Become Who You Are
What’s the meaning and purpose of my life? What is my true identity? Why were we created male and female? How do I find happiness, joy and peace? How do I find love that lasts, forever? These are the timeless questions of the human heart. Join Jack Rigert and his guests for lively insights, reading the signs of our times through the lens of Catholic Teaching and the insights of Saint John Paul ll to guide us.
Saint Catherine of Siena said "Become who you are and you would set the world on fire".
Become Who You Are
#582 Confronting Exploitation: From Sex Trafficking to Educational and Immigration Debates, With Thomas Hampson
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How do we combat the deep-seated issues of injustice and exploitation that plague our society? Join us as we uncover the harsh realities of sex trafficking and its entrenchment in our communities with Thomas Hampson, an investigative journalist renowned for his work on crime and sexual exploitation. Through heartfelt personal narratives, including the story of my nephew, we explore the shifting dynamics of college relationships, underscoring how family backgrounds shape young adults.
Are educational policies overstepping parental rights and community values? The contentious debate over school content, particularly LGBTQ literature, is brought to the forefront as we examine the tug-of-war between federal mandates and local autonomy. Drawing historical parallels to freedom struggles, we consider the potential overreach of the Biden administration and the implications for parental influence in education. The incident in Forsyth County, Georgia, serves as a poignant example of federal intervention sparking community conflict, pushing us to question the appropriate role of government in shaping young minds.
Unregulated borders and illegal migration continue to stir controversy, sparking discussions about the exploitation of migrants and the strain on citizens. We delve into the murky ethics of religious organizations profiting from immigration, dissecting the so-called new form of slavery in modern society. Highlighting the need for compassion balanced with controlled borders, our conversation challenges listeners to recognize and resist manipulations within the immigration debate. It's a call to action for men and women alike to unite against exploitation, striving for systemic change that protects all members of our communities.
Read Tom's Blog at Illinois Family Institute
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I'm with my good friend, thomas Hampson. He is an investigative journalist, a crime investigative journalist, been in crime fighting for almost his whole life. Tom, you grew up as a baby and came out of your mother's womb when you started to fight against the injustices of the world. But you specialized at a time in sexual sex trafficking, sex trafficking for minors, pornography. You know this story well, I've related this story in the past. But you and I were trying to help young people and I said to you, tom, you know what can we do? And you said to me something really important. You said, jack, it's too big, you can't arrest your way out of it. This has permeated the culture, permeated modern civilization. You know modern life. These progressives have pushed us into our school systems. We have to educate. And then, as I went along, I met more and more young men, especially the last five, 10 years and especially since COVID so even the last five years even more that are looking for something more, that are waking up and saying this is nuts. So I'm going to give you a little example. You can't make this stuff up. I'm with my nephew. We're having lunch.
Speaker 1:Not too long ago he was home from college. He's a 20-year-old guy. He's a stud and he looks great. He's a masculine guy but with a big, tender heart Working out. You know, he's kind of a. He's a man's man and yet he's a really tender, sweet young guy. He's a man's man and yet he's a really tender, sweet young guy. And he and I said to him I said josh, I said you know any cute girls on campus?
Speaker 1:And he said, yeah, you know, copy paste, copy paste, copy paste. And I said what do you mean copy paste? And he said, uncle jack. He said you know, these girls are all the same. I said how can they be all the same? He said it's amazing. He said that they all want to go out, they just want to party and they want to have sex. And I said, josh, it seems like you know, that's the, the, the average college guy's dream. Right, and he goes not for me, uncle Jack, not for me.
Speaker 1:He said I want to find one girl, a girl that's a friend of mine, that we could talk to. He said you know, I'm the 20th, 30th guy that these girls have been with. This is nothing special for them, they're emotional basket cases. And he says can you imagine marrying one of these girls. Not only are they detached from a relationship with one man, sex and that intimacy is nothing special for them. And you know you made an earlier point, right before we got on, tom that you know what you see is what you get. I mean, these people don't just change overnight what you get. I mean, these people don't don't just change overnight. If they were, if they were cheating on their boyfriends in college and their and their whole young lives or sexual lives, then this is going to carry on. This doesn't just stop. There's no, there's no wedding switch. You know where I just pull the switch. We both changed and now, now we give our lives to each other, our past come along with us, don't they, tom?
Speaker 2:yeah, the whole life, your whole family comes along with you too yeah, when you get married, you're married a lot more than just the wife yes, you are.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, the horror stories we could talk about from there. Yeah, try to marry into a good family, and that's another problem. You know the there, these, these young girls, I, we were, we had this conversation, and so many of them come from dysfunctional families. When I say dysfunctional, I mean it might just be a divorce, but the divorce makes these kids unstable in so many ways. You know, we don't think that divorce harms kids, and kids can just. You know, they, the old psychology books right, the kids are tough and resistant and they'll be fine. Well, we find out they're not so fine. Are you there, thomas? I'm here, yeah.
Speaker 2:Were you asking me a question.
Speaker 1:I was kind of throwing it back in your lap, my friend. Now I can just keep on with the monologue.
Speaker 2:But I try to wake you up every once in a while. Okay, well, I'm awake. I was just thinking about the family. I wanted to throw something in here. So, yeah, I saw this. I saw a video of a guy saying you can't deport them. What about my mother-in-law, who lives on the 12th, and who lives on 12th and third in the blue apartments behind mcdonald's and leaves the door unlocked? I don't know what I would ever do if she was taken from us. She gets home at 5 pm every day and she has a dog that doesn't bite Eight cries.
Speaker 1:Best video ever.
Speaker 2:This is the kind of thing that when you get married, you're married into that kind of family.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, here's on a little bit more serious note. But thank goodness, is you and I, when we do a presentation called Stolen Innocence, really showing what they're doing to our children in schools? Trump administration comes in and his new Department of Education drops the book ban complaints, rescinds related guidance. This is an article by Rudy Blaylock. He's a reporter for E for Epic Times. I think the new department leadership said decisions about school library content should be made at the local level by parents and school boards.
Speaker 1:The US Department of Education has taken steps to end what it called the book ban hoax promoted by the previous administration. The previous administration said that you can't ban books from libraries, including school libraries, because they'd violate civil laws. And when they say that they're talking about the LBGTQIASS laws, so they're using law fear in essence to take away the right from parents as the primary educators of their children and saying no, all of these books which are pornographic books, and that's really the bottom line here. You know when they start to talk about gender ideologies and you notice this very quickly when you're working in school systems like we are, at least monitoring the school systems and the libraries, school systems and the libraries that right beneath the very thin veneer of all these gender ideologies is pornography, because it's showing how they have sex. How does an, l, a, g, a, b, a, t, a, q, a, t, blah, blah how do they have sex? That's what it comes down to desensitizing, grooming young people, really stealing and robbing them of their innocence and obliterating their moral imaginations, taking away all that's true, good and beautiful and twisting and distorting them. And so this is really the bottom line, and this is really what I wanted to make clear to young people, especially as we start to work more and more with young people. We're launching something called Claymore. Claymore is the big Claymore sword.
Speaker 1:You could see it behind me that William Wallace used to fight the English when they came in, and it's a battle going on for the hearts and minds, actual bodies themselves, of young people, and the Biden administration was so nefarious that they said, nope, we're going to take away parents' rights to decide what kind of books, literature, what kids should be learning in school, and give this just to the government, who has become so nefarious before the Trump administration came in to untwist all this stuff, before the Trump administration came in to untwist all this stuff, that it's amazing what you and I have gone through Tom the last four or five years as we fought this in schools and see these ideologies and just kind of to finish this idea, when you think about the T in the LBGT.
Speaker 1:And then the Q the T is really just saying let's distort reality to these kids, let's just blatantly get them to accept a lie. And then the Q the T is really just saying let's distort reality to these kids, let's just blatantly get them to accept a lie. If we can get to accept a lie that a man become a woman, a woman become a man, then we have them, you know, and we have the whole culture actually. And then Q? The Q is just really querying and which is really throwing everything that we know through tradition, a marriage, the family, et cetera, throwing it all out and saying, nope, we're going to take that down and we're going to bring basically chaos into the culture. Anything goes, and you're seeing that play out today.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the thing about this book ban is that it originally was filed in February 2022 in Atlanta, georgia, with the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, and it was a complaint that these books were being banned by parents and it was being discriminatory or caused harassment against people who are LGBTQ. That was the main issue. But because the books themselves depicted sexual activity of these LGBTQ people, to my point, yeah, and so the Atlanta office of Office of Civil Rights initially rejected the complaint. They just said they tossed it out and it was reinstated by Washington DC. So Washington DC came in and said no, this is a legitimate thing. They looked into it and they started the investigation, but the Forsyth School Board, rather than fighting it in court, which would have cost them a lot of money, they decided to voluntarily resolve the issue with the Office of Civil Rights, which then imposed these restrictions, made them return these books into the library, and then that started a whole cascade of similar actions all over the country that there are other people filed complaints.
Speaker 1:I actually just filed a Freedom of Information Act trying to find out who it was that filed the original complaint. In the deep state we have these government bodies who use our money, our taxpayer money, and really all the power of the federal government to go after these local municipalities, libraries, et cetera, that want to actually work with parents, work with schools and actually use some common sense approach to what you can show to young people. Look, you just don't show pornography to eight and nine-year-olds, right, and even below that. And so Biden talk about this deep state, right, the Office for Civil Rights he appoints a book band coordinator there, funnels it with our money and then says, okay, if you go after us for anything, we're going to bring all these lawyers, all the money, all your money against you. So not only do we pay the taxes to the feds, now we got to pay more money to defend ourselves. And so you get into this, tom, and they back down because it's just going to go on forever. And then they got to fight with all of the activists in their local communities and stuff. And so when I'm speaking to young people, again you have to get a foundation, these young people, again you have to get a foundation. These young people have to get a foundation in what is right, what is true, what is good, what is beautiful about our sexuality, about who we are as human beings. And if you don't have this foundation, you'll get blown away by the principalities and the powers of this present age and it's amazing how far we've fallen. And the only way to stop this, the only way to stop this, is if these young people that I'm meeting today actually start to pay attention and they are and they start with their own hearts. They're saying you know, something's wrong here. I can't even find a girl to love, and I hear it from young women too. I can't even find a girl to love, and I hear it from young women too, having a very hard time in this pornographic culture finding a young man that really will look at them and respect them. So what have we done? We've taken them all down, twisted and distorted, robbed them of their innocence, obliterated their moral imaginations, and now these generations are coming up and they're hurt. When you don't speak the truth to young people about love and push back against really the evils in the world, people get hurt, and these young people are getting hurt.
Speaker 1:The good news is there are some young people waking up. We saw this. It's more people voted for Trump than I think ever before for Republicans, and so they're waking up, and it's more young men than young women, unfortunately. Men are more rational, right? They're the engineers of the world. They're not as emotionally led and so not as easily manipulated, where love has been reduced down to a feeling and emotion and then down to sexual activity, and young men get caught up in that with this porn culture. But they're getting older now, in their 20s, and they're saying, no, I got to get out of this. This is not good. This is not good for me, my heart, my relationship, my future. I've been enslaved to this stuff. How do I do it? And so this is really a focus of ours to walk with these young guys, tom, and really just mentor them. You know, have these conversations.
Speaker 2:There's another issue that they need to think of. These people, or these kids, are getting older, they're starting to become into their 20s. Someday they're going to be a parent themselves, and these actions by both the government at the national level and at the local level are not looking out for the interests of the parents. The federal government, in the Biden administration, was looking out for the interest of this interest group, the special interest group of LGBTQ kids in the schools, and but they were looking out for their what they what's called now their rights of children to be able to have sex whenever and with whomever they want, which is a perverted idea of a right. Anyway, children don't have that right. It's not right. It's a total sexual pleasure kind of right that they're claiming that children of all ages have.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's exactly, and no parent wants their kid to have that right.
Speaker 1:Well, it's not that. It's that the kids aren't looking for that right. The nine-year-old kid's not looking for that right. It's the adult, the pervert that's looking for that right. The pedophile.
Speaker 2:Or the older kid, the 13, 14-year-old kid that wants to use that nine-year-old, that eight-year-old, but even that kid Tom has been indoctrinated to do that.
Speaker 1:That's not natural either for an 11, 12, 13-year-old girl to try to sexually abuse a little girl. Look at you know our human nature has fallen. We know that right. So these stories have been going on for generations, but it hasn't been accepted by a whole culture and a people like it has now. It's really something how we've twisted and distorted this and we're using children as pawns. So when we say we want to give children the right, the children aren't asking for this right. Adults are asking for this right. Now some of them are using right the children themselves. They are actually perverts and pedophiles. But there are also the ideologues that want to just queer the culture right, so they just want to twist it on its head, and then you have the real power brokers who actually just want to control right. They lust after power, control sex for themselves, and so this is really a battle, and these young people are feeling this now.
Speaker 2:You can see it. I just wrote an article and posted on my Substack on how where I talk about in there the failure of government to protect children, the idea that children are being sexually exploited and that the government is trying to prevent that is just complete nonsense. First of all, the Biden administration efforts to allow these pornographic books in schools puts that to the lie. Just that alone. And schools puts that to the lie just that alone. But in addition to that, there's been no decrease in the number of kids who are being sexually exploited in our schools or in our general communities. It's done nothing but gone up in the last 20 years.
Speaker 2:So if the government really cares about doing something for children, whatever they're doing isn't working. But I contend that the government doesn't want to improve that situation. They just want to talk about it and they really don't want to do anything, because that would require them to do some things that are unpleasant to them, like require people that work with children to have high character, to not be promiscuous, be to to not be promiscuous, to be to be stable, god-fearing kind of people. Otherwise, and they don't want to do that. They just don't want to do the things that would be necessary to decrease the number of kids that are being sexually abused and the interesting thing when you say that is, people will ask me they're naive, but they're also beautiful people.
Speaker 1:Sometimes somebody like my wife will come up and say, well, why would they do that? Why are they doing that? And I I said, honey, you know, if you don't understand this real battle for the human heart between good and evil that's been playing out all through human history, and when you know, we had this, this country, that was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. When the Marxists earlier came in in the 20s, 30s and 40s, they had a hard time getting the inroads in because it was an economic battle first, right the worker against the business owner, et cetera, et cetera. It's an economic model that Karl Marx, lenin, all of these guys, engels and they wanted to take control, but they wanted to do it by dividing an economic model. Well, they found out it didn't work in the United States because we believed in the middle class, actually had a dream of becoming the business owner and we had the freedom to do it here. We believed in marriage and the family. We believed in these Judeo-Christian principles.
Speaker 1:When these things got pulled out in the academics and the coming into schools and colleges and they started to work on these generations. They called it the Long March, tom, we're very aware of this and we got there. That Long March made it Throw God out, throw morality out, break down marriage and the family, and then we'll go after the hearts of the kids and, before you know it, we'll control everything. And here we are, tom, and you know what? I'll give you one more thing by inches, somehow we were able to overcome this, at least at the national level. And Trump is for the moment. For the moment. Yeah, that's, this is the point I was going to make, but go ahead and make that you make that point for the moment, because really the problem is so, so ingrained.
Speaker 2:You look at the Epstein case, epstein, we know that Epstein had scores, probably hundreds, of girls that were servicing him and all of Epstein's friends and associates on the island. And we also know that most of those encounters are videotaped. They had videotapes that they seized from Epstein Island and from all the places he was at. Now let me think how many of Epstein's friends have been prosecuted.
Speaker 1:I think zero, zero, yeah, friends have been prosecuted.
Speaker 2:I think zero, zero, yeah, there's been not a single one they're the power brokers, huh the, the delaine maxwell is the only one, and she they could hardly not prosecute her once they, once they found her because they had so much.
Speaker 1:So here's the point, tom those, those men, and I guess some too, but those are the power brokers, those are the people running this deep state in this world economic forum and all these things.
Speaker 2:Those are the people that did everything they could to keep Trump from getting elected again, and do you think they're going to sit back and allow all those changes that he's putting into effect to stay the way they are?
Speaker 1:Right. And this is why we use the Claymore sword, that big, broad sword, that two-handed sword, as our logo to help young men. Because this is really a battle. It starts on the battlefield of the human heart and really this battle between love and lust, and understanding who we are, the dignity of the individual human heart, and really this battle between love and lust, and understanding who we are, the dignity of the individual human person. And then to stand for life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, authentic love, and to try to find it.
Speaker 1:You have to stand against killing children and stealing their innocence and you have to stand for nuclear, traditional marriage in the family, because it's the only way that these children are actually protected. And these young guys are sensing this, tom. The good news is they want a cause, young men, if they haven't been emasculated, which so many of them have, and those guys are gone, they're not going to do anything because they've been caught up in all this. But there are young guys that are standing up, that are saying, no, you can't take my masculinity away. And I mean that in a good way, tom, that we're willing to do battle to protect the innocence of children, to protect women, to protect women right To protect one another from what's going on against the government. You know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it's going to require everybody to get pretty actively involved very quickly or any gains that we're getting from the current Trump administration are going to be lost, from their current Trump administration are going to be lost. Look what happened in the first administration, how he was just unbelievably attacked throughout the entire first four years of his administration, and then all these behind-the-scenes machinations that were imposed in the election, where all of a sudden there's millions of ballots against them show up in the middle of the night.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, no, that's right, and so these forces are strong, but you know, human history is full of this. You know when. Think about you know when. You know our initial breaking away from Britain for the United States? This was a war. We had to fight against this stuff, and we just become emasculated. Like I said, nobody stands up, nobody fights. We all fell for the porn and the lies and the easy life, and then we find out that no life has to be fought for. Freedom has to be fought for.
Speaker 1:One other thing that's on my mind, tom, and you're very well aware of this what they'll do with young people especially. They'll say no, you got to have compassion, you have to have empathy for all of this. First of all, with the LBGTQ stuff, there's no reason to put a label on a young kid, so let's just take that off the table. Anytime you're putting a label on a young child, there's somebody going after them and using them as pawns. The second thing, though, and what I want to move to here, is this border crisis, because, again, young people are being told by these weak shepherds in the church and by the government before Trump came in, and by so many of these activists, right, that we have to have open borders, and that open borders because we have to have care of the migrants and we're a nation of immigrants. Well, we are a nation of immigrants and we do have to have compassion for the poor people, women, children, for people. We have to love our brothers and sisters. But whenever chaos breaks out, whenever lawlessness comes in, everybody gets hurt. The citizens of the country get hurt, the migrants get hurt, families are tore apart, women are raped, children are used for sex trafficking, and this we all, everybody knows this. That's in these leadership roles, making money off of all this stuff.
Speaker 1:And my final thing, tom, is migration is not God's plan. God didn't say hey, let's all migrate to all different places in the world and this is how we're going to. No, you know, we got to fix where we're at. I happen to be born in this country and we're very lucky to do that, but wherever we're at, john Paul II was born in Poland and he went to work restoring Poland against the Nazis and the communists. You have to turn your country around. Where you're at, everybody can't just flood into the United States because you see the chaos and it's a planned chaos. You write about this, you talk about this, you present about this all the time. I want you to address that a little bit for young people, especially when they get caught up in this compassion and empathy which we should have again for people. But people get hurt when you throw out laws, when you throw out any semblance of order in society.
Speaker 2:Well, my question is compassion for who people coming in? A lot of the people coming in are being exploited as they're coming in and once they're already here, they wind up being turned into labor slaves or sex slaves or both, and all the way up, when they're on the track up through Mexico into the United States or down through Canada, these people that are leading them are sexually exploiting the women. We know this. They have rape trees down there that have been videoed multiple times by multiple different organizations showing where these women are coming in. The cartel leaders are collecting the panties of the women that they've raped and hanging them on the tree as a trophy. So we know that this stuff is happening.
Speaker 2:The other compassion is what about the compassion for the people who become victims of these low wages that people are getting, that they lose their jobs because somebody's coming in who's a labor slave, and also the people that wind up becoming victims, like the Lake and Riley and Lake and Riley's family because of the criminal illegal alien that came in and raped and killed her. This has happened. It's not like it's not happening. There's. There are over a million illegal aliens in this country who are criminals, that are known criminals, and that's who they're rounding up right now. They started the roundup last week of going out and picking, picking up the wanted criminal aliens to send them back to their country. So again, who? Where is the compassion for the victims of the crimes? Where's the compassion for these illegal aliens that are being exploited on their way here and once they're already?
Speaker 1:here and each one of them, tom, has to pay to get in. Right, they're not just walking across the border, like they say. You know, you think this is an open border to the United States. Who are they paying, tom?
Speaker 2:It's between $5,000 and $25,000 each for them to they have to pay the cartels to get here.
Speaker 1:These are the drug cartels who are making more money on human trafficking now than they did before.
Speaker 2:And they're either paying them outright or they're paying them by providing labor or services once they're here, and so it's like they're at least, at the very least, indentured servants, these guys, and on their way up here they have to pleasure the, the cartel leaders that are. They're bringing them up and talk about families they're taking children from these families Go ahead If they don't if they don't follow through with what they promised to give money, they will kill the family members of the people that they brought up. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, you can't make this stuff up. And so who again is behind using these words empathy, compassion, the DEI programs of the world, you know, just like we talked about earlier in school. There's a tie-in to this. People are using children as pawns in our government schools here, pushing all these ideologies on them, and it's the same people that are out lusting for money, power, sex, all these things that have these open border policies, and they use the same words. We have to have empathy, compassion, et cetera. Well, we have to have empathy and compassion for those victims, and the way to stop this is you have to get it under control.
Speaker 1:You have to understand that these, to your point, Tom, that these shepherds in the church, when they're pushing open borders, the governments that are doing this all over the world, are using these people. So they're either victims or, like you said, they come into the country to do violence and to do violence on the citizens that are actually there. So we become the victims. Either way, these are all victims. Cardinal Serra, who was one of these incredible shepherds in the Catholic Church, said that migration is the new slavery. To your point, Tom, you're making slaves out of these migrants, to your point, and it's the new slavery and it's happening all over the world and it's nothing totally new. People have been doing this for ages. We just never saw the amount of promotion of chaos like the Biden administration in the history of the United States.
Speaker 2:Well, you know the thing that in the history of the United States. Well, you know the thing that bothers me is that the churches are complicit in this. They are absolutely involved in it because they're making a ton of money USASpendinggov. You can look up all the different organizations that are getting government money. This is just federal government money, and last year all the different Catholic charities organizations made over a billion dollars from government grants. Now they're just the biggest of the religious organizations. Every denomination is getting money in equal proportion to the Catholic charity.
Speaker 2:So it makes sense as to why they're coming out in favor of all this illegal immigration is because they're making a fortune off of it. They're not looking out for the people in their parish, they're not looking out for the people that are coming up here. They are just moving people from one place to another in exchange for cash, and I think it's reprehensible. I just posted something on X where there's a lawyer for Catholic Charities of Milwaukee that is explaining how illegal aliens can evade being caught up by ICE and detailing what their legal rights are and all Basically helping them avoid being sent back to the country that they came from, even though they're illegal aliens. Why are we paying people to do that? This is just. This is insane.
Speaker 1:It's not insane, tom, it's evil. It's really evil. What's being done? You're right.
Speaker 2:It is evil. It's not insane. They're very sane. They're doing this for the money, and that's it. They're not doing it because they feel compassion for these people. They're doing it because I'm making a bunch of money off of it.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So here's the same thing again. I think the USCCB, the United States Conference of Bishops in the United States I think that they were surprised by the amount of pushback that the laity is pushing back. And this is again. This gets back to these young men that are standing up now realizing that, hey, I have to take this on, and my heart, I have to understand the story, my heart has to change, I have to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, I have to come into what's true, good and beautiful, and then I have to go out in the world and do that.
Speaker 1:In order to do that, you really have to be able to see this lens and see that these power brokers are really destroying, using these fancy or not fancy words, but using these emotional words to get us to be, because we want to be compassionate again. And I think that's why, Tom, I didn't mean to throw women under the bus earlier, because they are more emotional and these words will get to them faster. Now it's not like a man doesn't have a heart, but a man just uses his reason more. And again, there's a bell curve on this right. So I'm talking in generalities here, but they won't get caught up as much in the emotion, right, they're going to look at things real. That's why engineers there's more men that are engineers because they have to build something that works right, it can't just be an emotional bridge, it has to actually carry things over.
Speaker 1:And so when you have these types of things, that's why men and women are complementary to each other. Because it works like that. A woman brings the emotion and empathy and compassion, sometimes even within a family, and a man goes out on the job and has to work and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right, Well, they complement each other. They're not opposed to one another. But when you start to separate them and rob them of their innocence, that twisting of that relationship starts to happen and we start to use one another. Instead of complimenting one another, we use one another, and this is what happens.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, but even women. When women realize that they have been manipulated, they can turn on the people that manipulate them.
Speaker 2:Yes, they can turn on the people that manipulate them, and so we need to be able to educate them and say that they are manipulating the compassion the natural compassion that they have and it's being directed at people who don't deserve that compassion, because they are exploiting you, they are manipulating you, and the people that really need the compassion are those in our communities that are being victimized by all these operations illegal operations that are run by the cartels.
Speaker 1:That's a great point, then that's a great point because there's nothing like a mama bear, right, right, there's nothing like what. You're that a great point, tom right. When a woman actually lets her emotions then start to run, you know to what's true, good and beautiful, she can get riled up and she actually can spur now the husband right into action so this is the complimentary thing again yes, right, you get those mama bears standing up at school boards.
Speaker 1:There's way more women, right that are that are yelling at these school board members now and saying, no, stop showing porn to my kids but they're reading it to them and they're, and they're shutting them off and they're saying no, why are you shutting me off?
Speaker 2:this is the book that you're reading to my children well, yeah, and, and so, again, we're complimentary.
Speaker 1:Sometimes, it takes a man to stand up and start to see this and start to speak about it. When they do, though, women start to pay attention to this too, and I'm hoping that these young men will rub off a little bit on some of these young women that have been manipulated and indoctrinated into a lie Tom of what love actually is, and start to turn on them too, because, like you said, it's going to take all of us. It's not going to just take a handful of young men. It's going to take a lot of men and a lot of young women to start to wake up to this, and this actually can change.
Speaker 1:We've seen it happen, tom, at the school board levels it can change, you can change this.
Speaker 2:We've talked about John Eldridge before, about his idea that every man wants a battle to fight, a beauty to save and an adventure to live. Well, women want to be saved, women want a hero to come and take them away and they want to live that adventure with them.
Speaker 1:They do.
Speaker 2:So it takes both of us to be able to turn things around, but people have to become engaged in it and stop relying on somebody else to do the work.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, Tom, thank you, Thanks everybody, Thanks for joining us. You know we're going to continue to work on this. We are concentrating not exclusively, but certainly focusing, on young people that are asking a lot of questions. We're launching a program called Claymore Nothing totally new, it's just a more of a focus on making sure young people know that they have a resource. Tom and I are going to bring our weekly show.
Speaker 1:We're going to continue to expose this and try to help educate some of these young people, try to move past, just strictly, the emotions and uncover beneath this, you know, what's really going on, so that you can make a rational decision and start to understand these things, not imposing our opinions on you, but to propose what's going on beneath this and help you make some better decisions for your own lives. Claymore will also be talking about human dignity, about marriage and the family, about authentic love and what that means, and hopefully you know this beautiful echo in the heart, Tom, that you just described from John Eldredge, that in a man's heart will meet the gospel and the truth in such a way that you have that aha moment. Right, you go. Yes, now I'm starting to understand what's going on in the world around me and at the end it's a battlefield of the human heart, Tom, between love and all those that would take it apart. Lust, selfishness, all of these things that are pulling men and women in today's culture down the tubes. Last word for you.
Speaker 2:No, I think people need to just start well, enjoy what's going on right now, but also, at the same time, use it as an opportunity to educate themselves and become engaged in some in some way in their local politics or government.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, it's going to take a million lights, but the good news, the good news, is, people are waking up, tom, and realizing that. That you know. Good news, the good news is, people are waking up, tom, and realizing that that you know, trump can't do it alone, realizing that even if you get the best pope in the world or the best pastor in the world, he can't do it alone, that we all have to stand up and and this is what people are really seeing, tom, this is the good news is that everybody realizes. Ah, when, when jesus said you are the light of the world, he really meant you are the light of the world.
Speaker 1:He really meant you are the light of the world, right, and then we're within the body of Christ and so we're not alone. But we got to hold up our own lights. You can't keep it under the bushel basket any longer.
Speaker 2:Tom, no, Even this first week, though, I can't even keep up with what Trump has done. He's one guy and I'm just trying to follow what he's doing and it's like what the heck?
Speaker 1:No reporters are saying that they can't keep up with it. It's going too fast. Huh Well, thank goodness, thank goodness that he was willing to take the take the assassination attempts for all of us. Thomas, thank you so much. Thanks everybody, thanks for joining us Talk. See you again soon. Bye-bye.