy you know harvey milk is, was a drug dealing pedophile I. I don't know how can he possibly be somebody that that they, they, that they want to tout as as a as a role model?
Speaker 2:well, tom, because we're talking about neo-marxists here. That's why, and that that's. That's a, that's a perfect hero for them, I think. So here's a teacher. Now, these are young kids. Now, these are, these are kids, not even in puberty yet, right, robbing them of their innocence. The teacher, as you heard in the story, sometimes people who look the same love each other. Well, no, fooling teacher. Sometimes people who look different love each other, okay. So now what's the point? Boys can love boys, okay. So now, what's the point? Boys can love boys, tom, did you ever have a friend or a brother or relative or anybody, a man that you know that that you could love? Yes, I love plenty. Yeah, right, girls can love girls. No, fooling People can love people. I mean, these are geniuses, right? But here's the point that they're going to make.
Speaker 2:When a boy this they're telling little kids when a boy loves another boy, they can be called gay, and when a girl loves another girl, they can be called a lesbian or lesbians. When a boy loves a girl, they're called straight. When someone is not a boy or a girl, when someone is not a boy or a girl, or maybe they're both, they are non-binary or queer, we're telling a kindergarten or first grader. This, tom, this kind of love is for people, not in your family. Teacher, use yourself as an example. I love my mom, but I'm not a lesbian. This love is different from the love you have for your family. I mean, what are you telling these kids this for right? So what do they do, tom? So you are no longer a beloved child of God, you no longer have human dignity Just because you're a human being? Now you're a label. Your new identity is an LGBTQIA++.
Speaker 2:And here's the problem with that. Once I decide that I'm a label, kids will start to live out those labels. They start to take those characteristics on. They're taught what, what it means to do this and what a confusing bunch of malarkey, tom. But why would you do that to kids in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, again?
Speaker 2:This is pretty easy for me, as a parent or a grandparent, to say this has to stop in these schools. But the only way it's going to stop is a show of force, and people are going to have to be courageous. They're going to have to go on the offensive and stand up at these school board meetings and start to say this is ridiculous. In that school district it costs $27,000 per student to educate them in these government schools. The proficiency standards are half of those kids in those schools. It cannot read state level, which is a dumbed-down level already. It cannot do math at those levels. The anxiety is going up. The problems in their mental health are going up. So they're adding more counselors, more nurses, and it's the counselors, tom and I think you know about this as well as anybody it's the counselors themselves and the social workers that are in these schools that are the worst at this well, you know I can't get off this thing with harvey milk.
Speaker 1:Did you know that harvey milk was a political operative of jim jones of the?
Speaker 2:oh yeah, he was a he was an operative for, so so explain, explain that to people who don't realize what what that means. Who's jim? Jones, jim?
Speaker 1:jones was the one in guyana that had everybody commit suicide 900 people. He murdered a bunch of people. He actually had hit squads that went out and killed people and Harvey Milk worked for that guy. Just unbelievable that they have. What happened to a role model? Like you know, when I was a kid George, george Washington, abraham Lincoln, teddy Roosevelt these are people who are real world models. Harvey Milk was a disgusting human being. I don't know why they would ever teach kids that and then to teach kindergarten and second grade kids kindergarten and second grade kids about their sexuality is just absolutely insane. I just it is just so upsetting to me and and it really upsets me that parents are allowing this to happen.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I, we've really fallen down as parents, I, you know, I, I don't know if it's a courage thing or if we've been brainwashed ourselves or just got lazy, fat and lazy in this country. You know, we, I think so much got handed to some of these kids and then the rest of them, unfortunately too many of them, are growing up in dysfunctional families where, again, fatherless 43% of every child born in the United States today is born out of wedlock and so they don't have the advantages you know. Think about white advantage. Well, the advantage comes when you have an intact nuclear family, traditional family, father and a mother. There. Can they be abusive? Of course they can, but of course we know that the majority of children are going to do much better.
Speaker 1:Aren't the Asian families the ones that are most intact?
Speaker 2:Yeah yeah. And they're the ones that are thriving the most. Right, you know you have them where, at the highest point. In fact, asians really started to push back on this when the DEI came in, and so many of them are being excluded from the colleges they want to go to when they have the very highest academic performance, because they don't have enough other minorities in those roles.
Speaker 1:Well, I always liked the you know with the air traffic controllers had they had like a thousand of them, they said, no, we're gonna, we're gonna come up with a new list because there are too many white guys on there.
Speaker 2:Yeah yeah, yeah, you can't make this stuff up. I I'm kind of just. Let me make a little statement, tom. Get your opinion on this as we start to wind down here, right, all right, the role of parents in building a culture of life and love. People will if they disagree with these things. This is what you see and this is the failure right now. But the discussions with these kids around sex education tends to be on topics like biology, consent, as you mentioned, contraception, personal autonomy, no objective truth. These discussions, though, fail to address a more profound truth Sex education is ultimately about understanding what it means to be a fully human person.
Speaker 2:It's not just about physical knowledge, but discovering the purpose of love, the sacredness of relationships, the dignity of the human person, and modern culture dismisses these deeper understandings, rejecting, of course, god. It's a worldview that seeks to erase God, the church, scripture, family. You know, moral, objective, moral truths, and, at the end of the day, you're seeing, really, the fallout and the decline of this Over history. Of the 22 major civilizations and Western civilization now, right is, 19 of them rotted from inside. They fell not because they were invaded, but because of the moral rot inside.
Speaker 2:So this is nothing totally new, tom, it's just we see a profound acceleration of this right now across Western civilization and it's really sad. And really what it's most sad is that we're taking away our children and our grandchildren's chance to really thrive as human beings, to build up a culture of love where we really take care of people. But right now we're teaching them to use each other, to wear these labels and you're seeing the mental illness. Really, the acceleration of mental illness today since they started to measure these things has just accelerated the last decade. Tom, you've seen the stats on this. It's crazy.
Speaker 1:Well, one of the things that I've talked about and written about is many of these that I've talked about and written about is many of these problems are the result of the church failing to do its job in our culture. There was a study that Barna did a number of years ago well, I guess it was just a couple of years ago that showed that of the regular church attenders, only 17% held a biblical worldview. And of the people who claim that they're Christians, who say that they're Christians, only 9% of them have a biblical worldview. When you've got even regular attenders who are Christians, only 17% of them holding a view that Christians are supposed to have basically a biblical worldview, you've got a real problem, because that means that 83% of them don't.
Speaker 1:83% of them are being examples that aren't biblical, that are contributing to the destruction of society. You see it in the former president, who professed to be a Catholic, yet he was 100% in favor of abortion. He was totally on board with men can become women, women can become men. This is just insane. How can we possibly have? And he's like an example for the world.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and we were pushing this all around the world. We had the LBGTQ flags flying at our embassies around the world. Yeah, yeah, and we were pushing this all around the world. Right, we had the lbgtq flags flying at our embassies around the world. We're pushing pornography, abortion. We're pushing all of this around the world, this corruption everybody, and they're all rich tom.
Speaker 1:They're all guy noson chuck was worked for the state department under the obama administration and he was the one that was. That was that went after the the book ban thing in in the obama administration. He was working for the state department and he was twisting government arms to get them to accept lgbt community and and stop, you know, persecuting them in in his mind. So he was probably one of the one of the people that started doing all the, the, the pride flags at the embassies.
Speaker 2:Who did Biden have as the assistant secretary to the HHS was a man who dressed up as a woman and wore heels. He was the. You know I hate to use derogatory terms, but he was the homeliest woman. You know, I mean the guy. I mean he had a five o'clock shadow, he walked like a man with high heels and tripping all over himself and and he pushed I mean this is how evil these guys are. He pushed this trans, affirming care, knowing that there's no science behind it, and pushed it as a science well, he said it was settled science that, how that gender affirming care is settled science did I was he pardoned?
Speaker 2:I I wonder if he was one of those 25 million people.
Speaker 1:Being a little facetious here, I think 8 000 he he's pardoned 8 000 people, did he?
Speaker 2:is it up to 8 000? Yeah, what a piece of you know might even be more than that.
Speaker 1:Because, uh, because, pardoned categories of people not just by name, but it's questionable whether or not they fit.
Speaker 2:What we're talking about here is a spiritual battle, and this really gets down to good versus evil. And if you don't wake up but I guess if people don't have a biblical worldview, a lens, they won't see it. I guess, tom, there is a good spark here. What we're seeing with the John Paul II Renewal Center, what you and I talked about a number of times, we're starting to see, especially the young men, generation Z men that I mentioned earlier. We're starting to see them really come up and look around and saying there's got to be something more. A lot of them have been addicted to porn or starting to come to the surface and getting older here, at 20, 21, 22, and thinking you know what is this all about? There's got to be something more.
Speaker 2:The problem with society as a whole, with the churches as a whole, when they start to seek answers, when the church themselves, when the church itself, when these pastors and these bishops in the Catholic Church aren't there for them and don't share the biblical worldview, don't actually give them this moral base, then they leave these poor young guys. When they're seeking, they have to go find answers someplace else and they'll never find it. So that's the precipice we're on right now, tom, that those young people are waking up. But who's going to guide them right? So we all have to.
Speaker 2:Those of us that have to believe in the gospel. We're going to have to do what Jesus said go out and proclaim the gospel to everybody. And we stopped doing that too, tom. So we have to do it. As a lady, we have to stand up for school boards. We have to proclaim the gospel. There's nobody else, tom. I'm sorry, buddy, you know you and I start talking about retirement and at the end of the day, you know it's not, it's not going to be a pretty picture back there. So you can't go to the golf course until we get this thing solved, tom. So I guess we got to hang out for a while longer.
Speaker 1:Well, we need a lot more than us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we do, and we're starting to get it. You're starting to see this all over. You know people are standing up. It's just we have to get to those young people, because it doesn't matter if the older generation is going to be out of here in 10, 20 years, whatever the heck it is, and if these young people have been indoctrinated, 70% of them consider themselves socialists right now, 90%, as I said earlier, don't believe in moral relativism. If that doesn't change, then this will be this little window that we had here, with Trump bringing some great people in, and this will all fall apart again. This is a time to really rise up, tom, and stand for what's true, good and beautiful, what's decent in the world, and if you don't know what that is, crack open a gospel and start reading it.
Speaker 1:And this is God's will to do these things. This is not just something that, it's not just some kind of good cause. It's God wants us to create a better life, better world, to use what influence we have to get other people to begin living as he wants us all to live, to actually carry his word to other people. And part of that, that challenge, is to raise our children in in the right, in the right way.
Speaker 1:Yes, it is you can't just say okay, well, I'm letting. I'm letting this atheist teacher raise my kid, while I go off and do my my own thing, because I'm paying her to do it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Amen brother.
Speaker 1:Hey that I'm paying her to do it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, amen, brother. Hey, that's a good way to end this, I think, thomas. Thank you so much. Thanks for sharing your time. Appreciate it.