Become Who You Are
What’s the meaning and purpose of my life? What is my true identity? Why were we created male and female? How do I find happiness, joy and peace? How do I find love that lasts, forever? These are the timeless questions of the human heart. Join Jack Rigert and his guests for lively insights, reading the signs of our times through the lens of Catholic Teaching and the insights of Saint John Paul ll to guide us.
Saint Catherine of Siena said "Become who you are and you would set the world on fire".
Become Who You Are
# 553 From Broken Roads to Freedom: Amber and Mark Archer on Faith-Focused Filmmaking and Societal Change
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From battling inner demons to founding a Christ-centered filmmaking ministry, Amber and Mark Archer's journey is nothing short of transformative. Their starkly contrasting upbringings—Mark's in a Christian home and Amber's in a tumultuous, faithless environment—converge at a point of redemption, igniting a shared mission to create films with a biblical perspective. We dive into the stories behind their impactful documentaries, like "The Mind Polluters," which challenges graphic sex education and its links to pornography addiction, and "Inwood Drive," a gripping narrative of a local abortionist. Through divine guidance, Amber and Mark shed light on crucial societal issues, aiming to inspire awareness and change.
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As filmmakers navigating the turbulent waters of societal transformation, Amber and Mark discuss the notion of spiritual warfare and moral complexities that confront us today. With projects like "Dysphoria," and "Title IX," they explore the transgender movement and its ties to ideological underpinnings, urging parents to safeguard their children amidst these cultural shifts. Their storytelling approach uncovers unsettling truths, fostering a sense of urgency for individuals to stand firm in their beliefs and actively participate in societal change. Through powerful narratives, they reveal how rejecting God can manifest evil, emphasizing the importance of choosing good over evil.
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I'm excited and grateful to be joined by Amber and Mark Archer, a husband and wife filmmaking team with over 30 years of combined experience in the motion picture industry. Founders of Fearless Features, a Christ-centered filmmaking ministry creating movies about the issues impacting our society and culture from a biblical perspective. They said we are on a mission to educate, motivate and inspire others to get involved in their local communities and stand for biblical truth. Amber and Mark welcome.
Speaker 2:Hey, thanks for having us.
Speaker 1:You know. First of all, let's start out by thanking you for your work. I'm very familiar with the mind polluters especially. We do a presentation called Stolen Innocence, which tries to wake parents and communities up to what's going on in the culture, and we've used clips from the mind polluters and the quotes from there. It's just exceptional. But before we do that, I'd love our audience to get to know you just a little bit and just tell us a little bit about your journey, how you met, how you got the courage first of all, and decided to found a Christ-centered filmmaking ministry Not easy in today's culture or climate, if it ever was. So maybe one of you start there, will you, do you?
Speaker 3:want to start, or shall I oh go ahead?
Speaker 1:Who saw who first right? Who caught whose eye first? That's where we'll start.
Speaker 3:Let me roll back a little before that. Yeah, thank you. We grew up very differently.
Speaker 3:I grew up in a Christian home and in a good church and went to a Christian school and came to the Lord early in life. And Amber grew up quite the opposite of that a house that was not Christian home and not a lot of godly counsel, if you will. And so I got out of high school and went into film and television. I actually got my start in the church because the church had a very large television ministry, and so I started running a camera when I was just a teenager, and so when I was done with high school, I was ready to get into the industry. I started freelancing, but this was you get into the industry. I started freelancing, but this was, you know, the early 90s in indiana, so it wasn't like we had youtube and things like that, so it was a tough business.
Speaker 1:so I, so that's where you're originally from, mark. Are you both from indiana? Yeah?
Speaker 3:yeah, we were in fort wayne.
Speaker 3:Indiana is our home okay and so I I had a career fairly early on making making films. I uh made movies that went to the sundance film festival and then, yeah, started a career, got to start directing and working with a lot of pretty interesting people and took me all around the world, made a pretty much a mess of my life and in my early 30s, was pretty much a broken man and found myself one night basically feeding my my sex and pornography addiction. I had really run from the lord. For many years I I had been in a very short marriage that ended in a in a very bitter divorce, and I was just a broken man. I knew that I had made a mess of things, but I wasn't ready to fix them yet. And so I found myself one night at a gentleman's club and went out by myself to drink and, and that's where I met my wife, who was working there and isn't it something? Because she had not grown up with a christian environment and she was not in the lord yet.
Speaker 2:But so when I we started talking and I pursued her time out just for a second Amber, who was a drug addict, alcoholic stripper, in and out of jail, house arrest, community service, I mean, you name it, I was doing it. So a really broken background and history. And that's when we met Isn't that something huh Two broken roads that the Lord brought together.
Speaker 3:Yeah, two broken roads that the Lord brought together. And you know, despite the shamefulness, really, of where we both were when we met and we started dating, and the Lord started to knit us together and it became obvious pretty quickly that, while I was trying to ignore the Lord, the Lord was calling her and she had a real desire to go to church and to learn about scripture. She, she, she had a lot of questions, and so we found ourselves going to church one morning and and we almost left. But then I remembered that my dad taught a class upstairs and so we went upstairs and everyone there was shocked to see me there. Of course, they had been praying for the prodigal for many years and, and I have this, this mystery woman, with me and, and very quickly that influence led to the Lord calling her and calling me back to him, and then we decided it was time to get serious and we planned our wedding and got married, and now we are doing this. So she got drafted into the business when we started.
Speaker 1:Yes, Go ahead, Amber.
Speaker 2:No, I was going to say, you know, the working in the club was very short-lived after I met Mark. It was not compatible or conducive to any sort of relationship, and so that was ended right and I spent five years doing that, and so I was heavily into that scene and the Lord, it was interesting because during that time I was on my way home from a night shift and there was a yard sign for this new startup church that was happening at the local movie theater and I thought, oh, I'm going to go, for whatever reason I'm like, I'm going to go. I found peace going into churches because I was such a mess and I was just, I was desperate. I was desperate Every time I saw people who went to church.
Speaker 2:They always were smiling and they were joyful and I so desperately wanted that. And so, you know, I would go by myself and I made it a regular routine. On Sunday mornings after work I would go to church and, lo and behold, in a movie theater of all places, and then here I am meeting this man who makes movies. The lord has a sense of humor.
Speaker 1:I just yeah, he does so, so, so. So I just want to delve in there a little bit. What, what was, what was? What was your heart that that was? Was there anything specific, or was that? Was it the piece that you you're describing?
Speaker 2:I was really at rock bottom, I mean in and out of jail, and I just couldn't get it together and I so desperately wanted freedom and what I saw on people who went to church, because I also have a twin sister and so she and I, who also took the same similar path that I did early on but got out of it right away. But we would often go and visit different churches just sporadically, randomly on any given Sunday. But when she started her life and I kept on with mine, I still found peace and comfort, Even though I was alone. I needed to go and find I was seeking.
Speaker 2:I desperately wanted to play in the freedom that I saw that other people had and I wanted to know what it was yeah, yeah, you know that's such a beautiful story.
Speaker 1:You know it really is. You know, if we listen, you know there's always that seeking right, there's always that desire. You know we call it reason, that reason that seeks the truth. Unfortunately, you know, in those lifestyles sometimes you have to hit rock bottom. But but you know, I remember Russell Brand saying that. He said you know, I've been blessed by hitting rock bottom and having so many addictions. He said some people, you know, never actually find what they're looking for. But I had no. He said no, I had no alternative.
Speaker 2:You know, and it sounds like when you got nothing to lose. You're just whatever.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, now you flip it around and now you're doing the Lord's work. I mean it's amazing work that you're doing. Tell us a little bit about that work especially. Maybe we could focus on the mind polluters, because I realize that so well. I'll do just a little intro here on it. It's really a powerful documentary and it reveals the graphic, comprehensive sex ed and social emotional learning being forced on children of all ages. You know, I really see the pornography addictions coming out of this. It's amazing and I'd love to get your comment on, first, how you put that documentary together, but also when I'm presenting, a lot of people get caught up in the LBGTQ issues and stuff. But really what you focused on so well is going underneath that and seeing that there's a mass production of pornography being revealed to these young minds and that's where stolen innocence came from. You take the innocence of a child and you just twist and distort it. It's really nefarious. And again, thank you for that film. But tell us a little bit more about that, will you?
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, I guess you have to back up a little bit. So when we started our filmmaking ministry in 2017, we did two personal testimonies of people coming to faith in the Lord and powerful. They were shared you know online. But the Lord was really working on both of us and we weren't sure. We just knew that the Lord was calling us and using the gifts and talents that he's given us, you know, to reach more people, and we thought that it was just going to be, you know online telling personal testimonies.
Speaker 2:And then you know, I told Mark in, it was, you know, 2018, you know. So we did these two. It was a year into this new venture that we really felt the Lord calling us to, and I, mark and I, get up super early in the morning. Since we've been together since we first got together, we get up and we read scripture together, we pray and read and study, and so I'm talking 3, 3.30 in the morning, and so we're up one morning and I just looked at him and I said you know, I think we're supposed to be making movies.
Speaker 2:And it was interesting because he had walked away from filmmaking for three and a half years to go finish his engineering degree, and so we weren't actually sure. You know, stepping back into this, we're like is the Lord really calling us back to this or is this really what we're doing? And he just looked at me and quickly said I know the first film we're going to make because the Lord's been working on me too, and it's going to be Inwood Drive. Well, inwood Drive was about our local abortionist who was shut down here in Indiana, and we were the only ones to ever interview this man and we were telling this epic battle that happened here in our local hometown. He dies and they find over 2,411 fetal remains in his home.
Speaker 1:So you interviewed him.
Speaker 2:In his clinic George Popper.
Speaker 1:Yes, holy cow.
Speaker 2:So this became this international story, you know and we're like oh, my gosh Lord, this is why you called us to this, I mean all the Lord's timing and it really was, I mean cause there were so many, so many times along that journey of making and producing Inwood Drive that were like why are we doing this? Is the Lord really calling us to this? And then, lo and behold, you know, all of these pieces start getting into place. And so, after we finished inward drive, because we went back into production to include the burial of the babies and because they had to be shipped back to indiana, and can I just ask you quick, what was the impetus to to interview him previous to that, because that's pretty amazing that you actually had an interview with him.
Speaker 2:And he speaks for himself in the film.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so, whoa, I have to go back and look at that. Yeah, so one of the key players in that film is a doctor, an OBGYN, named Jeff Kley, and you have to watch the film, read the book basically to to really understand. It would take a while to fully explain the whole interaction there, but I was. I was talking with jeff doing a pre-interview. So you know, you generally try to talk to people somewhat before you bring the camera and you want to know, say this is what we want to talk about, and we don't give people questions ahead of time. We just say, you know, in general, this is your part of the story, so we're going to have you talk about that.
Speaker 3:And I was talking to Jeff and he looked at me and he said so, are you going to talk to Klopfer? Because the story was about Klopfer and I, to be honest, I had thought about it, but I didn't want to talk to him. And I thought, well, I don't know how to get a hold of him, I guess we can't right. And I said, well, you know I would if he would talk to me, but he won't and he goes, I'll give you his phone number. So he gave me Klopfer's phone number.
Speaker 2:So, uh, now we got the abortionist on speed dial, right. So now.
Speaker 3:So I came home and I kind of paced around a little bit and then I called him and nobody answered. I left him a message and then immediately he called me back and I basically told him who we were. And I and I was very nice as nice as you can be when you're talking to a mass murderer and I said we're making a movie about you and and what happened to you and how you got shut down, and I'm willing to listen and let you speak for yourself in the film. And he was very cordial and said well, sure, you want to come in, we'll talk. And so we set it up for the next week to go in and talk to him. So we went in. The two of us went in and met him in his clinic, which had been shut down for five years, but he would still make his rounds, he would sleep in his clinic. That was really cow.
Speaker 3:And so we went in and he wouldn't let us. You went in with no bodyguards or anything, right, it's just the two of you. So he wouldn't let us bring a camera in, but he let us record audio. And so we went in and sat down with him and basically said well, what do you want to tell us? And he just started, just started talking, and what he told us was even more bizarre than what we thought. And and so he, when you watch in, would drive and there's a companion book to it because there's even more to the story of him that we couldn't fit into the film, so did you write the book also I did.
Speaker 3:Yeah, oh, wow. And when you watch the film and listen to him, he he reveals that his reasoning for for being an abortionist goes all the way back to being five years old in dresden when the allies firebombed dresden in world war ii and basically he was taking revenge on America for all of the death and destruction.
Speaker 1:Holy cow.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Amazing, amazing, amazing. And here here in, in, in, in. Look at in in a twisted weird way. Is that stolen innocence again? You know, something happened to the mind there and how, wow, how evil can come in, huh and his and his dad was a nazi scientist too.
Speaker 3:his dad worked developing nerve gas agents for the execution chambers at auschwitz and and if you, if you want to go down the rabbit hole research an operation cia operation, post--world War II called Operation Paperclip, and that's how Klopfer and his family came to America. He was an Operation Paperclip scientist. So this is where we brought all the Nazi scientists to America. This is how we got our space program. This is how we built up a lot of our defense industry. After we, after we got in there and then, instead of you know, killing them or putting them in prison, we said, hey, we'll give you a free pass if you come and do that for us. And that is how Klopp forgot here.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:But he carried that Nazi mindset that that daddy gave him, and probably yeah well that's fascinating.
Speaker 1:And now so, so that that book and and we'll get you know, we'll make sure we we put it in the, in the show notes. You know where to get all this, because that's fascinating I I had no idea that, that that inward drive was based on, on all, so thank you for sharing that.
Speaker 2:Well, and so that's the first one. And you asked about the mind polluters. So as we wrapped up Inwood Drive and we were just praying and asking the Lord, you know, where are we going next, the thing that kept coming back to us over and over again, because we began asking the questions like, especially with the issue of abortion, why are all of these young children? Because we saw an unbelievable amount of young girls through the termination of pregnancy reports that we got from Indiana. So many young girls were opting for abortion. And so we're going why, what? What is causing this? What? What is this push?
Speaker 2:And then that led us to education, and so we started heavily researching education and what was being taught in there. And then that's where we come to find Alfred Kinsey and you know. And now the social, emotional learning and accepting all of these things, and and so that's where the mind polluters really. Because it was really just, we watched an episode on Glenn Beck of global grooming. I shared it to my personal Facebook page and one of our local representatives here in Indiana said hey, amber, we're having a conference up here. You and Mark should think about coming.
Speaker 2:And then we're like, yeah, we don't do conferences, and so, but the Lord, just kept you know adamant, you know doors kept opening, we kept getting connections, like weird connections to people and we're going what, why, how do you Like, whatever?
Speaker 1:And so we went and and that's an interesting thing, you're saying that if you pay attention, that you that that God will bring those connections into your life. Right, good, I'm sorry for interrupting, but it's just beautiful.
Speaker 2:No, it's okay, because we recognize it too. We know if we're going in the right direction. The Lord is always either he's going to close the door, he's going to open it, he's going to guide and lead you where he wants you to go. And so we knew there were too many things, too many doors opening and connections happening. We're like this is bizarre. And so we went and met a lot of people and when we left the conference we both just kind of looked at each other. We were shocked because, like most parents, we had zero idea that this was even happening through public education, like horrified that these things were even being presented to children and so did you have children in school at that time?
Speaker 2:then we did ourselves okay, we did not in public education, our kids are in private education but nonetheless we have friends and children who our kids play with. It's in the culture.
Speaker 1:It's in the culture. It's in the culture, you know, yeah.
Speaker 3:So the same reaction that people have when they first watch the mind polluters, and it's that disbelief it is disbelief.
Speaker 1:You know, we I sometimes I have to to to pause and let people take a deep breath, because what you say in the opener and everybody should watch this what you say in the opener, Mark, is, I think people don't want to know what's going on, because then they have to do something you said something like that, right? Then they're going to have to take an action, and maybe that's what you're afraid of. You say, and I think that's very, very true we almost don't want to see what's going on, which is sad really, because these are our children, you know well, we had the same reaction when she what she's describing.
Speaker 3:At that conference we were so appalled shocked, because what you see in the mind polluters is what we were listening to at the conference, to at the conference, you know, with the people who are in the film. Audrey Werner, for example, was reading from these books and Debbie de graff de graff was it there and she was reading from these books, and we were just shocked in absolute disbelief and all the the whole drive home just going this can't be real. This is the now. There's something. I'm not. They're taking something out of context, right? So all the things that we hear people saying when they watch conspiracy theory huh, mark, yeah, how we felt, but.
Speaker 3:But it took us a few months of researching and we're going. Not only is this real, it's even worse than what they said in the conference, because there's only so much they can say yeah you know in one setting and then. So the even worse part is what you see in the film yeah, yeah yeah, well, it was.
Speaker 1:It's really something when you do that and you're exactly right. Sometimes you have to give that to people in bits and pieces, because they are, they are shocked, and and then you have to give them an action plan, don't you? But let's talk about some of those things that are exposed in there. What we find is right now, and first of all, I always think, who would go after young children like that? I think that's almost where you have to start and understand that this is a spiritual battle. The same battle that you were describing in your own lives, in your own hearts, is a spiritual battle within all of us. And just like this doctor, the abortion doctor you talked about, either you get redeemed. Either you find the light, like you did, or you don't, and we see that all the time.
Speaker 1:If I reject God myself, I guess we all stand at the tree in some sense, don't we? The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and we have to make our own decision. When you do reject God again, you bring evil into the world. Your heart is revealed, manifest in the culture and the things that you do, or you bring good and and what are you seeing there? Because I you know it's amazing we have this election coming up. You know there's a lot of moving pieces, but but do you see it? I, I would assume you do it's a spiritual warfare going on here oh, absolutely oh, absolutely.
Speaker 3:And then the more that you study it and and you know, when we did the, the film that we did after the mind polluters, dysphoria, and then the spinoff of that is called title nine, which just we just released. In those films there's so much more that you want to tell people about the spiritual warfare side of things. But you realize we realized with the mind polluters that there's only so much that you can tell people. I mean, for starters, it has to fit into how can you tell it in a, in an engaging story, right? So you got to keep their attention. That's, that's part of the art of it. So there's, there's decisions like that, but there is so much more going on than we can reveal in. You know, in a 90 to 120 minute film, and with dysphoria especially, there's so much and dysphoria has proven to be one of the films that people are. If you're shocked by the mind polluters, you'll be on the floor watching dysphoria because it's so heavy but it's so necessary.
Speaker 1:So talk about dysphoria a little bit. Dysphoria is exposing the transgender movement. It is Okay, so, so, so, gender dysphoria, yeah, yeah, and, and and how do you correlate that? Or, or you say it's even getting worse. I mean, we're taking something like the mind clueless and the stolen innocence and actually twisting it and distorting it even more. Huh.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so in dysphoria we go into the communist roots of all and how the gender dysphoria movement, if, if you will, is only a step on the plan, it's not the end game. The end game is transhumanism. And because, if you can, if you can decouple people, if you can decouple people from biological sex, then you can decouple them from their humanity completely. And you can decouple them from their humanity completely and you can decouple them from humanity, then you get what we're starting to see, where people don't believe anything anymore. And I can be anything I want. I can be a furry, right, I can. I can, I can be a, a dog and and it's it's sheer insanity being normalized.
Speaker 3:And this is all part of the communist plan for America that was read into the congressional record in the U S back in 1963. And so we talk about that and then we show people how it's being manifested. You know here it is and here's, here's how, how it's being brought to bear on society, by showing them things that they have seen in current events antifa riots, black lives, matter, globalism. You know all of this and how. It's basically out in the open if you just look for it. It's out of the open and it's even harder for people to comprehend because it's to Christians. It's so bizarre and it's so unspeakably evil, you know?
Speaker 1:to Christians, though in reality it shouldn't be as bizarre as to a secular population. You know, I mean we—but here's the thing, and here's the point I think and you're making it so well is that we finally wake up and say, whoa, yeah, the Bible is real.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's like you know, I hope this doesn't sound bad, but in a way I kind of like this being exposed. You know, look, I'm against evil, obviously, but I like the idea that it's all in the open. I mean, I think you know we're at a point in history and you know, in the story of providence, that god has been revealing to us. That's saying, I don't know what's going to happen, but this is getting pretty close to something big, do you? You obviously feel that when you're making these types of uh films and documentaries, right?
Speaker 3:we're on a rescue mission, yeah I mean time is short, yeah well, and we said we time is short and and we have said even from the beginning, when we, when we first started Fearless Features, I remember even saying to my dad one evening I said, you just feel this urgency and I think, the more that you are aware of these things and the more you study it, it's almost as if you can hear the thunder in the distance. You can hear, you can feel the storm approaching and as Christians, you realize that that storm, you know what the storm is. Jesus told us that these times would come things that go from bad to worse and bad to worse wars and rumors of wars. And that's where we're at now. We don't know the Lord's timing, but we know the signs and and so, like she said we're, we're on a rescue mission. We, we feel this almost desperation every day to try to empower parents, especially to rescue their children. I can't rescue every child, but I can empower you to rescue your children.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know, I was speaking to a group to that point not so long ago and I said you know, we sense this train wreck coming. And I said a lot of you won't do anything until the train wreck comes for you. And I said how many people in this audience haven't already had that train wreck come into their door? Porn addictions? You mentioned alcoholism, children out of wedlock, abortions and the twisting and distorting of their own children's minds. I mean story after story. I had a woman on Sunday so I gave this talk still in a church on Sunday and I revealed some weak, just like you did.
Speaker 1:You tell your own story and then it opens up other people to tell their story. And this woman stood up toward the end and she was just crying. She was able to speak properly but she was crying. You see the tears coming down. And she said my brother is 26 years old, he lives with me, he's an alcoholic. He was, he was abused. We found out by our family member when he was eight years old and he said but I have all girls and he's getting to the point now where he sees what's going on with those girls' lives and it's starting to make him say I have to be a man, I have to do something to help my nieces and to bring something good into the world. So maybe this will be the spark, you know. But I think that's what you're doing with your films. I think you're waking people up, you know, and hopefully they take a stance. Then, right, they take an action, and I think that your courage helps us to do that, and the witnesses that you're bringing in.
Speaker 2:It's just giving people the confidence to understand these issues and talk about them with confidence, with boldness, knowing and understanding it through the lens of scripture. Because I think a lot of times we can sit here and see and know the signs of the times and what's happening, but unfortunately, what we run across more often than not is that we are dealing with a biblically illiterate church, to say the least, and that's across America. I'm talking Big C Church, I'm not just talking one individual.
Speaker 1:And you're speaking Amber of people that actually go to church, that don't know the Bible I am.
Speaker 2:I read something. I don't know the Bible I am I read something.
Speaker 1:I don't know if you read the same thing and I don't know if it's how accurate it is. It seemed it was really bad, but it was 8%. They said 8% of Christians are biblically literate. I mean, that sounds really low to me and I haven't checked that number.
Speaker 2:I would say that's probably right. I would say that's the Lord's remnant and I would say you know, there are fewer and fewer people who and the reason I say that is because there are so many people if you actually knew and understood who Jesus Christ was and what he did for you, have no fear going out into the world to proclaim the truth.
Speaker 1:I just got goosebumps when you said that yeah, yeah, yeah, but.
Speaker 2:I'm saying you see what I mean, because so often when we present these things to people, our films, and then we ask to go to a church to help educate other Christians. I'm sorry, you're not welcome here, I'm sorry. Quick phone call.
Speaker 1:Oh yes, we get that all the time. You know I'm not invited back and we're just speaking biblical truths. Biblical truths you can just get through. Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 pretty much clears up the way we're supposed to be created, right, yeah, but they won't let you get that far. It's amazing that you would say that Isn't that something? Yeah.
Speaker 1:And then we see how many churches have, look it, embraced this dysphoria that you said, mark, right, I mean gender dysphoria, I mean the lbgtq have accepted this right into their churches. You know, I'm catholic and there's even catholics for abortion now, and you just go. How can that be right? And so that this, this gets is what makes me nervous about the election coming up. We have so many of those people that are just, you know they're sitting with that proverbial frog, but not in hot water, but in a sludge of moral relativism, right, and they don't see clearly. And that's what, again, I think that's what your work does. It's cutting through this and exposing people to this. It's really important what you're doing. What is Title IX? Then gets into women's issues and women's rights and how that's being distorted too.
Speaker 3:Yeah, title IX is. It's a. It's a spinoff of dysphoria we had. We had so much in dysphoria. Dysphoria is two hours and 12 minutes long and there was a whole other film in there that we basically had to edit out for time, and that basically what title nine is.
Speaker 1:so it's that's not easy to do, is it when you're trying to? I, you know, I, you know, I even just I'm writing an article and trying to get rid of stuff right, yeah hard, hard to do, yeah so you have it all going on in here, right, mark and amber, and you just want to get it out, but I gotta got to wait till next film, right yeah?
Speaker 3:So it deals specifically with the Title IX changes that the Biden-Harris administration has been trying to do to just force this onto everyone, and so we talk about what that is, explain that and then go into what is the real agenda here, and the real agenda here is to normalize pedophilia.
Speaker 3:That's, that's what this is really all about. Wow, we present the evidence to that effect and and jeff younger, who's in dysphoria, does such a great job, in title nine, of explaining this process of how the left manufactures scientific fact, and then we show as he explains it, and then we show how it's being done currently. And what they are manufacturing as scientific fact now is normalization of pedophilia. That's the next play.
Speaker 1:You can't make this up, but we know this from the Jeffrey. What's his name?
Speaker 2:Epstein.
Speaker 1:Epstein. Yeah, thank you, amber, jeffrey Epstein. I mean, you know, right, if we uncovered this, you would just see what happens Again. It's this twisting and distortion where we go after the innocence of children again. You know, I heard Laura Logan the other day say that why do we do this? Why do we go after children? I'd like to get your opinion on this. She said because they're closest to God. You know, that purity about them.
Speaker 1:Is that the way you feel with this? I mean, and again, you know it's nefarious enough, I guess, to twist and distort their minds, right, but when you think that you're really going after God when you do this, I mean that's the bottom line that you know. Everything that you're talking about here, from abortions all the way through, it's an anti creation. You know God creates and every time he said it's good, it's good, it's good, and then finally man and woman, it's very good, and what Satan looks like he's doing is the anti-creation. You know, just twists and distort. And see how much humanity, mark, when you're talking about communism, you know, and coming down, it's really, I mean, an easy way to explain it sometimes to people. It's just atheism, right, attack Christ and the church, attack marriage and the family and those young people, and you could. You know that's, that's the big picture, right is. Is this coming down to us?
Speaker 3:yeah, well, and and communism really is it. And the sad thing is that when you study communism and their goals and and they've achieved virtually all of them, and one of them was take over the schools Well, they've done that. And so now when you, when you talk about communism, talk about, you know, anarcho, anarcho communism, which is Antifa and fascism, things like that People get glassy eyed and they go okay, whatever, because they took over the schools and they stopped teaching about these things, so they don't even know what it is anymore. So they, when you start talking about all the isms, then you start losing people.
Speaker 3:But you know, we, we've talked, we were just talking the other day on our podcast about how really you know, you can't go to the Lord and ask him to help you to grow and then complain when he gives you weights to lift. Right, if you go to a personal trainer and you say I want to grow stronger, what do we do? We expect something called resistance training. That's where they pile weights on of increasing weight, increasing mass, and you lift them to the point that you can't anymore and then you do one more on top of that. Right, that's resistance training. It breaks down your muscles, it rips them, it sometimes causes injury, it hurts and you have to recover and you have to be fed correctly in order to grow that muscle back.
Speaker 3:Well, that being fed correctly is you need to be in the word, and so you know, we, we say to the lord I want to be stronger, but what we really want is for it to be easier instead of get so. If we want to be stronger, he's going to pile on the weights and we should stop complaining about it. And when we, when we put our films out, that's kind of. It's kind of given us this new focus, this new image of kind of what we do. We're like Hans and Franz from Saturday Night Live right, we pump up, so we bring the weights and go get ready. We're going to sweat now we're going to give you some stuff that's heavy to carry, but the Lord told us to bear one another's burdens.
Speaker 3:Yes but the Lord told us to bear one another's burdens. So when we bring these stories and people will say to us the reason they don't want to watch our films is because, well, I can't handle it. There's nothing I can do about it. Anyway, I'm sorry, christian, that's not an option for you. You are committed to bear one another's burdens and we all grow stronger by bearing these burdens. Together we can move mountains. If we would all just bear the burdens.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and we forget and you've made it very clear here that when I make a little action, it's not just Jack making a little action. I mean God is the one that's going to make the connections for us. So my little action in the world has, has a power to it, because it's not just my action, I'm just the intermediary right, I'm just the messenger and let God do the work. But we see that the culture and all these forces are really St Paul calls it the powers and the principalities. Right, we're no longer dealing with the flesh, he said, with just human persons.
Speaker 1:And you see this because people will say how can all of this be orchestrated, right From the World Economic Forum, the WHO, all the way down to our little guys in the school? How could this all be? And you say, well, you know, it's the powers and the principalities. There's an orchestra leader out there. You say, well, you know, it's the powers and the principalities. There's an orchestra leader out there, you know, and he has these anti-creation in mind. You know, and, man, you can see those forces. Look at. I know you guys are on a timetable, but as we unwrap this, what are we going to put in the show notes as far as the best place they can take a look at the films. As far as the best place they can take a look at the films Is the only book that you wrote on Inward Drive, you guys? Or did you write other books along with it? The only ones so far?
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:We've had people ask if there are going to be companion books for each of the films and I think I have another one.
Speaker 1:Maybe a study guide, you know right, Just a study guide.
Speaker 3:I have another book in the works.
Speaker 1:It's it's stalled right now, so okay well, you're doing enough, so so where's what's the website that we should go to? And and I, and I know for myself, I, you know, I bought the, the dvds, but I know a lot of people will your your lives. You can stream it now, too, right into.
Speaker 2:Everything is available at fearlessfeaturesorg and there you can see all of the films you can. Let's say, there's blog posts, there's archives of our podcast, so a lot of the podcasts that we have interviewed over the years and even more in-depth conversation and information than what's shared a lot of the times through the movies okay, and so they can get the still, the dvds and and or yep, they're all available on the website okay, good, good.
Speaker 1:And where should? Where should they start? Mark, if I, if I, if I haven't looked at any of this before and I'm going to go into the first one, which one should I start? Mark, if I haven't looked at any of this before and I'm going to go into the first one, which one should I start with?
Speaker 2:Well, you should ask yourself what's the most pressing issue that the Lord has put on your heart.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's a good point, that's a great point.
Speaker 2:There's abortion. There's the social-emotional learning and comprehensive sex ed through the mind polluters. There's transgenderism, through dysphoria, and then Title IX. If you're looking at laws and things that are going on, title IX is a great one. So I think just whatever the Lord is calling you to individually, because we're all called to something different and we all have a part to play One body, many parts.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Last question for you how are you feeling about this upcoming election Any ideas? How are you feeling about this upcoming election Any ideas? Because you're looking at this big picture again. Yeah, and I think this is really a spiritual battle going on right now up here, all the way through, not only at the national election, but all the way through the school boards. But I'm more focused right now when I ask that question on the national election Any sense of where this could land?
Speaker 2:All I'll say is the Lord's will will be done. Regardless of what happens, the Lord's will will be done.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I would add to that. I would remind Christians that you are not voting for a pastor. So enough with this. You know I don't like him because of this and therefore I'm not. I've heard enough of that and that's. That's absurd.
Speaker 3:I like the way rob mccoy put it when we were interviewing him for dysphoria and and he spoke to this and he said I'm tired of hearing people say I, I don't, I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. Well, I'm sorry, unless jesus himself is on the ballot, you're always voting for the lesser of two evils. Yeah, so the lord will not hold any of us guiltless for things that we, the actions that we take or the actions that we don't take. What it will be, as, as she said, it's going to be what the lord has ordained one way or the other. But we still have a responsibility. Yeah, we do do our part and leave the results to the lord. And I, the. The thing that I fear the most is not necessarily I mean I, I I would be horrified if harris wins, but that's not what I fear the most. What? What I fear the most? What I would fear the most is that Trump would win and the church would go back to sleep because their 401ks are back. I've had that thought too.
Speaker 1:I almost have this feeling in divine providence that if God cares about us, he's going to let this thing, just like we described earlier, hit rock bottom so that we start to figure out who bounces. You know right, either be hot or cold, he said, but lukewarm, I will spew you out, you know, and hey, god bless you. Thank you so much for that. I really appreciate it. It's such a joy to you know. I feel like I knew you ahead of time from your films and from talking about you, but to meet you in person has been a real honor, and keep up the good work, and I hope everybody gets a chance to visit your website and take a look at the work that you're doing. It's fantastic.
Speaker 3:We appreciate it. Thank you for the time.
Speaker 1:Hey, God bless you. Thanks everyone, Thanks for joining us today.