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Saint Catherine of Siena said "Become who you are and you would set the world on fire".
Become Who You Are
#563 Rolling Back The Gender Insanity: With Thomas Hampson
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Joining Jack is investigative reporter Tom Hampson to discuss his most recent article: Rolling Back the Gender Insanity.
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Tom highlights the policies of the Biden administration, including the executive order allowing transgender individuals in the military and the appointment of Rachel Levine. Hampson draws provocative parallels to historical events, questioning the narratives being shaped by media and political entities to influence public perception.
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I'm with my good friend, investigative reporter, crime fighter, tom Hampson. Tom, how are you? I'm doing good, tom, you got another great article. You know, when I start to think so, the article is rolling back, the gender insanity you wrote for ifi, illinois family institute. It's also on your sub stack, you know, I, I, I know I wanted you to talk about this, tom, because you know there's so much insanity floating around, but nothing says to me insanity and I smile because I, I can't believe that people fall for this.
Speaker 2:This is a transgender issue and I smile, but it's a serious issue, obviously. But if I don't smile, tom, I am going to start crying with all this stuff, right, and you don't want to see me cry on video. So, hey, welcome here. Let's talk a little bit about that and what's going on in this trans world. And I think, tom, in your article, maybe we can go backwards just a little bit when you start to talk about the executive order signed almost immediately by Joe Biden. And then I want to ask you, what is this all about? What are they trying to affect here, pushing these trans ideologies and then all kinds of other things on the american people?
Speaker 1:well, I'm not really sure what they're trying to push. I don't understand the purpose of it. I really it makes no sense to me whatsoever that they're going to promote the idea that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man. There has never been any evidence that that's true.
Speaker 2:No, but yet and I'd like to make a comment on that, but I'd like you to go through. You're exactly right, it makes no sense at all. But I have something I want to come back to you on, but I want you to give just a little bit of that history, first when Biden came in and then when he appointed Richard Levine. So they're serious about this, so it doesn't make sense. But talk a little bit about what they did in the very beginning, tom, just for a couple of minutes here. And then that study. We'll get into that study too, from the NIH, which actually went against all of this, and yet they downplayed that study, didn't let it come out and it was their own study. So talk a little bit about those will you?
Speaker 1:You know, one of the first executive orders that Biden issued was to allow transgenders in the military, which again, that doesn't make any sense. And then, a month and a half later, after he first came in, after that order was issued, he appointed this Richard Levine, rachel Levine, as the assistant secretary for health. That's the guy that you know. He's a man who claims to be a woman and he's the one who has promoted the idea of gender affirming care as being the standard, as being the consensus treatment for people that have gender dysphoria or for people who believe that they're transgenders. And he had a similar position with the state of Pennsylvania, and he promoted gender-affirming care there as well. I'm not. I have not found anything to explain why this guy or why Biden promoted this issue, other than that he wanted to fully embrace this diversity agenda that the Biden administration has, so that you know they are promoting all the different identities that people have and trying to form this coalition of of multiple identities so that they'll have a political base among these diverse individuals.
Speaker 2:When, when you, when you study and and I know you have totalitarianism, marxism all the way through that. What are the things they try to do? Is is basically propaganda and it's mind control right through propaganda to get you to get you to see a lie, to see a lie and not only go along with the lie, but after, after a time when a human being goes along with a lie for a period of time, they start to live out that lie.
Speaker 2:And I've seen this over and over, especially accelerating in this last four years Wear a mask because it's going to promote your health. With COVID, Everybody knew in a short period of time that it was totally insane. Tony Fauci himself said it doesn't work. And then he's got you wearing two or three masks. Right, the vaccine, effective in transmission of the disease and infection. Right, and both were wrong that I could get infected and I could transmit this thing. Right.
Speaker 1:And so yeah.
Speaker 2:So we knew these were lies and yet we promoted these lies. So I think trans just becomes another one of those issues. Tom, if I can get you to accept the lie, I know I'm in power and I can get you to say yes to the most insane things that I ask you to say yes to. It's something that happens, you know, and we saw this even in Nazi Germany. They started to gas the Jews and after a while everybody said yes, why not? I mean, one day they've got shops, you know, and then the next day you break into the shops, you take everything out and you start to burn those people up. And you know you can't make this stuff up.
Speaker 2:But I think that's just another rendition of this, tom, it's like 1984, george Orwell's If I can get the mass population to say yes to anything I say, I can manipulate them at will. And I think the American people, through advertisement, through marketing and listening to all these news channels, already Look at, you know, on Black Friday we send them any to any store we want, basically for a sale and a lineup for hours, you know to, to save five bucks, you know.
Speaker 1:So hey, one of the one of the things this is more of a 1984 kind of issue, though one of the things that I like.
Speaker 1:In nazi germany, hitler actually believed, and many people around hitler believed, that the aryan race was the superior, was superior, and that all these others were inferior and that the better the the world would be better off by getting rid of of these inferior races and these inferior, the inferior people. There there are people that actually believe that. I can't understand how anybody can actually believe this transgender nonsense. See, I don't think Biden believes that a man can become a woman or a woman become a man. I think it's useful for political reasons, and so they're trying to convince everybody else of that. And that's different than what happened in Nazi Germany and it's different than what happened in the Soviet Revolution, because in the Soviet Revolution they actually believed that the proletariat should be in charge, that bourgeoisie had to be taken out. But this is a different thing and separate the general public from the elites by promoting this kind of ideology. That is harmful to the culture itself.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but I just make one more comment on Hitler's thing. You know that he got that idea from eugenics, not because of some belief. But he got that from Margaret Sanger in the United States, who was promoting abortion because she thought the same thing about minorities and about specifically black people. Right, they shouldn't be around and we should have a way to exterminate them.
Speaker 1:Well, there are a lot of very famous people of that whole eugenics movement and thought that every you know that somebody every five years they should go before a board and and prove why they are useful and if not, they should get rid of them. I mean, it's just, it's just unbelievable how they actually believe this stuff.
Speaker 2:They do believe it, and so that's why our belief, our belief in a way, I get your point, it's well taken right, I mean. But we get cloudy, you know, our reason becomes unreasonable and we can get off into all kinds of things. You know the wars that we're fighting, you know again, you know, with all of these different things. But the trans movement, I think, when I see the damage Tom being done to children, again right in front of our eyes, and so you're right, I mean they must believe this, because we have all these famous actors standing up, and Annette Bening did you see that clip of her standing up and saying how interesting of a person she has become since she has a trans child?
Speaker 2:all right, yes, yeah I mean, she turns, you know, she turns this into me.
Speaker 1:Yeah right it's all about me.
Speaker 2:You know how interesting I become because I have a trans child, yeah, and laughs about it and again. So these people must believe this. I guess that their that their daughter can actually become a man tom, do they to your point? I guess they must believe it, right oh yeah, I do.
Speaker 1:I do think there's there's a lot of people that believe it. What I'm talking about is the people that are promoting the ideology, like biden they don't buy the administration.
Speaker 2:I don't think they believe it for a minute no, I think it gets back to my original thing. If I can get you to say yes to an obvious lie and maybe even to believe that lie at some point, I have you. I have you. If you don't have the courage to speak the truth, truth is a power. Truth is a power. We know that all through history. Truth is a power.
Speaker 2:It always took the courageous people to stand up for the truth. And when cowards when enough people become cowards or don't have the conviction maybe is even better, or maybe both to stand for the truth, then the lie comes in. This is a spiritual battle, tom the truth versus the lie versus evil, beauty versus the profanity and to profane beauty. And here we have all of that stuff going on, don't we? We have the lie. Then we have evil being done actually to people. These are young people that we have to lie and we're profaning their very bodies. And can you imagine the damage to young people that are confused about their sexuality? These are kids coming just into puberty and early adolescence that were actually starting to change their bodies, and it's bad. It's bad stuff when you listen to those transitioners, isn't it?
Speaker 1:It is, and one of the things that's a problem right now is that the Supreme Court just heard that case out of Tennessee on whether or not states can ban gender-affirming care.
Speaker 2:Has the decision come down on that?
Speaker 1:No, it hasn't. They just argued it last week. Yeah, it looks like it's going to come down in favor of the state being able to do that, and it looks like it's going to come down in favor of the state being able to do that and it looks like it's going to be. It's going to be divided by, you know, the conservatives versus the the three. You know, of course, katanji jackson brown or whatever her name is. She doesn't know what a woman is and she is, so she's going to come down on the side of against Tennessee, and I think the other two, sotomayor and Kagan, are going to come down on the side of against Tennessee as well, but I think the others should come down on the side of Tennessee being able to ban that kind of treatment for children. However, there's no guarantee, because it was Gorsuch who wrote the decision in the Bostock versus Clayton County case, where he said that an employer could not discriminate against a transgender employee.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And it shows you, once you start to go down this slippery slope and accept the lie, it shows you how nefarious this whole thing can turn. In other words, I'm sure that when Gorsuch is it Gorsuch right? Gorsuch yeah, yeah, when he came down with that, they're, they don't see, they can't see everything right, they can't, they don't have a crystal ball to see how this is going to play out. I'll just say this again you know, when you go down this slippery slope and you accept the lie, when you I think probably the most evil people say you know, you have to be compassionate, empathetic. We have to be compassionate, empathetic to every human being, just because they're human beings. But it's not compassionate, tom, is it? Or in any way really concerned about that trans person themselves to even allow them to live this illusion, is it?
Speaker 1:Well, no, but one of the issues here is not. It isn't that the Supreme Court is believing the lie. The problem is the way the law was written, because the Bostock decision was based on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 65. And the language is specific because it talks about race, religion, national origin or sex. And certainly in 1965, nobody in who wrote that law thought that sex would apply to some guy who thinks he's a woman. They would say, well, that's not, that's certainly not. Our founding fathers wouldn't have thought that either. But again, a strict constructionist looks at the words themselves and what the words' meaning are. Maybe in that time.
Speaker 2:And transgender is related to sex, yeah, but it's only related if we can't define sex Right.
Speaker 1:Right. What the feds can do now is they can revise Title VII to specifically exclude certain categories like transgenders, or people or the whole paraphilia or just define sex as something we all know Right. Biological.
Speaker 2:Biological, that's all.
Speaker 1:And so they can do that biological, that's all, and so they they can. They can do that and and these other issues. I I don't. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know how to write the. You know, yeah, craft the language probably a common sense might help.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it might. It might, but but you have supreme court justices to your earlier point that there is no common sense well, we get katangi jackson, brown or brown jackson or whatever her name is.
Speaker 1:She says she can't define a woman because she's not a biologist. Well, you know at least she's acknowledging that has something to do with biology so, so we have right.
Speaker 2:So so we have this being pushed on our kids, which is nefarious enough, yeah, but go through some of those, you know when. When you mentioned in your article about Trump coming back in, you know, talk about some of those things that will change, because this is affecting a lot. This isn't just you know you and I talking about. You know whether you know you agree with the, you know trans affirming here or whatever. This is affecting our laws, who we hired to your point, but also our money and our finances and, and you know our, our, our military, and you know all the money that we're putting forth for this. And I just add this you know you have huge money behind all of this because you have Planned Parenthood. You have a lot of these nefarious organizations that are making huge money huge money. The pharmaceutical companies are making huge money. The medical industrial complex is making huge money. All of these people are making huge money.
Speaker 2:Planned Parenthood now has a new model based on the future, which is a, which is a. I have a life instead of one or two abortions. Right, I have now a lifetime patient that's going to come back every month for a puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and and going to need care forever and this is going to get taxed. To who? I mean who? Who's going to pay the bills for all this if insurance companies say, yes, all our insurance company, our insurance costs go up. We always pay for this, tom, don't we?
Speaker 1:well, we do and it's not. It isn't. We're paying for the government to promote this as well. Yeah, because the government is providing grant money to non-profit organizations that are going out and promoting the whole, the whole deal, the whole narrative, the ideology that's behind it. But Trump had promised over a year ago he said that he's going to reverse Joe Biden's policies on gender affirming care. He's going to sign an executive order that, at the very beginning, that instructs every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the idea of sex or gender transitions at any age, because the government is promoting this stuff. If you go on the government website, you'll find reams of of documents that have that, that promote gender affirming care and that promote the idea of Tom.
Speaker 2:It's all the way through our school system. Yes, it goes all the way down to kindergarten. You and I have spoke about this many times.
Speaker 1:It's been infused into all of the schools through these social, emotional learning core curricula stuff. That's going on. It's the way they're using that SEL as a way for the government to infuse whatever narrative they want to, on any subject that they want, into the schools and to every school in the country, because it becomes a requirement.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and this gets back to my earlier point, Tom, if I can get everybody to agree on anything, including this insanity of these alphabet letters right that we label everybody with. If I can get everybody to accept the label, Tom, everybody accept the pronoun, everybody accept pornography and all the stuff they're pushing on our kids, Everybody accepts that, the falsehood that we can actually become another sex, biological sex. If I can get you to agree on all of that, Tom, I mean, what do we have left to even save in our culture?
Speaker 1:You know, I can't even fathom how this has happened.
Speaker 2:And Tom, you mentioned in here too, talk about the protected, to protect the rights of parents. I mean, you know we forget that too. This is really happening.
Speaker 1:Well, the the rights of parents to raise their children are being totally gutted by the, by the government. That state and federal government are just ignoring that parents have these rights, even though the Supreme Court has ruled on multiple occasions that parents have rights to raise the children, to approve of what's being taught to their child.
Speaker 2:But, Tom, they're actually taking kids out of the homes. Despite that, there are people right now, states right now that are taking children out of your home because you don't go along with this.
Speaker 1:Right, because you don't go along with a gender-affirming care. This is an inconceivable action that's being taken by the government. Because I don't know how to say it anymore I feel like jumping up and down and stomping my feet or something I don't know, and say there is nothing that promotes, that supports the idea that gender affirming care is helpful in any way to anybody.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, helpful in any way to anybody. Yeah, yeah, when you go down a slippery slope like this, again, when we accept the lie, the basic lie, tom, and you can see how, how, how, how many heads right, this is a hydra, you know a hydra is that many-headed serpent right? And you could see how many different ways that you even list in your article, that article that we can twist and distort the culture. Twist and distort people, get into people's lives, not only our children. Now, we have to deal with our kids right, and they have a real mental illness brought on by a lie, then they could take them out of our homes.
Speaker 2:There's a case I think it's in california, isn't it where? Where, where the husband and wife got divorced, right, and the husband's trying to get the, the, the child, back, his son back, because, because he's he, his wife, who I think is a doctor, is actually going along with this gender, affirmingirming care, putting this kid, dressing him up as a girl, putting him on puberty blockers coming up, and the courts have ruled that he has no say in this Right.
Speaker 1:that's right, and the thing is that this kind of insanity has been shown to be detrimental to children. The Cass Review in the UK, where they come out, and they reviewed all this stuff and so now there is no more trans-affirming care or gender-affirming care in the UK and in most places in Europe. The kind of care they're giving is psychiatric counseling. That's what they're doing now. They're not doing any more of this medical intervention.
Speaker 2:Yeah, which I'm really surprised at, actually, because Europe Western Europe I'm talking about has fallen. I mean, it's declined so far that they are arresting people for silently praying right now outside of, say, abortion clinics, and one after another is being accosted. If you post anything that they consider going against the government position, they call it hate speech. So I'm really surprised, in a way, tom, that they actually have actually spoken out. Now, what do you think? Why, on this one issue, are they speaking the truth, at the same time clamping down on everybody else and taking away their freedoms?
Speaker 2:Well, because this isn't a government issue, this is the medical institutions that have done this on their own because they were looking at massive lawsuits for harm against the children that must be it, because it comes down to money, Right, Because there's always, when we have this much evil rampant in, say, those Western European countries too that have fallen asleep at the wheel, who have allowed this to happen, allow freedoms just like we have in the United States. We just didn't fall as far and, by the grace of God, somehow, somehow, which surprised me but didn't surprise you Trump is back. I really saw the country you and I discussed this before as kind of 50-50, which it shouldn't be 50-50, you know, and I don't know, how much cheating goes on to get us to 50-50,.
Speaker 2:But I'll say this I thought, between the cheating and the tight race, if somebody like Kamala Harris could get that close. You know that our culture has fallen because she's promoting the trans stuff, abortions, all of these things, taking away your rights, socialism, marxism, promoting all of this right out in front of us, and we were all going along, tom. So this shows, you know, and I guess my point being we got lucky. Maybe not luck, maybe it's the grace of God, seriously, or maybe it's a last-ditch effort.
Speaker 2:There's a few people left, you know, on the right side of this issue, a few more that pushed us over the top. But if we don't get the truth down to the young people, we came off the abyss a couple of feet with Trump, but we're still battling this battle. It's intense right now. We're still staying up for the truth.
Speaker 1:We're still on the edge of the abyss, even with him coming in, and I have to say that I believe that it is God, simply, if for no other reason than the miraculous salvation of him not being killed on live tv. Yeah, yeah, that was just such a miraculous thing that he wasn't that, he wasn't it was amazing.
Speaker 2:You know and, and look at you. You were, you're in crime. You know crime, fighting for your whole life. I mean, are we going to protect him? Have we done any more? Do you think? Have you looked at that at all? I mean, I hope that we beefed up the security.
Speaker 1:Well, at least for show, I think they have. I'm not so sure that they're doing such a great job. If I was him, I'd have my own security guys. I'd hire my own people rather than trust the Secret Service. Because, this guy that's in charge of the secret service right now is a hack and it's there's too much the whole secret service has been infused with this dei political politicization that I wouldn't trust them. And I don't trust them, yeah, and I don't trust them.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and again that gets back to that Hydra. If we don't stand up for our basic principles here and stand up for the truth, you can see that your freedom will be taken away from you. You're going to be. You know when I think sometimes.
Speaker 2:You know, I see what they've done to the Chinese dissidents. You know people in communist countries. I've been studying that for a long time and I know you know those issues too, the torture that those people have gone through, some of the things that they've done. You know what they're doing today there's Falun Gong. You know there's quite a big number of them practicing that in China and of course the Chinese are cracking down on them.
Speaker 2:The amount of torture those people come out after eight, 10 years in solitary confinement. I just read last night of a woman that was her hands were handcuffed to the wall in the prison in solitary confinement in a tiny little cell, so that she could never get comfortable, that she was held high enough that she could never really sit down on the floor, so she had to squat all the time until her feet became paralyzed over time from that and torture. And you think you know how do you do this to people, right, and so my point being if that won't give you a nightmare, that's what will happen to us in these countries. You saw this in Australia, tom. I know I'm getting a little off with this.
Speaker 2:They took away their guns right and look at those people.
Speaker 1:Right, they locked it. They were going at it. Some guy goes out into the elevator and they put an all-points bulletin out for him. Right geez, this guy's put an arrest warrant out for him. It's just holy I.
Speaker 2:I remember a guy getting picked up and arrested because he was smoking a cigarette outside of his house at the wrong time and then the other story which, which is was reported, and they actually interviewed these guys.
Speaker 2:It was three guys, three dads with their kids and stuff around, and they were barbecuing outside. Yeah, they heard a woman yell a block about a block away. They saw her. They looked out, they went out to the street. They saw her being raped. The guy had a knife in his hand. They could not take the knives from that they were barbecuing with, could not take them outside their property and go after that guy. They don't have guns anymore, right right, but they could not even take a knife with them. They saw a knife in his hand and they said, okay, well, we're gonna go where, we're gonna go after that guy with no weapon, he's got a knife, he's going to kill her and us with this knife. They literally it was against the law for them to take their knife from their barbecue table outside to defend this woman. I mean, this is how crazy it gets when you don't stand up for the truth, huh.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, it's amusing that so many people want to leave the United States. That because Trump has been elected. But you know, let them go find someplace better.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah as bad as it is here, it's still. It's still the best country in the world. You know, one of the one of the issues that I think the most significant issue that we face is to get the information out to the people. The reason so many people supported Kamala Harris isn't because they liked her so much. A lot of it is because they hated Trump, but part of it also is that they're just uninformed because they've been fed information that is a lie. Uninformed because they've been fed information that is a lie. They've been fed lies about President Trump and they've been fed lies about these issues that we're facing. If there are people still running around that are wearing masks because they believe that that's going to save them, there are people that actually believe that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man, and the reason for that is that the information has been suppressed about the truth. The truth has been suppressed.
Speaker 1:I write in my article about this study that was done by Dr Johanna Olson Kennedy and several others, and it's been a longitudinal study over several years that was funded by the National Institutes of Health to the tune of $9.7 million. Their study showed that trans-affirming care doesn't help. That it's no good that it doesn't improve the situation of any child. And yet they have not reported the results of their finding, because it was contrary to what they believed, and it also was contrary to their own financial interests, because they all work for gender clinics. Yeah, the authors of the study, right, yeah, yeah, the authors of the study, right, yeah, all the authors of the study.
Speaker 2:Now think about that A conflict of interest?
Speaker 1:huh Right, so why didn't the National Institutes of Health require them to publish their results? There's been no answer to that. They simply said well, we let the researchers decide for themselves when and whether to publish the findings. Well, why would they do that? We are paying for it. It's our money. It's not the National Institutes of Health money, it's our money that's doing it. We have paid for it to find out what the results are.
Speaker 1:But this has happened over and over and over again in government-funded studies and other kinds of studies that have been done In universities. They actually suppress studies that are contrary to what the university narrative is, so that if you come up with, if you're a professor and you do a study and it goes in for peer review and the results aren't favorable to your position or to their position, they will not let you publish it. Look at who I can't think of that guy's name that was at Harvard that found a study that there wasn't any. You know, there really wasn't any police brutality against minorities. I can't think of his name. Well, he was very poorly treated by Harvard.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and finally this study has come out and he's shown this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, finally, this study has come out and he's shown this, but it was not well received by the Harvard professors.
Speaker 2:And we see this over and over again, right, I mean, the NIH knew that the COVID vaccines, again, were not effective in either preventing infection and or in transmission.
Speaker 1:They got to know this stuff. They knew still they were funding gain-of-function studies in the wuhan lab and they lied about it yeah.
Speaker 2:So again, I think this is a battle of a lifetime tom. This is a great time to be alive. We we have a little breath here with trump coming in, but I think the the there's a big danger in it, and the big danger is that we put this on trump and we put this on the people that he's bringing in to to help him, because he's bringing in some great people, man, I mean unbelievable. Like you like, if you think that that you can get excited, it's about you know, guys like like what's this? What's the cash patel?
Speaker 2:cash patel yeah yeah, I mean, you know you, you know you think of guys like this.
Speaker 2:Come in and jd vance, of course, being there one after another, jay badacharia, yeah, oh, my gosh right, you can't get it any better look at how jay was treated when, when he came out and he and he started to talk about the COVID vaccines and look at Peter McCullough and those guys you know how they were treated.
Speaker 2:So we have a ton of people that stood up, tom, in the very beginning, for the truth, that had the courage to stand up for the truth. Now, if the rest of us don't see that leadership and then stand up and speak about it you said that you might it might've been right before we came on that this needs to get out all over the country, right Through really social media, through all kinds of things. We all have to do this. We all have to raise our voices and we all have to speak to our neighbors and families and do it with common sense. Again, I don't want to be fighting with everybody, but I'm going to allow somebody to to say a lie right in front of me, I'm not going to allow someone to tell me that a boy, a little boy, can be a girl, because I see the damage.
Speaker 2:see, we're out speaking to young people all the time and I see the damage that's being caused to those people. I could not sleep at night, tom, if we don't speak the truth. So to me, these aren't issues that we're just pushing out into the waves, right into the internet. These are real issues. I see all the time. I see women that speak to me all the time about that had abortions many, many years ago. I see the damage. There's psychological damage to them and they say they were lied to. They said that baby was just biological, just a piece of tissue. They said, no, jack, that was 30 years ago for me, 40 years ago for me. I still wake up every day thinking about this.
Speaker 2:The same thing with these detransitioners that we meet, tom. What do they say? I mean, I mean, you know they're these young girls had their breasts removed and now they're looking to go. What happened? My voice has changed, my jawline is different, my hips are narrower than they should be. You know, will I ever be able to have a child? And if I do, I'll never be able to breastfeed that child, I mean. And then the last thing I'll just say to this is the pornography and you and I have spoken about this many times the amount of sexual abuse from peer to peer, because pornography is now normal, and how we treat one another and look at each other and use each other's bodies is any way we want. So you know all of this is interrelated, tom it's all interrelated.
Speaker 1:There's one of the things that is causing a lot of that with the kids is that in schools, they're teaching children that the most important thing is consent. Well, if you're teaching children that consent is what's important, then all they're going to focus on is well, it must be okay to do it. It's just the issue of consent. Yeah, and so this is whether it and consent applies to sexual activity and also to creating your own pornography. Child pornography the most child pornography that's on the internet has been produced by children themselves, and in most cases, it's been consensual. Well, it's still illegal, it's not legal and they shouldn't be doing it, and nobody, no adult, should be telling them that they can give consent when they can't.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and now those videos will be surviving on.
Speaker 1:Forever, Forever.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, hey, thomas, real quick before we go. You know your sub stack. I'll get this in the show notes, but but tell people real quickly we only got a couple of minutes left about the parents toolkit If somebody wants to know some of the things they can do and where they should look for resources.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, america First Legal came out with the Parents' Rights Toolkit and I detail it in my article. That's on Substack. It's the Parents' Rights Toolkit, the most recent one, recent one, and it tells parents how they can assert their rights under Title IX, under Title VI and under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 65, which is the PPRA, and that's the one that's most important, the PPRA for Illinois, because Illinois has incorporated most of the worst sex education requirements in the country. They were right up there with Minnesota and New York and California. And so, in order to protect your children from this ideology that is wrong and destructive, parents need to assert their rights under the PPRA to protect their children from being exposed to a lot of the material that's being taught in the schools, and they have a right to do that. Any public school that receives federal money directly or indirectly, parents can direct the education of their children and say they have to give permission for what's being taught to their child.
Speaker 2:Tom, give us your sub stack where people can look all these articles up, and also at the Illinois Family Institute.
Speaker 1:Well, just go on sub stack and look up Thomas Hampson. Is it under your name?
Speaker 2:like that, just Thomas Hampson yeah. Thomas Hampson yes, okay, when I go in there sometimes it says Thomas Hampson's letter is it? Or is it just Thomas Hampson?
Speaker 1:Could be newsletter, thomas Hampson's newsletter. I don't know, I think that's the way most of them are, aren't they? I don't know? I think that's the way most of them are, aren't they? I don't know, I don't know how to set these things up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just find out.
Speaker 2:I love your articles. People should get them. I mean, they're all good. People are going to learn a lot of information. You know just what to do and how to do it, and so I'll get that in the show notes. And then, of course, dot com, dot org, dot org.
Speaker 1:It's Illinois family dot org.
Speaker 2:Illinois family dot org. And you can just go under Tom Hampson. You can look up the articles there. Plus, there's articles from a lot of wonderful authors on that site also. So, tom, thank you so much. Thanks for taking the time. Thanks everybody, thanks for joining us. Talk to you again soon. Bye-bye.
Speaker 1:Bye again soon, bye-bye, bye.