Become Who You Are
What’s the meaning and purpose of my life? What is my true identity? Why were we created male and female? How do I find happiness, joy and peace? How do I find love that lasts, forever? These are the timeless questions of the human heart. Join Jack Rigert and his guests for lively insights, reading the signs of our times through the lens of Catholic Teaching and the insights of Saint John Paul ll to guide us.
Saint Catherine of Siena said "Become who you are and you would set the world on fire".
Become Who You Are
#567 Jack's Christmas Message 2024! The Reality Behind the Serene Image of Our Lord and Savior!
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Christmas is a time of profound mystery and enduring themes, and this episode delves into its true essence. At its heart lies the concept of Emmanuel—God with us—and Jesus, meaning God saves. This podcast explores the incredible contrast between the serene image of the manger and the violent reality surrounding Christ's birth, as depicted in the Book of Revelation. The narrative of the woman and the dragon highlights the eternal struggle between good and evil, emphasizing the victory achieved through Jesus' resurrection and ascension. This victory opens the door to eternal life and exemplifies the transformative power of the Incarnation.
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Merry Christmas. It's amazing how fast it went. We're going to be going into 2025 already. It's been a wild four years actually, when I look back at it all. But I'm grateful, grateful to be able to continue the work of John Paul to Renewal Center.
Speaker 1:John Paul II himself, who had just this beautiful heart for our Blessed Mother and for Jesus Christ, went all over the world to bring him the Emmanuel come O come. Emmanuel. Emmanuel means literally God with us, and then Jesus. What is the name of Jesus? Jesus means God saves. The God who is with us is the God who saves.
Speaker 1:And we think about that child in the womb and then being born on Christmas morning and it seems like this peaceful thing. But you know, anybody that's been at a birth of a child knows that that's a pretty violent birth into the world, a coming out into the world. That's not always easy, as my wife can attest and I witnessed to that. But there's something else we think about the baby in the manger and it's really an act of violence. It's an act of violence. You know. God takes a certain time, a certain place in history to send his son into history To do what the God who is with us is the God who will save us. If you think about it, even to today, to this very minute, a body and a soul we all are, and a body and a soul without God, without grace, just the reality of it. The default position for each person is sin and death. Sin just look around the world, you know it, you know it's in your own heart and you know something has to happen in order to get rid of that, in order to be free of that. And there's a process there Death itself. Here's Jesus who takes on a body who suffers his passion, death, and then he rises again and then, of course, he ascends into heaven, opening that gate of eternal life to us. This is the whole reason he came to unite himself again with us, as it was in the beginning, which sin separated. So it's an act of violence.
Speaker 1:If you want to know this, really just the idea, let me read you just a little bit from the book of Revelation, the woman and the dragon. This is chapter 12. When you think about Jesus, a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of 12 stars, and she was with child and she cried out in pangs of birth in anguish for delivery. And another sign appeared in heaven a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven diadems upon his head. His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bear a child that he might devour her. When she brought that child forth, the dragon wanted to devour her.
Speaker 1:Think about just really what happened in history Right after Jesus is born. Herod comes in and the holy family has to flee right off the bat into Egypt. He comes in and he literally goes looking in Bethlehem, which is a decent-sized town, but it's not huge. And what does he do? He's going to murder every male child there just to make sure that Jesus doesn't get through. And he does. They estimate probably around 300 young baby boys were murdered. The murder, the slaughter of the innocents. This is what happened right away when Jesus comes in.
Speaker 1:So Jesus, what does he do? He takes on a body. He comes in how, as a child, as a zygote boom, explodes into the womb and that baby in the womb starts to grow in the womb. It's amazing. He could have came in on a mountain with all this glory, but he comes in humility. Every baby is born and he comes in. And once he is born, he literally is taking on. He took on a human body and in a sense, he takes on all our humanity and he unites it what With the divinity. Again, you see how that works Our humanity, again united with divinity. This opens up the whole gate to conquer sin and death. Now, this gives us the potential, when we're filled with Christ, when we accept Christ, it gives us the potential for human flourishing, potential for human freedom.
Speaker 1:And there's one more part, and John Paul talked about this all the time that we're given freedom, our own free will to do what, to choose. And this is the tough part, right, this is the tough part for us. You would think it would be easy. In this world of sin and death, you think, oh my gosh, yeah, I gotta be free. And anybody that's walked into this story knows, right, it's not like. I believe in Jesus. I know Jesus, I know what he did to myself, my friends and the thousands of people that I meet.
Speaker 1:It's amazing transformation that happens when you see that baby in the womb, you say yes to him and that baby is literally. You become impregnated with God yourself as you open the door to this. And then, when you're filled with Christ, just like our Blessed Mother, is that fiat. That fiat so beautiful to see. Body and the soul now filled with grace Come from that redemption and now I have the potential for human flourishing, potential for human freedom. And what's the last thing? I have to act. I've received divine life and love. Now I have to be divine life and love in the world. This is the whole thing.
Speaker 1:St Athanasius, an early church father and a doctor of the church, said the son of God became man so that man can become God. Father and the doctor, the church said the son of God became man so that man can become God. And St Irenaeus said the glory of man, men and women is the glory of God. I should say the glory of God is man, men and women fully alive. God is glorified in our bodies. Huh, it's amazing.
Speaker 1:So, first thing in the morning, let me give you a little Christmas present. First thing in the morning, first thing before you look at these phones that could bring some good into the world. But there's John Paul II on my phone. Bring technology. Before you open that phone, go down to your knees, number one, and do that fiat. Let it be done to me, like our Blessed Mother. I always picture our Blessed Mother kneeling there and I'm kneeling next to her looking up at the crucifix. Let it be done according to your word, god. So I'm opening my heart right away. First thing in the morning, before you look at the phone, you're starting. Let it be done to me according to your word.
Speaker 1:This comes from Luke, right away. Luke's. Maybe I'll read you just a little bit here. So this is the angel Gabriel sent to Nazareth. And this is the angel Gabriel sent to Nazareth. And this is this little backwater place. They said huh, this little backwater town. Nothing good comes from Nazareth. They say this is Jesus, the humility. You know, we hear about pride and pride, this and pride, that this is not God's heart, is it? You know God is one of love. And he said hail full of grace. The Lord is with you.
Speaker 1:But Mary was greatly troubled at that saying, considered in her mind what sort of greeting this might be. You realize that Mary was surprised at this. Right, of course, who wouldn't be? And the angel said to her don't be afraid, mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus, god saves. He will be great and will be called the son of the most high and the Lord. God will give him the throne of his father, david, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end.
Speaker 1:And Mary said to the angel how can this be, since I have no husband? And the angel said to her the Holy Spirit will come over you and the power of the most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. And behold, your kinswoman, elizabeth, in her old age, has also conceived the Son, and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren, for with God, nothing will be impossible. And Mary said Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.
Speaker 1:And Mary was literally impregnated with God. The beauty of this to be impregnated with God. So we can kneel there and the first thing in the morning, it takes you just a minute, right? Don't look at their phone. Get down on your knees. Let it be done to me. According to your word, just open up your heart and just sit there for a second Second thing so important. Huh, you will be tempted because this is a battle. Huh, just like I read that the devil waits and waits and waits to devour that child, he will try to devour that child and separate you from being filled with God yourself, and so he's going to tempt you. But remember, temptation is not a sin. Jesus himself was tempted in the desert. We know that. Tempted a number of times. All the apostles were tempted. We're all tempted. But now don't push those temptations down, don't be afraid of those temptations and don't indulge, but we always open up.
Speaker 1:The third way is to open up every temptation. So, every temptation this is the beauty of it, listen to this, this is your Christmas present Every temptation is an invitation to prayer. I'm praying all day long because I'm tempted with this, tempted with that, tempted with eating too much, tempted with an image of a beautiful woman who I see and I say thank you, jesus, for that woman. I mean, that's how you open that up. Boom, I am tempted to drink too much, you know, or maybe I don't want to drink today, and I'm tempted to have a glass of wine. And I look at that glass of wine and I'm not afraid of that and I open it up and say thank you for the beauty of wine, for the beauty of the different pleasures that you give us. But you know what, not today. I give those things up to you because I'm doing too much of it, and these are all invitations to prayer, whatever it is. If you're addicted to pornography, boom, I open this up. I open up this temptation. All right, that's number two. Number three go out and be a person of love. Go out and love the next person you see, very, very important. If you visualize this, you're going to get up off your knees and you're going to go love the next person you see and try to do it, if it's your spouse, if it's the cashier down the street, whatever it is.
Speaker 1:As I was praying this morning, I've got my phone open. Here I pray these prayers called the Auxilium Christianorum prayers and what they are. Therefore, it was a friend of mine who's an exorcist that asked me to do this. The Auxilium Christianorum. There's an app I got on my phone. There's two versions one just for priests and ministerial priesthood and one for the laity who are praying for them, for our own families, to fight this battle for Satan. And I do this every morning. I'm not saying that you should do it, you just do those three things is a good start, huh. But what I add is but I just want to. There's a series of prayers I do every morning and you have to get an okay by a priest to do this.
Speaker 1:But anyways, this is just the Saturday prayers. It's short, but it shows you again this battle that we're in. O, god and Father of our Lord, jesus Christ, we call upon thy holy name and humbly beseech thy clemency that, through the intercession of the ever-immaculate Virgin, our, it's a beautiful thing. So, again, you know why do I bring this all up? Because we think about Jesus in that manger. But if we're not fighting these battles every day, you forget that the real reason is he's here, god who is with us, is here to save us, to bring us out of sin and death. What is God like, huh? What is he like? I was reading on Saturday when I was starting to think about this message. What is God like?
Speaker 1:I was reading from the Song of Songs it was Saturday's reading, actually for Mass and here's Jesus who comes into the story. He wants intimacy with us. It almost sounds too good to be true, but he's a lover, god, who is love himself, that little baby who grows up to be a lover. Why does he come in? Because he wants to save us from what Destruction, violence, hatred. A lover comes in the world with humility and this is the most beautiful story ever told by far. Hey, think about this. Our whole history is divided into what Before Christ and AD huh, after Jesus Christ comes into the world. It's amazing. All of history, nobody else has split history like that. You know, just dwell on that for a little bit and you see the power of Jesus Christ when he came into the story. And this is from the Song of Songs.
Speaker 1:This is just a short part of Chapter 2. I'm going to just start at Verse 8. And think about Song of Songs. This is just a short part of chapter two. I'm going to just start at verse eight and think about Song of Songs, this erotic love poetry that's smacked in the middle of the Bible, that the mystics and the saints.
Speaker 1:Now, that story is a lover, a man and a woman. It's a love story and you can hear them wooing each other. It's beautiful, but it's also our marriage and our families and our created love here on earth. It's just a little reflection, sacramental reflection, of the type of intimacy God wants with us. And the saints and the mystics know this and so they would read this. And because they know that this gave them the vocabulary to speak with their hearts and to open their hearts to the lover himself, who came in, allowing them and actually just giving the impetus to skip this earthly marriage and go right into the marriage of the lamb.
Speaker 1:So here it is. Hark, my lover, here he comes. So this is the woman, this is us. That's the analogy of the church. Is a woman right? Why? Because the bridegroom on the cross pours himself out to us. Huh, that's the bridegroom. We receive love. God is the initiator of love. We receive love just like a man should initiate love to his wife and his wife receives that. But we receive in a giving way. So as soon as I receive this love from God, I say thank you God and I give it back to him. We have a relationship and intimacy.
Speaker 1:Hark, my lover. Here he comes, springing across the mountains, leaping across the hills. My lover is like a gazelle or a young stag. Here he stands behind our wall, gazing through the windows, peering through the lattices. So Jesus is coming. God windows peering through the lattices, so Jesus is coming. God is coming, but he stands at the door and knocks. We have free will. He woos us, he wants us, but he's not going to force himself in on us. He's a lover, and it says.
Speaker 1:My lover speaks. He says to me arise, my beloved, my dove, my beautiful one, and come For see. The winter has passed, passed. The rains are over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come and the song of the dove is heard in our land, the fig tree puts forth its figs and the vines and bloom give forth fragrance. Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come. He says, come, come. We see this throughout the gospels Our dove, oh, my dove, in the cliffs of the rock, in the secret recesses of the cliff. Let me see you, let me hear your voice. This is the woman right now saying huh, for your voice is sweet and you are lovely. Yes, she's starting to say yes, open the door, open the door, come to me, come to me, come to me, come to me. Let me see you, let me hear your voice, for your voice so beautiful.
Speaker 1:So here's the battle. It's the battle of the human heart between all that's violent and hatred, and then the lover comes in so you can become a person of love. But it's a violent act because it's on the battlefield of the human heart that this has to take place. You know Alexander Sholtsonitsyn, the great Russian writer. He said it, he realizes this, he was in the gulags for eight years. On the communists, the most brutal things we do to one another, isn't it? I mean, you see this in today, today's times, but this is the violence of the heart. My heart, your heart is violent because it has to choose God. I have to become a person of love and move away from the selfishness and this threefold concupiscence that drags us down. So we have to fight this battle first in our heart.
Speaker 1:So, alexander Schultz and Nietzsche, when he comes out of the gulag and he had written Marxism, communism claims that some peoples and some groups and classes of human beings are good and others bad. So to perfect itself, humanity must isolate and eliminate the bad people. Now, this is the government, the state. I'll decide who's good and who's bad, of course for power. Schultz and Nietzsche came to realize and said that the dividing line between good and evil lies within every single human heart.
Speaker 1:The Marxist position thus argued that humanity would be perfected through the inevitable progress of world history. We hear this today from the world elites, right From the Obamas of the world, the Bidens of the world. You know, hope and change, progress. We got to make human progress. But, he says, if the dividing line is within all human hearts, however, then only limited improvement is possible in this life, and degeneracy is always equally possible. Where are you leading? What is the hope and change that you're promising? Here, we saw what that hope and change was huh, attack on marriage, the family, the baby in the womb. You know one thing the trans movement affirming care, I mean the diabolical things that were unleashed in this world, huh. The Marxist position, then, is to be rejected, it seems, because it overlooks the reality of original sin. It gets down to original sin. Okay, so we received Jesus Christ, and now we have the potential for human freedom, potential for human flourishing. And what should we do? Well, I tell you what join us, join the John Paul II Renewal Center.
Speaker 1:We are expanding across the country with a lot of different things. We know this attack on marriage and the family is accelerating. We're going to offer this and we've been opening this up and expanding. We brought David Avignonian, our executive director, and expanding across the country and having reaches that we can reach really through technology. And we have Zoom here and we're bringing mentors on. So here's a couple of quick things. Love Ed, love Ed is this.
Speaker 1:I don't even like to call it a program. It's a very simple thing. We have a book. We have a book for a parent. We have videos and help them give the talk. We have a book for a parent. We have videos and help them give the talk, empower them to give the talk, the sex education talk that they should have received from dad or mom. Now we've given it to the schools and the schools are twisting and distorting human hearts.
Speaker 1:This is the easy way for mom and dad to take their say, 10 or 11-year-old boy. Mom takes her 10 or 11-year-old daughter and Mom takes her 10 or 11-year-old daughter and sits with them and we take them through the whole thing. We have a book. It's very simple, written beautifully by Colleen Colleen Mask, our partner and our friend, and then we have some short videos. They're really fun to watch. They're five short acts and in between you discuss this and the discussions.
Speaker 1:Everything's in the book, and so it does two things. It helps that child with the biology, what's going on in their body, tells them about the changes you know, it used to be the talk that we gave that we never gave very well and this helps you through the whole thing and it tells you. So it gives them the biology that their bodies are changing, shows them how, shows them what it is all about. And then the love story. You know what's it all about. And then the second thing is it bonds with their parents, so that we open this up to this conversation an ongoing conversation. Anyways, we show you how to do that. Second thing is love is.
Speaker 1:Love is is something we bring out for teenagers, you know, high school, eighth grade, high school and beyond to help them understand what's going on in this crazy culture. There's so much confusing out there. Workshops we've got workshops on the Eucharist, on our Blessed Mother, training catechists all over the country and even priests and parishes. We try to create visions here. Here's a vision for 2025, declare 2025 the year for marriage and family in your parish and we show them how to do that. Get the language back, get the vocabulary back from this abusive language. Okay so, as I go on here, I'll just say this Step into the story, Be a person of love and join us if you can Bring love in.
Speaker 1:And so we're asking anybody that's listening to this and you know parents, you know people that see what's going on in the culture, tell them to contact us. We'll show them how to give the talk and how to do this very inexpensively with their kids and then help us bring it into parishes. We're looking for young adults all over the country in different parishes that have seen this and have a heart for evangelization, over the country in different parishes that have seen this and have a heart for evangelization. We can work with you and gather up the young people in your parish and really start to talk to them about the reality of human sexuality, the beauty of that. One of the things that we do for young people I just gave a young person's conference is the beauty of human sexuality and finding authentic love in a thoroughly confused world, and it's so helpful for young people. And then we also show them how to go out and bring this story into politics if they get into politics or economics or whatever they do, because that's really all part of this too. We have to go out, we have to bring this beauty of Catholic teaching and our faith into whatever we do. That's the beauty of what the Trump presidency is doing. They have a lot of faithful people coming in and hopefully that'll help with what's going on there.
Speaker 1:So that's number two. And then is to bring people to us, have them contact us, then give us a financial gift if possible. We really need. You know, we spend money very frugally $25 a month, $50 a month. Now you give that Christmas present to us, huh, and we can do a lot with that. And then the third thing and when I say prayer, which is the last thing I want to say here is prayer. Pray for us. You know prayer is more efficacious than you think. It's more powerful than you think. You know prayer is more efficacious than you think. It's more powerful than you think. My dad is an incredible prayer warrior and what he's done for us is just so amazing, right, and so I guess I can't let you go without saying you know, it was a great Christmas present that Trump won.
Speaker 1:I'm kind of surprised, actually, and you think, well, and we're supposed to be talking about politics? Of course we are. We saw what, what, uh, when evil it's in the human hearts of men, just like schultz and neats, and said then they get into politics and then, instead of protecting the most innocent and vulnerable among us, the, the baby in the womb, one of his first executive orders is what? To expand abortion, to expand these, what would they call it? Affirming, trans, affirming care, where we're actually mutilating the bodies of children. I mean, you can't make this stuff up, it's so sick and it's so evil. So again, why do I bring this up on Christmas? Because this is the baby. The baby says no, bring love into the world. This is all about love. If you are a person of love, you see all this right. I'll end like this.
Speaker 1:I was strolling through my neighborhood while admiring the Christmas decorations, I wandered upon a simple nativity scene. In the warmly lit stable, our blessed mother, st Joseph and a few farm animals looked down upon the Christ child laying on a bed of straw. The scene reminded me that every child is loved by God and that, while every individual person is created in the image of God, the fuller image is the family and the communion of a father and a mother and a small sacramental reflection of the life and love of the Trinity itself. The family, throughout history, has been the bedrock of civilization. In effect, without the traditional family, the nuclear family, there is no civilization to discuss. Furthermore, christianity and its belief in the sacred nature of the family is the foundation of Western civilization, the United States of America, and this is where Trump comes in, this is where our politicians come in.
Speaker 1:We have to hold their feet to the fire. And the reason we do this and look, when you bring good people in, they will protect everything I just said the institution of the child, marriage, the family. This is how you build up the culture and the only way you can do that is if you unite marriage and the family directly to Christ and the church and the human heart to Christ and the church, and then you go out and you bring this into the world. This is what we have to do. It's a battle, of course it's a battle. It's always been a battle.
Speaker 1:But the United States Declaration of Independence, when it stepped further, when it flipped the world's prevailing power structure on its head by declaring this, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, which, among these, are life, liberty, freedom. And their first freedom is freedom to be able to move around the cabin, freedom to express yourself, to speak, and that freedom starts in the human heart. Again, I have to be free from sin. The Savior allows me to do this, and now I have to take my voice out. Well, the problem when the government tries to stop my voice. Now my heart was changed and now they try to stop me right from bringing this message out into the world and saving others.
Speaker 1:And, of course, this is the totalitarian system. Don't forget that, those totalitarian systems and the World Economic Forum, and you think about the global elites behind it. You think how do they all orchestrate this right, george Soros and Bill Gates and all these people? You know Satan is behind this, he's the orchestra leader. There's no way that they could have coordinated all this without Satan. Right, but he knows how to play the parts. Brings them all together. This is the battle.
Speaker 1:This is why it's so beautiful when human hearts are ignited, like they are now, where the lady is raising up. The lady has to raise up. You see, the priests don't have time anymore. There's not as many of them anymore. A lot of them haven't been formed very well. We have a lot of corruption in the Vatican. We have a lot of corruption with our bishops and stuff, and again, I don't want to throw them all on the bus. There's good ones and there's plenty of good priests out there. So go find a good priest. Go find a good priest. But if you think the shepherd or the pope is going to save you, it's not going to happen, and we should have always had this mentality that it's always up to us to be the ones to go out. It's up to us to be responsible for our own hearts. You know, we have a wonderful pastor at the church that I go to, very caring, but he doesn't have time to go out and do all these kind of things that I just showed you with Love, ed. Love Is this message to young adults to go out about marriage and the family, and you know so we bring those things the lady brings us. So that's why I ask you again to join us. Give us an email, send me an email, reach out to us and we'll help you get this thing done.
Speaker 1:So James Madison wrote that our constitution requires sufficient virtue among men for self-government. Otherwise, nothing less than the change of deputism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another. You know, it's amazing what happens to chaos that reigns in the human heart when God is taken out of the human heart. It's just a reality If you want to wonder. You know what happens if there's no God. I think Gaudium as best as the best. Number 36 says when God has forgotten, the creature itself grows unintelligible. We see this in the government and the power structures all over the world. Huh, we see this in the human heart. With these trans and queering movements and stuff, they make no rational sense at all. John Adams observed our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It's wholly inadequate for the government of any other.
Speaker 1:So why do I bring again all this up by Christmas? Because that's that baby. Huh, that baby that comes into that humble start right there from Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, comes into the story. This is how God does this Comes in, takes on a little baby's body, comes into a family structure with a mother and father. If we think about this, every baby that's born has a mother and a father. We kill them in the womb, we rip them away from their parents, give them away to other people. What we're doing today is really diabolical in many, many ways. The poor little one that survives. We confuse them and tell them they might be wrong in the wrong body.
Speaker 1:So we know all this. We have to bring the light. We have to be the light that brings Jesus into the story right. So here, this is the voice that the faithful hear, that the world do not. And he, this is from the book of Revelation.
Speaker 1:Again, this is chapter 21. And he who sat upon the throne and said behold, I make all things new and write this, he said for these words of mine are trustworthy and true. And he said to me it is done. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water without price from the fountain of the water of life. He who conquers shall have this heritage and I will be his God and he shall be my son. For all the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the murderers, the fornicators, the sorcerers, the idolaters, anduted, the murderers, the fornicators, the sorcerers, the idolaters and all the liars, their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
Speaker 1:Oh, the next time you walk by a nativity scene, pause to reflect on the fact that satan doesn't have his own clay. He can only deform what God has created. Good, the child laying in the manger chose to come into the world to a family, a man born of a woman. He gave himself up for every one of us so that we could embrace our true identity as sons and daughters of God. And the angel said to her do not be afraid, mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call him Jesus.
Speaker 1:In these turbulent times, as I stroll through my neighborhood and reflect on the American dream, I hear the voice of St Faustina. Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you. And right next to that is a Trump hat, by the way. And again, trump is not Jesus Christ. Nobody said that. But he pushes away from the abyss, he gives us hope.
Speaker 1:My dad, 98 years old and blind, he can sense the evil around us and he said Jack, he goes. This is a great Christmas present to have Donald Trump coming back in Again. He goes. This is a great Christmas present to have Donald Trump coming back in Again. He's not the savior of the world, he just has common sense and he's bringing good people in. But it's up to us. It's up to us. This is not up to one man, it's up to all of us, and this is the beauty of our faith, isn't it? To be joined to that baby that came in. To be joined to that baby that came in, who grows up and gives his life away to us, who calls to us. And then, jesus, I trust in you. Have a blessed Christmas. Our Savior has been born. God bless you. Thanks everyone. Good to be with you, bye-bye.